Animals of the Red Book of the Tambov region: photo and description

Animals of the Red Book of the Tambov region: photo and description
Animals of the Red Book of the Tambov region: photo and description

Animals of the Red Book of the Tambov region are rare or endangered representatives of the world of fauna. The book contains information about the status of animals, their distribution and abundance. It is also said here about certain limiting factors.


The Tambov region is located on the East European Plain, where forests are constantly replaced by steppes. A distinctive geographical feature of this area is that the main forests are located in the northern part, and the main steppes - in the south. The flora of this area is diverse and unique: aspen, oak, maple, linden, pine, ash grow here. The fauna of this region is represented by various inhabitants of the steppes and forests. Here you can find:

  • Steppe Eagles;
  • big jerboas;
  • grey partridges;
  • common hedgehogs;
  • red deer;
  • ducks;
  • desman;
  • gray herons;
  • black storks;
  • badgers;
  • lynxes;
  • kozodoev, etc.

The Tambov region is famous for its swimming pools. It is here that such rivers as the Vorona, Lomovis, Tsna, Bityug flow,Forest Voronezh. The largest river in its length is Lesnoy Tambov. Unfortunately, as in all regions of the globe, the Tambov region has its own endangered animal species. They are listed in the Red Book, which is a red traffic light for us people.

animals of the red book of the Tambov region
animals of the red book of the Tambov region

About the Red Book of the Tambov Region

This is an official document presented as an annotated list of rare and endangered animals and plants living and growing in the area. In this article we will not consider rare plants, here we are only interested in fauna. Before starting the story, we note that the animals of the Red Book of the Tambov region need our protection, so let's stop, look around and think about our attitude to Mother Nature.

The flora of this region is certainly diverse and unique, but even here many species of fauna have irretrievably reduced their populations over the past decades, becoming rare or completely disappearing. Man is directly or indirectly to blame for this: there is a destruction and transformation of natural habitats, their pollution or even direct destruction of animals.


Animals of the Red Book of the Tambov region (pictures and photographs are given in our article) are insects, fish, amphibians (amphibians), reptiles (reptiles), birds, mammals, and, of course, spiders. Among the latter is the so-called silverfish. This creaturebelongs to the order of arachnids and the family of water spiders.

red book of the tambov region animals
red book of the tambov region animals

The silver spider is distributed throughout Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Siberia and Kazakhstan, Tibet, Sakhalin. In addition, this species of spiders was registered in the Tambov region, in particular in its environs and in the Galdym forestry. Unfortunately, the Red Book of the Tambov region, whose animals are unique and inimitable, does not have any specific information about the number of silverfish in the past.


This fish belongs to the sturgeon order and the sturgeon family. Scientists suspect that this is an extinct species of fish that once lived in the Tambov region. In general, sterlet is found in the basins of the Black, Azov, Caspian, White, B altic, Barents and Kara Seas. In 2010, she was included in the WSOP Red List.

What will the Red Book of the Tambov region tell us about this? The animals of these places, in particular, already extinct fish, once lived permanently in the Tsna River. According to scribe books, in the 17th century sterlet also lived there. Currently, it can be found in the Moksha River (just below the mouth of the Tsna River). Ichthyologists suggest that, theoretically, the sterlet could indeed once enter the Tsna River.

Animals of the Red Book of the Tambov region. Lynx

This wild cat is widely distributed in the forests and highlands of Europe, Central and North Asia, as well as in some areas of Western Asia and North America. Lynx - an inhabitant of dense conifersand mixed forests. As a rule, leads a solitary lifestyle. Sometimes you can meet a small group consisting of a female and her brood.

red book of the tambov region animals photo
red book of the tambov region animals photo

Lynxes, like many other animals of the Red Book of the Tambov region, are quite common and typical representatives of some regions of our country, but not in the Tambov region! Here, their numbers have declined markedly, since once the lynx was an object of fur trade and breeding in fur farms.

European mink

Unfortunately, some animals of the Red Book of the Tambov region disappear from these places, "thanks" to the activities of industrialists and poachers. From time immemorial, mink has been and continues to be a valuable object of fur trade. Fortunately, its Caucasian subspecies is today carefully protected in many Russian regions.

The European mink is widespread throughout Europe (except the south and northwest), in the west of Western Siberia, in the Caucasus. The habitat is narrowing, the number of this animal within the Tambov region is rapidly declining, so urgent measures must be taken to restore or at least preserve its population.

animals of the red book of the Tambov region badger
animals of the red book of the Tambov region badger

Common Copperhead

This snake is described in the Red Book of the Tambov region as a rare species with a low number in the area. She represents a detachment of scaly snakes from the snake family. The reasons for the decline in the copperfish population are as follows:

  • fulldependence on the population of the main object of food for copperfish - quick lizards;
  • direct destruction of these snakes by people due to their illiteracy and ignorance.
animals of the red book of the Tambov region lynx
animals of the red book of the Tambov region lynx

Animals of the Red Book of the Tambov region. Badger

Badgers are good-natured omnivores. They feed mainly on invertebrates, which are found in forest litter, in the soil. The badger is distributed in the European part of Russia, in the Urals, in the south of Siberia up to Transbaikalia, as well as in the Caucasus, in Primorye and the Amur region. Typical habitats are forests and steppes: there these animals can be found on the slopes of ravines, in the mountains, near water bodies.

animals of the red book of the tambov region pictures
animals of the red book of the tambov region pictures

Unfortunately, these good-natured creatures are on the verge of extinction. This is evidenced by the Red Book of the Tambov region. The animals whose photos we present here are unfortunate creatures subject to complete extermination by humans. People have been slaughtering badgers for decades for their healing oil, which has long been used in alternative medicine.
