How many hours in a month in general and specifically for working

How many hours in a month in general and specifically for working
How many hours in a month in general and specifically for working

How long does one day last? As astrologers say, in a day the Earth makes exactly one rotation around its axis. And if you do the math, how many hours are there in a month? What about minutes? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Calculate the number of hours in one month

If a day is measured by the revolutions of the globe around itself, then a month is a unit of measurement that counts the revolutions of the Moon, the Earth's satellite. To answer the question "how many hours are there in a month?", first of all, you need to find out how many days there are in it. For example, there are only 30 days in April and 31 in January. However, there are always 24 hours in a day.

So, it turns out that in April: 30 x 24=720 hours. And in January there are 31 days. Accordingly, there will be more hours in it: 31 x 24=744 hours. As a result, a person has more time in January than in April.

Of course, if we count the month of February and not in a leap year, then the figures will come out much less, because it has only 28 days or 672 hours.

how many working hours in a month
how many working hours in a month

Number of minutes and seconds in one month

On the Internet now you can find calculators that can immediately convert almost any data and turn one unit of measurement into another: minutes intohours, kilograms to pounds, euros to dollars, etc.

If you go further and ask how many hours, minutes, seconds are in a month, you get the following indicators.

Months with 30 days are April, June, September and November. Total in one 30-day month:

  • 720 hours=30 days x 24 hours;
  • 43 200 minutes=720 hours x 60 minutes;
  • 2,592,000 seconds=43,200 minutes x 60 seconds.

How many working hours are there in a month?

how many hours in a month
how many hours in a month

The labor legislation of Russia establishes that a person cannot work more than 40 hours/week. In addition to working periods, periods of rest must be established: a minimum of half an hour and a maximum of two hours. As a rule, the lunch break comes at 13:00 and lasts an hour. In total, the employee spends in the office from 9 am to 6 pm.

That is, if we count for each day according to the five-day regimen, 8 hours of work comes out - this is a normal working day. Usually there are 21-23 business days per month. In total, on average, a person works about 160 hours/month.

This also applies to those employees who have shift work. These professions include emergency doctors who are on duty around the clock, watchmen or call center employees, and others. Usually they do not work from Monday to Friday, but on a shift schedule two through two, alternating days of rest and work.

It should be noted that for Russian citizens from 14 to 16 years old, according to the labor code, only 24 hours / week are provided, and from 16 to 18 years old, the working week is no more than 36h.

If an employee works under conditions that are harmful or hazardous to he alth, then the law also sets 36 hours per month for him. How many holidays will there be in 2018? Consider further.

how many hours minutes seconds in a month
how many hours minutes seconds in a month

Production calendar for calculating working days

To calculate working hours, a production calendar comes to the rescue, which is announced at the end of the current year. For 2018, it was approved by the Government in October 2017. Such a calendar is very useful for employees in the field of accounting and human resources. For example, an accountant will have to accrue vacation / sick leave for a certain month for an employee, or a personnel department will make a work schedule for the next period. The calendar will help the employees themselves to choose the most successful month for vacation, because the organization does not pay holidays for the rest period.

So, in 2018, there are only 28 holidays, not counting weekends. The January holidays are the longest and last until the 8th. Accordingly, there will be only 17 working days this month. So how many hours are there in a month? - normally in January a working citizen works 136 hours

Also usually a very unloaded month is May with the holidays in honor of Victory Day. For May in the coming 2018, there are 20 working days, or 160 hours, which is quite a bit. The busiest in 2018 are August and October - they have 184 standard working hours or 23 days each.
