In our country, it has always been difficult to go against the opinion of the current government. Opposition in any form in Russia is doomed to failure, for some reason the people laugh and do not follow the loners who oppose the government. But there is one organization in the state that, by its activities, does not claim to change power, but seeks to smooth out and prevent authoritarian influence on society, young people and the Russian consciousness. This is the Free Historical Society. This organization includes prominent and recognized scientists from all over Russia, their goal is to prevent the authorities from putting history at the service of ideology and politics.

General information
The fact that this is a Free Historical Society, the people learned in 2014, when a group of professional historians announced the creation of the "Association for the Promotion of the Development and Dissemination of Historical Knowledge." Their main position is built on the fullindependence from the influence of official state bodies. They wanted to write and distribute educational literature without a touch of political order, to educate young people not only in the vein of love for the current government, but also with a message to develop their own, independent opinion.
The charter and manifesto of the organization were created, which spelled out the main criteria for the work of its members, rights and obligations. The main goal is to create a critically thinking society, to teach a person to make decisions regardless of the opinions of the majority. Members of the Free Historical Society expressed concern about the growing chaos in the interpretation of historical events. Free access to documents on the Internet has given rise to a whole current of obscurantist understanding of history.
Also, the organization has set itself the goal of finding and bringing to light pseudoscientific and imaginary professors with fake diplomas and dissertations. Scientists were seriously concerned about the large number of random people in science discrediting it in the eyes of the public.

At the first meeting of the Free Historical Society, the principles of the work of its members were deduced, a manifesto was written and published. The assembled representatives of historical and related sciences decided to create an organization that will never seek support from either government departments or political parties. They called into their society everyone who cares about the true history of their country, those who are in one way or another connected with the study.past.
The members of a free society set themselves the following tasks:
- shape the humanities in such a way as to inspire the confidence of the people;
- to make efforts to unite specialists in this field from different regions of Russia, to develop a common strategy of behavior and activities;
- work with foreign scientists and the foreign public in order to form true ideas about Russia among foreigners;
- commenting on the statements of political leaders regarding the assessment of a particular historical situation;
- a fierce fight against falsified and unverified information, regardless of the object of its dissemination;
- resisting attempts to limit the freedom of activity of members of this society, as well as other independent organizations;
- pursuing a policy of declassifying information about past events;
- creating conditions for the formation of the right orientation for each citizen in terms of studying the past of his country, the ability to consciously interpret certain events.
In addition, the society set itself the goal of popularizing interest in history by publishing books, brochures and other printed publications with similar information.

The head of the Free Historical Society is Nikita Sokolov, editor of the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine, he previously worked at the Presidential Center. B. N. Yeltsin.
Another no less eminent founder wasDanilevsky Igor Nikolaevich, specialist in the history of Ancient Russia, professor and doctor of historical sciences. Author of many works on the study of monuments of ancient Slavic culture.
Dyatlov Igor Innokentievich, professor at Irkutsk State University, also made a great contribution to the formation of society's ideas. The scientist has been studying the emergence and development of various foreign diasporas in Russia for many years.
Members of society
In addition to the above people, members of the Free Historical Society are:
- Ivanchik Askold Igorevich - Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences.
- Ivanov Sergey Arkadyevich - historian, specialist in the study of the Middle Ages and the culture of the Byzantine Empire; often gives public lectures on television and in the institutions of the country.
- Katsva Leonid Aleksandrovich, a well-known compiler of history textbooks in Russia, teaches at one of the gymnasiums in Moscow; periodically performs on the radio "Echo of Moscow"; he has more than 10 textbooks and manuals for middle and high school.
- Morozov Konstantin Nikolaevich - works at the Russian Academy of Economics under the President of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor; the direction of interests is the study of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party.
In terms of promoting ideas to the masses, another member of the society is assisting - Evgeny Viktorovich Anisimov, professor and doctor of historical sciences, leading researcher at the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since the early 2000s, he has been active in educational activities on television, underhis leadership created a series of programs "Palace Revolutions" and "Cabinet of History", which were broadcast on the channel "Culture". He is the author of two history textbooks.

All members of the society live and work in different regions of the country and meet only at scientific conferences or regular meetings of their organization. And yet there are special prescriptions for the social and propaganda activities of scientists. Photos of the Free Historical Society usually appear in the press in the context of various public discussions and lectures. Such events are held with the participation of authoritative public and scientific organizations: the Gaidar Foundation, Memorial and others. Nikolai Svanidze, a well-known journalist and historian in Russia, is practically a permanent host.
Since 2015, monthly conferences have been held to exchange thoughts and knowledge, to consider new methods and approaches to the study of history. The venues are different, most often Moscow or St. Petersburg, but often members of the society meet in other cities of the country.
In addition, the organization has its own website, where anyone can ask a question to any member of the Free Historical Society, as well as learn about future meetings and topics of conversation.

Question about school curriculum
One of the main tasks of the new organization was the creation of a unified system of standards for conducting classes at school. Existing standardhas a number of serious shortcomings, in particular, there are three approved textbooks that contain gross errors and shortcomings. Teachers are already being asked to make a choice in favor of a particular program, when they have not actually been introduced to it yet.
According to members of the society, the presentation of information itself must change. Today, students are forced to cram paragraphs and dates, but it is worth aiming the work so that they learn to independently search for sources, read and analyze facts.
Big statements
One of the last rather critical statements of members of the Free Historical Society about Medinsky. Distinguished scientists sharply criticized his dissertation, and also noted a number of violations during the decision by the commission to award Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky an academic degree. The claims against the Minister of Culture were the inability to work with sources, the ignorance of elementary terms and the general groundlessness of his scientific work.

But the main indignation of the members of the Free Historical Society was caused by the fact that the official, using his authority, is pursuing a policy that is detrimental to society in terms of familiarizing himself with historical truth. Medinsky himself argued that "the reliability of the past does not exist", thereby misleading ordinary people. At the end of their message, members of the society called on the dissertation council of Belgorod University to deprive Medinsky of his degree.
Public opinion
Not all journalists, and especially political andpublic companies, support and recognize the activities of an independent organization. Some call the Free Historical Society the fifth column of Russia, trying to impose their opinion and influence events in the country. Particularly violent opponents classify them as part of the guild of alternative historians, without delving into the details of their true activities.

For example, members of the society were accused of wanting to bring to light all the dirty and discrediting details of the country about the Great Patriotic War or Stalin's repressions. Journalists did not like the desire to objectively and truthfully evaluate these events not from the point of view of the current political regime, but from the side of reality, sometimes frightening and cruel.
The question of who finances the Free Historical Society has been asked more than once. Many scientists complained about the availability of grants and subsidies from foreign institutions. Evaluation of the company's activities can only be given by bodies that are really competent in this matter. But the question is really paramount - what should be the historical truth in Russia.