In our time, the male name Arkhip is quite rare. Perhaps this is due to its dissonance. The name is of ancient Greek origin, translated as "head of the cavalry", "chief rider" or "lord of the horses." This article will tell about its owner, character and habits. Information like this will help when communicating with this man.
Does the meaning of the name Arkhip for a boy influence its owner? Definitely yes. It is noticeable from birth. So, it takes time to become a "lord of the cavalry", perhaps that's why Arkhip is born a weak boy, but grows stronger every day and grows up a he althy man.
He likes to be the center of attention, yet manages to go everywhere. The boy can be compared to a hurricane sweeping away everything in its path. Parents will have to constantly monitor their son. One of the baby's favorite activities is to play tricks, or to do something nasty on the sly.
The meaning of the name Arkhip for a child also affects his communication with peers. He always has many friends and acquaintances who listen to the boy. He will never start a fight first, but he will not let himself be offended either.

Sometimes Arkhip can seem very serious, which is why he even looks older than his age.
The opinion of the elders, as a rule, is not listened to. Learns to live only on his mistakes, which at a young age will be many.
At school, has an average performance. However, if the subject is of interest to Arkhip, he will know it very well. He chooses his future profession at school. He will definitely enter the university, because he has big plans for the future.
Already at the first communication with Arkhip, he leaves only a good impression. A man knows his worth and always shows his best qualities.
He is single-minded. If he was asked to explain something, he will do it, but only once, he will never repeat it a second time.
Arkhip (the meaning of whose name, as you know, is “the main horseman”) becomes a reliable and responsible man with age. He has a sober mind that helps to see any situation clearly.

From the outside, the man seems too serious, not understanding jokes. However, with a closer acquaintance, it turns into an interesting, but a little secretive interlocutor, ready to help in any situation.
What other traits does Arkhip have? The meaning of the name, the character of a man only confirm his dominant position both at work and in the family. ATin any situation, he will defend his point of view. At the same time, Arkhip is a rather balanced person who can be difficult to piss off.
He doesn't worry about failures, he takes everything as a valuable life experience. He adapts to different situations very quickly. Decisions even on complex issues are made quickly, while rarely making mistakes. In life, he achieves a good position in society. Close people love and respect him. Friends are usually few, but he can rely on them.
Love and family
If a woman wants to have a strong family and feel constant protection, then she definitely needs a man, whose name is Arkhip. The meaning of the name reveals him as a reliable partner. Of course, he cannot be called a romantic, he can be secretive, and you should not expect much attention from him. But this is only the beginning of the relationship.
Everything will change when Arkhip finds his soul mate, whom he will be ready to marry. He will truly open up to his wife, share his emotional experiences and inner doubts. The man has a trusting relationship with his wife. He will always be a faithful husband.

Arkhip respects his wife and considers her interests. If necessary, he is ready to stay at home with the children if his chosen one has her own affairs.
He becomes a caring, attentive and loving father. He can play children's games for quite a long time, goes to the zoo with the child, always reads a book at night. From the boy will raise a real man. She will spoil her daughter.
Arkhipclean. Household duties are not a burden for him, he can clean the house and cook a delicious dinner.
Even with serious problems in the family, he does not think about divorce. A man will try to solve a difficult situation on his own.
Efficiency, ambition, punctuality, courage, originality, versatility - all these qualities characterize a man whose name is Arkhip. The meaning of the name also gives him a high "boss" stress resistance, which helps in his work.
He makes a good leader, director. Among colleagues, the man is respected. He is moving rapidly up the career ladder, while he himself is devoid of vanity. At any moment, to the surprise of those around him, Arkhip can drop everything and start over, but in a different direction. He does not hold on to the workplace, he is always looking for something better. Its potential is limitless.
Loves to work alone, but feels comfortable in a team when necessary.

Arkhip succeeds in the exact sciences, but can also engage in creative activities. He can become a good doctor and even a healer.
Thus, throughout his life, Arkhip fully confirms the meaning of his name. He achieves great success in any direction. He is respected and listened to. For many people, Arkhip is a true role model.
General information
Planet: Mercury.
Zodiac sign: Virgo.
Plant: coltsfoot.
Name Talisman:trumpeter shell.
Wood: fir.
Stone: marble.
Color: ochre.