ORKSE: decoding and interpretation of the abbreviation

ORKSE: decoding and interpretation of the abbreviation
ORKSE: decoding and interpretation of the abbreviation

In all Russian educational institutions four years ago the history of the existence of ORSE began. The deciphering of the name gives an idea of the subject area of this course. The new subject is called Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics. The course caused a wide resonance in the media. However, the experimental implementation of the program has demonstrated the legitimacy of its introduction. The study is carried out on the basis of Russian legislation, and therefore there should be no fears associated with innovation.

orxe decoding
orxe decoding

In accordance with Russian laws, which became the basis for the new subject, the development of one of the parts of the ORSE (the decoding of the name of the subject is presented above) by minors is carried out on the basis of the will of his parents. According to the authors of the program, the innovation is not intended to study religion. Religious studies can only be taught in organizations that, in accordance with the results of state registration, are legal entities.

General provisions

The foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics are focused on the formation of suchbehavior that would be based on the norms of morality and morality accepted in Russian society, on the awareness of the fact that representatives of a large number of nationalities are present on the territory of the state and respect for the traditions of various ethnic groups.

foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics
foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics

As stated tasks:

1. General introduction of students to some world religions or secular ethics (optional).

2. Introducing students to basic moral standards and values.

3. Synthesis of moral, cultural and spiritual knowledge already available to schoolchildren.

4. Formation of the skill to conduct an equal conversation based on mutual trust and respect.

Thematic parts of the course

The ORKSE course (the decoding of the abbreviation, we repeat, is placed at the beginning of the article) is divided into several separate parts. Parents have the legal right to opt-in to any module at will or on the basis of their religious beliefs. As practice shows, in most Russian schools the bulk of students and their parents (more than 40%) prefer the basics of secular ethics. In second place is the study of the foundations of Orthodoxy (30%). In most cases, minors receive religious instruction at home or in Sunday schools.


orcse program
orcse program

The ORKSE program is designed for fourth grade students. In total, fourth-graders are given thirty-four hours to study this course. Some educational organizations breakthis course is divided into two parts: the first is taught in the second half of the fourth grade, the second - the next year. In this case, the number of hours is halved.

During the lessons, students will get acquainted with some moral categories: honor, dignity, friendship, conscience, justice, and learn to respect other people who are different from them.

Features of teaching

Teaching ORKSE can be carried out by teachers who have been trained in special educational programs and have the appropriate certificates in their hands. As a rule, the teaching of this course is entrusted to teachers of the humanities and elementary schools, since they are familiar with some aspects of the study of cultural and moral topics. In some cases, representatives of religious organizations that are trusted and respected by the public and the administration are invited to study individual modules of the course.

ORKSE (deciphering the name of the course gives a concept about this) requires the teacher to be aware of the role of the teacher in the learning process, the appropriate level of knowledge of the material, the ability to work with primary school students and the possession of high moral character.

teaching orcse
teaching orcse

Innovation did not immediately find support among the population of Russia. To many, this initiative seemed redundant. The teachers who were supposed to teach this course complained about the heavy workload, and the introduction of a new subject could become another heavy burden. Parents were afraid that under the guise of a secular subject, their children would be instilledadherence to religious norms. However, today these fears are over, and children are happy to study this course. The creators of textbooks and workbooks have made a lot of efforts to interest students and diversify the learning process.
