In the life of almost every person there are situations when you have to look for a job. This may be the search for the first job or after leaving the previous job for various reasons. Nevertheless, regardless of the situation, the issue of finding a new job remains relevant.

Temporarily unemployed
Many people who have lost their jobs for various reasons or are looking for it for the first time start searching through the Internet or special newspapers with various vacancies and offers. However, the recruitment process is not always fast. Some do not have enough experience and knowledge for the desired position, and some are not satisfied with the conditions offered by employers. The state also offers its assistance in finding a job. For citizens who are temporarily unemployed, there are special centers that provide services for the selection of suitable vacancies.
Labor Exchange in Podolsk

The Employment Center in Podolsk is a public institution,helping citizens to find employment. City residents can register as unemployed for job search services and cash benefits. If there is no desire to register on the exchange, then the employees of the institution can offer relevant jobs without registration, but without payment of benefits.
In order not to sit in line just like that, it is better to visit the exchange in advance and take a list of documents required for registration and registration. Before that, you can call and clarify the opening hours of the Employment Center in Podolsk. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make an appointment in advance, registration takes place on a first-come, first-served basis.
The employment center is located at: Podolsk, February street, house 2A.
Hours of reception of the population: from 09:00 to 18:00. Break: from 12:00-13:00.
How to register

For registration, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Includes:
- passport or other identification document;
- work book;
- document of education;
- TIN;
- for parents of minor children, a certificate from a general education institution;
- certificate of income from a previous job.
As a rule, there are problems with the last document, since the certificate of income must be issued on the form of the Employment Center. In Podolsk, registration is carried out in the same way as in other cities of Russia, so the requirements for documents are the same. InTo avoid misunderstandings, it is better to visit the labor exchange in advance, get the necessary list of documents and a form for filling in information about income from the previous place of work.
To receive another payment from the employer in the amount of the average monthly salary, it is advisable for Podolsk residents who have lost their jobs due to layoffs to contact the employment center within 14 days after the dismissal.
Registration procedure

To obtain the status of unemployed, you must apply to the labor exchange with the listed documents and fill out an application. The employment center of the city of Podolsk will register the applied citizen on the day of submission of all documents. After that, the inspector will offer several options for suitable vacancies. To assign the status of unemployed, a citizen will need to come to a secondary appointment 11 days after registration, on the date appointed by the employee.
After registration, the citizen will be recognized as unemployed. To confirm this status, he will need to appear at the Employment Center of the city of Podolsk according to the dates appointed by the inspector.
What they offer

After obtaining the status of an unemployed citizen, an unemployment benefit will be assigned in the amount of 850 rubles to 4900 rubles. The amount of the payment depends on the salary from the last place of work, length of service and the reason for dismissal. More detailed information about the amount of the amount of payments will be told by the inspector of the employment center when applying foraccounting.
Also, a citizen recognized as unemployed can take advanced training courses or get a new profession. Unfortunately, most classes are not held on the territory of Podolsk. The employment center, after being sent to the courses, removes the citizen from the register, however, assigns a scholarship to students in the amount of unemployment benefits. After graduation, the exchange may offer vacancies for the profession received.
If there is no recruitment for courses yet or a citizen does not want to attend classes, he needs to register on the stock exchange and confirm his status as unemployed at least 2 times a month. The inspector assigns the dates and times of the visit, and also issues a list of suitable vacancies. All jobs offered by an employee of the Employment Center are located in Podolsk. The work of the exchange is aimed at helping in finding employment and temporary support for citizens for a certain period. If within a year a citizen has not found a suitable job, the labor exchange deregisters him and stops paying benefits.
Reviews of registered citizens about the Podolsk employment center are very different. Some citizens were lucky enough to find a job almost immediately after applying, and someone after completing the courses. Nevertheless, there are reviews of citizens who have not been able to find a job with the help of the Employment Center. Therefore, employment center inspectors recommend citizens to be active and look for vacancies themselves.
Youth Work Center
For young professionals and those who want to earn some money temporarily, on vacation, there is a Youth Employment Center. ATPodolsk, it is located at: Molodezhnaya street, house 9.
Here they offer vacancies for both very young applicants, and for those who have already graduated from an educational institution and are looking for a job in their speci alty.
The staff of the center helps in finding employment for young people depending on their needs.
Here they will select vacancies for very young applicants, aged 14-16, who want to earn extra money during the holidays. Young people from 16 years of age will be offered a job with the possibility of combining with study. For young professionals, they will find vacancies in their speci alty, and for those who have he alth limitations, they will select vacancies that will not cause harm and help earn extra money.
In addition to employment, the employees of the center provide legal and legal advice, help to write a resume.
For registration, you must come to the center with the following documents:
- Passport.
- TIN.
- Employment book.
- Teen ages 14-16 must bring a parent.
Not only jobs will be offered here

The center also offers classes in various circles for both teenagers and very young children. They have completely different directions, from studying the primer with kids to creating vocal youth groups. There is a club for young mothers, which is aimed at helping them and supporting young parents.
Also, free screenings of Russianmovies and cartoons. The film schedule can be found on the website.
Active and sympathetic youth are recruited for the volunteer movement.
Job search - new horizons

Of course, losing a job or getting a first job is always stressful for anyone. However, this is also a chance to find a more profitable place of work, improve your skills or even learn a new profession. The Podolsk Employment Center helps unemployed citizens not only find a job, but also take retraining courses or improve their skills. But it is important to understand that after completing the training, a citizen will be deregistered at the labor exchange. To restore the status of unemployed, you must re-submit the entire package of documents.
The cash benefit paid to unemployed citizens is also aimed at temporary support for people left without work.
Losing a job is a new stage in everyone's life. Looking for a job on your own or asking for help from the employees of the labor exchange is a personal matter for everyone. However, more and more people prefer to register as unemployed, using the opportunity to take training courses and get a new profession.