Who are fruit flies? How do flies appear in the house?

Who are fruit flies? How do flies appear in the house?
Who are fruit flies? How do flies appear in the house?

Drosophila, small flies, can appear in the house even because of the left half-eaten apple or a piece of watermelon. How do fruit flies appear if the windows are closed, everything is clean in the house, there is no dampness? And how can they know that there is a watermelon in the house? But the most interesting thing is that these uninvited guests can be found in your apartment even in winter.

how do fruit flies appear
how do fruit flies appear

Annoying Drosophila. How do flies appear in the house?

Drosophili - the exact translation from Latin of the expression "loving moisture." These insects belong to the family of fruit flies and are typical representatives of the order of dipterous short-whiskered insects. Their size is 2.3 mm. In general, there is a huge variety of Drosophila species, each of which prefers to settle in any one region. Most species of these small insects are found only where there is a person.

Insects prefer to eat flower nectar, birch, oak, pine sap, rotting vegetables and fruits, wine, beer wort, milk, they do not disdain rottencactus. These flies eat anything that has yeast cells. Adults eat and lay eggs.

how do fruit flies appear
how do fruit flies appear

Drosophila in the house? How do insects appear, and what to do to get rid of flies? This insect has a very short cycle of turning into a fly from an egg, usually taking up to 10 days. The larvae molt three times and turn into a pupa. At first, the larva remains on the surface of the food, but gradually deepens inside, where it lives until pupation. Therefore, to the question: "Drosophila flies - where do they come from?" - you can answer: "From food." When pupation occurs in the nutrient medium, a fly flies out, which, on the second day, is able to begin to multiply. One female can lay up to 1,500 eggs during her lifetime, and she lives for one to two months.

Distribution of Drosophila

Insects live in damp and dark places. These flies are most active after sunrise and during sunset. They do not fly very well, so they can cover no more than 190 meters in a day. Therefore, to the question: “Drosophila flies - how do they appear?” - you can answer for sure that they do not fly from afar to the smell of food, they are simply incapable of it.

In the south, flies can live in vineyards and orchards, in factories producing fruit juices, wines, vinegar. Drosophila are often found in the canned juice and fruit factory. They may travel with the products being transported.

In nature, Drosophila pupae overwinter in the ground, which is rich in rotted organic matter. However, they can overwinternext to a person, in the same wine warehouses or factories, in other places with high temperatures, where outbreaks of breeding flies are often seen.

where do fruit flies come from
where do fruit flies come from

And when fruit flies flock to a rotten apple in a house, it means that they were already in the house, just a person did not notice it. So, fruit flies - how do they appear in the apartment? Insect eggs can get into the house with brought vegetables or fruits, earth on shoes or in animal hair. It is not uncommon for fruit flies to make their nests in houseplant soil.

And in general, a person's apartment is a feeder for fruit flies and larvae. After all, it is worth leaving a trash can in the house for an extra day or not washing it, spilling wine, milk or beer on the floor, pouring tea leaves on a flower - wait for a small fly to visit.
