When meeting a tall person on the street, most people of small or medium stature look at him with surprise. But on our planet there are some kind of giants, reaching a height of 2.5 meters. We will talk about one of them in this article.

Who is Sultan Kosen?
The young man's parents had quite normal growth. But Sultan Kosen grew to 251 cm. As it turned out, the cause of such an abnormal development was a pituitary tumor. The therapy, which Sultan underwent in 2010 at the Institute of Medicine of the University of Virginia, gave a positive result. The treatment lasted for about two years. Doctors were able to normalize the production of pituitary hormones, due to which the growth of Sultan Kosen stopped.

Advantages and disadvantages of being tall
Sultan Kosen himself, whose photo is given in the article, is not happy with his gigantic size. The main disadvantage is the difficulty of acquiring clothes and shoes for such a giant. Agree, it is problematic to buy trousers, the length of whichis 113 cm, or finding outerwear with a sleeve length of 93 cm. Buying shoes in size 62 is even more difficult.
Sultan Kosen used to play basketball, but due to his height, he started having problems with his legs, so he had to forget about sports. The young man is now unable to walk without crutches.

There are advantages to being tall. Sultan Kosen can easily do chores that other people find much more difficult to handle. He tends tall trees, changes light bulbs without using a stool, etc.
Record holder of the Guinness Book of Records
Sultan Kosen has held the Guinness World Record several times.
In August 2009, he became the tallest man in the world. His height was 247 cm. As he continued to grow due to problems with the pituitary gland, another measurement was taken in February 2011. Then a new record was set - 251 cm.

The giant's arm span is 3 m. Kosen also holds the record for palm size. Its length is 27.5 cm.
Giant's wedding
Sultan managed to find his soul mate. The wedding of the tallest man took place on November 28, 2013. His wife was Merve Dibo, a native of Syria. At the time of the marriage, the girl was 20 years old. She accepted the Sultan's offer, not being afraid of either his gigantic stature or a significant age difference.

According to the local press, the wedding celebration was grandiose. About 3 thousand guests were invited. The wedding ceremony took place in the province of Mardin, the home of the groom.
The height of the chosen one is 169 cm. Mevre Dibo is 82 cm lower than her lover.
But still not the first…
Sultan Kosen is not the only tall man on the planet. In fact, he is second. The tallest man is Ukrainian Leonid Stadnik, whose height was 253 cm.

Unlike Kosen, Leonid did not want publicity, so he refused to take measurements to confirm the record. That is why the Turkish farmer was in the Guinness Book of Records. Leonid Stadnik died in 2014 at the age of 44. The reason for such a high growth, as in the case of Sultan Kosen, was a pituitary tumor. Leonid also had problems with his legs, which is why he leaned on a cane when walking.