The first Disneyland appeared in California. This amusement park for children and adults was built by the world-famous cartoon creator W alt Disney in 1955. Many countries of the world tried to recreate something similar on their lands. And only in Tokyo, after many years, an exact copy of the American Disneyland was built.
Tokyo Disneyland construction and first visitors
This park is considered the largest in the world. Tokyo Disneyland is located on the outskirts of the capital in the territory of Chiba. Its scale is more than 80 hectares of land. Five hotels are lined up around the amusement park, where families with children can stay.
The Japanese began building their amusement park in December 1979, and in early April 1983 it was ready for the opening, which took place on April 15th. Early visitors were fascinated by everything Tokyo Disneyland had to offer. The visitors had one desire - to try everything and go everywhere. And there was a lot to see. The territory of the park is divided into sectors, each of which is a separate country.

Wishing to see all the beauty of the new park grew every day. People, and especially children, liked not only breathtaking rides, but also funny fairy-tale cartoon characters who walked the streets of their countries. Everyone could be photographed or played with.
During the first year of its existence, more than 10 million people visited here. And every year the number of people wishing to visit Tokyo Disneyland has grown. Japan is proud of its park. More than 10 billion yen is invested annually in the construction of new venues and attractions.
Disneyland Information
Not even a week is enough to explore all the local sights and try out the rides. Approaching the park, you immediately feel that you will soon find yourself in a fairy tale.
And the first guests are met by a cute fabulous train running. It is he who delivers visitors to the largest Disneyland in Japan (Disneyland in Tokyo is called the Disney Resort). It makes only 4 stops: at the main park, at Disney Sea and at two hotels.

To enter the park, you must purchase a ticket. It opens around 9 am and stays open until late at night. Guests pass through the turnstile and enter Tokyo Disneyland. Description of sectors, attractions and a map can be purchased at the entrance.
Immediately, visitors are greeted by characters from Disney cartoons and fairy tales. They allow themselves to be photographed, play with children with pleasure.
Near each attraction there is a device that gives out the entrancepassport, which indicates the time to enter this or that entertainment.
Small countries of the big entertainment world
Tokyo Disneyland is divided into country sectors. Each has its own name. Those who dream of conquering space and participating in the attack on the Star, which brings death to all life on Earth, should look into the country of the future.
The cartoon town is a real trip for the youngest guests. However, parents will also like it here. After all, they can return to childhood. No one wants to give up walking with Winnie the Pooh and flying with Peter Pan. Everyone who not only sees, but also enters the Cinderella Castle will experience special emotions. Of course, kids will enjoy riding the carousels and floating children's rides. Thrill-seekers should look into the Ghost House and become a participant in a real otherworldly ball with spirits and ghosts. The action is breathtaking and seems very realistic.
The country of animals is famous for one attraction. Visitors are floating on a log in the company of brothers Rabbit and Fox, listening to their empty chatter. Everything seems to be calm. But suddenly the log breaks off the cliff and rushes down, right into the thorn bush, along the waterfall. At this time, people flying from the cliff are photographed. Oh, and funny photos are obtained!

To make your dream come true to find yourself in the Wild West and be among the real Indians will help Tokyo Disneyland. You can go canoeing and make a stop at Tom Sawyer Island or take a walk along the streets in the company of cowboysand shoot at the local saloon.
Of course, you can't do without real adventures. And such a country exists in an amusement park. Walking through the jungle, you can see many ancient buildings and feel like a treasure hunter and ancient relics. Having decided to take a ride on a small boat, you should be on the alert. At any moment, a huge crocodile or anaconda can jump out of the water in search of a tasty treat.
New Park - DisneySea
This amusement park is called one of the modern wonders of the world. Indeed, Tokyo Disneyland is the largest Disneyland in the world. And every year the park is updated and supplemented.
For example, by 2011, the entertainment area was expanded and another park called DisneySea was opened, made in the style of fairy tales about Sinbad, Captain Nemo and adventure hunters. The main theme is the sea and everything connected with it. Walking along DisneySea, you can meet mermaids, real sea pirates. All rides are full of adventure. Visitors to this park can ride the water slides in search of pirate treasures, swim on a real gondola or a mysterious captain's submarine, and see the underwater world.

Local cafes and shops
In the park there are cafes and small restaurants, eateries and stalls with sweets. They all look just as fabulous and magical. The interiors of establishments where you can have a bite or a serious meal are unique. Some are made in a colonial style, others resemble a space planet,the third is an Indian bungalow.
After visiting this gigantic world of entertainment, you should definitely buy something for memory. There are a lot of shops and stalls with souvenirs, most of which visitors will see as soon as they set foot on Disney land.

Shows, parades and performances
Shows and performances with participants of fairy tale characters are shown daily in different countries and park areas. The parades are beautiful, full of special effects. The most magical and spectacular show takes place in the evening. You can see all the most interesting near the Cinderella Castle. When the first stars light up in the sky, the holiday of magical Disney lights begins. The main characters of cartoons, dressed in luminous clothes, walk along the main path to cheerful melodies. It is very beautiful, reminiscent of a fabulous carnival.