The most amazing people in the world in history

The most amazing people in the world in history
The most amazing people in the world in history

Man is surprised by everything that goes beyond the ordinary. But if actions cause approval or condemnation among others, then unusual abilities only surprise, delight or disgust. Amazing people have superpowers, talent, a gift, or maybe something else? Where do they live? How are their fates? And who are the most amazing people in the history of the world?


the most amazing people
the most amazing people

The name of this musician is known all over the world, because he made a huge contribution to the development of music around the world. The works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are immortal classics and the cultural heritage of all mankind. The great composer was born in 1756 in Western Austria. The child had phenomenal hearing and memory. Wolfgang's father was a musician, the only sister was also fond of music. Parents devoted a lot of time and effort to the home education of young Mozart, but the main goal of the father was to make a great composer out of his son.

Mozart masterfully played all the instruments of histime, although he was afraid of the pipe since childhood: its loud sound horrified him. Already at the age of four, Wolfgang wrote his first plays. In total, during his 35-year life, Mozart gave the world more than 600 works.

William James Sidis

the most amazing people in the world
the most amazing people in the world

For those who are interested in the question of who the most amazing people in the world are in history, we present to learn about the American child prodigy, born in 1898. William James Sidis is considered to be the smartest man who ever lived. At the age of one and a half, William read newspapers on his own, before his eighth birthday, the little genius managed to write 4 books. The level of intelligence of Sidis was estimated at 250-300 points, this record has not been broken even now.

In the history of Harvard, William Sidis is listed as the youngest and most gifted student who entered the university at the age of 11 (previously they refused to take him because of his age). His fellow students were amazing people and outstanding personalities who made a significant contribution to the development of physics, mathematics and other sciences. But young William stood out among them. He lectured, wrote treatises, studied languages. But his abilities aroused envy and aggression from those around him: he was threatened with physical violence, prison and a mental hospital. Growing up, Sidis was forced to hide his genius and even quit his job every time he gave himself away. This brilliant man died at the age of 42 from a brain hemorrhage.

Scot Flansberg

amazing people
amazing people

The most amazing people in the world live among the ordinarypeople in ordinary cities. For example, in the state of California you can meet Scott Flansberg, known as the "calculator man". This American live proved to millions of viewers that he is able to solve any mathematical operations faster than a conventional calculator.

The part of the brain that is designed to do mathematical calculations in Scott is slightly higher and much larger in size than in most people. Scientists wrestle with the question of whether the abilities of a mathematical genius are innate or whether he was able to develop them to such an extent. In any case, he is the fastest mathematician known today.

Robert Pershing Wadlow

In order to become famous all over the world, it is enough to be born smart, talented or tall. American Robert Pershing Wadlow, due to his enormous growth, adjoins the list of "Unusual and amazing people." Photos of the giant Wadlow confirm his height and the title of the tallest man in history.

amazing people of the world
amazing people of the world

Robert was born in an ordinary family, where parents and other relatives were not tall. And he himself, up to four years old, looked like all his peers. But then the boy began to grow rapidly, and by the age of majority his height had reached 254 cm, and his weight was 177 kg. Luckily, Wadlow was already so famous that he got shoes in size 37AA for free.

Of course, such changes could not but affect the he alth of the giant. He had to suffer with crutches and struggle with a number of ailments. The doctors did everything they could to save the young man. Robert Wadlow died at the age of 22 in his sleep. Compatriots remembered Robert as a kind giant. 40,000 Americans attended his funeral and 12 people carried the coffin.

Zydrunas Savickas

amazing stories of amazing people
amazing stories of amazing people

To get into the category of "Amazing People of the World", some had to make a lot of effort, primarily physical. Today, the current champion of various sports and the holder of the title "the strongest man on the planet" is the Lithuanian weightlifter Zydrunas Savickas.

Zydrunas was fond of sports since childhood, already at the age of 14 he decided that he wanted to be a leader in weightlifting. Every day the Lithuanian hero trained, step by step moving towards his goal. Of course, prize-winning places in world tournaments were not immediately given to him. But today he is known as a multiple champion and the strongest man. He squats with 425.5kg on his shoulders and presses 286kg from his chest.

Danielle Browning Smith

Perhaps every person has some hidden abilities that could glorify him or simply be useful. But since many do not know about their talents, do not believe in them or do not develop them, the world is very closely watching individuals who have managed to discover and develop special abilities in themselves.

amazing people photo
amazing people photo

The most amazing people, according to most, are those who have abilities that make them stand out from the crowd - be it talent, intelligence, psychic or physical abilities. Daniel Smith,who was nicknamed the "rubber man", amazes the public with his flexibility, which made him famous throughout the world.

Daniel was born in an ordinary American family, for the first time his abilities were discovered at the age of 4 in a game with other tomboys. The boy's parents, who noticed their son's features in time, showed him to professionals, and, according to their instructions, Daniel began to work day and night. Work has always been revered in the family, and the determination of the future "rubber man" could be envied.

Today, Smith does mind-blowing stunts by bending and fitting into the smallest of spaces. But he does not like fame, he does not give interviews, but only invites everyone to the circus to watch his performances.

Tim Cridland

the most amazing people in the world in history
the most amazing people in the world in history

Does it hurt Daniel Smith to "fold" into the aquarium, it is difficult to imagine, but it is not possible to realize that it is possible to voluntarily torture one's body. But it seems that Tim Cridland is not at all afraid of physical pain. Since school, he has been striving to inflict physical injury on himself.

According to scientists, Tim's pain threshold is much higher than that of other people. Due to this, he does not feel or tolerates physical pain more easily. Using this "gift", Cridland took the stage name "Zamora - the king of torture" and, in front of the astonished and even shocked spectators, swallows fire, pierces himself with swords, drives needles and knitting needles under the skin. Thanks to this, he is a permanent member of all lists, which include only the most amazing people in the world.

Michelle Lotito

amazing people Lotito
amazing people Lotito

Glory to Michel (Michael) Lotito came as a true Frenchman through gastronomic addictions. Amazing people have not only superpowers, but also unusual ideas.

How could a 9-year-old boy eat a glass to win over his friends? Although this glass, one might say, became the first dish in his unusual menu.

To date, Lotito has already eaten a lot of "goodies" - bicycles, shopping carts, TVs, glass. It took Michel two years to eat the plane (Cessna-150)! All he needs is throat oil and water. According to the Frenchman, he does not experience any discomfort and consequences from such dinners. Studies have shown that Mr. Eat It All's stomach has adapted and has walls twice as thick as it should be. Who is not afraid of hunger.

Chuck Feeney

The most amazing people in the world throughout history have been celebrated in many ways, with unusual data and abilities. But isn't it amazing the generosity and kindness that some members of society show towards others? In today's world, where the majority can only talk about charity and the unfair distribution of economic resources, there are people who deserve respect.

Finney's amazing people
Finney's amazing people

So, Chuck Feeney doesn't have any superpowers other than kindness, generosity and complicity. The billionaire started his business from the bottom: selling alcohol to sailors, hequickly established his network. Within a few years, he hired a fairly large number of employees and opened his points in different countries. His fortune grew rapidly, but the lion's share went to charity.

Today Feeney is 81 years old. He has donated $6 billion to education, he alth care, support for nursing homes and science. Although he still has one and a half billion left, the rich man lives very modestly: in a rented apartment, not even having a car. Chuck intends to donate the remaining funds to charity.

Chuck Feeney is a very humble benefactor. For fifteen years he gave away his money anonymously. When it became impossible to do this, Chuck still "did not shine" and did not give interviews. Feeney's modesty breaks the stereotype that all amazing people want fame. By the way, Chuck's actions inspired some of the richest people on the planet to follow his example.

Rachel Backvis

Another amazing person who does not have any gift, but only a huge and kind heart - Rachel Backvis. This little girl did not have a fortune to give to those in need, but she was able to not only donate what was dear to her, but also find a way to make adults think and do their part to help children.

In the city of Seattle, where eight-year-old Rachel lived, a lecture was held on the lack of drinking water and infant mortality (up to 4.5 thousand babies die every day). The girl was shocked by the information and pictures she saw at the lecture, and decided to help somehow.

On the Internet, Rachel's mother created a charity page for her daughter. The girl on social networks urged relatives and friends to donate the money they wanted to spend on a gift (Rachel's birthday was approaching) to charity. The girl hoped to raise $300 to save 15 children, but only managed to raise $220. Rachel was very upset, but she knew that she would raise more money on her next birthday. However, fate decreed otherwise.

A few months after her birthday, nine-year-old Rachel went on vacation with her parents. They were involved in a horrific accident where more than 20 cars collided. Doctors tried to save the girl's life, but they failed. Interestingly, apart from Rachel, no one else died in that accident.

This accident and Rachel's story got into the media, and people from different countries learned about a heroic and kind girl whose last wish was to help dying children. Unfortunately, she was not able to celebrate her tenth birthday and collect the desired amount. But this amazing act and sincere human kindness united outsiders and gave a powerful impetus. The company that Rachel launched became the largest: in a short time, a huge amount was received. More than 60,000 human lives have been saved with the money that came from all over the world in the name of the girl and to save children!

amazing people of the world throughout history
amazing people of the world throughout history

It is important to note that Rachel has always been a kind and sympathetic child, and this is not her only contribution to helping outsiders. In theirfor eight years, she cut her long braids several times to give them to children with cancer and bald after chemotherapy. And after the tragedy, Rachel became a donor: her organs saved a seriously ill child.

Amazing stories of amazing people captivate, give food for thought and calls to action.
