Quotes about deception - neither to us nor to you

Quotes about deception - neither to us nor to you
Quotes about deception - neither to us nor to you

"How bad it is when people cheat," is heard from the lips of various interlocutors and just passers-by. Everyone is concerned not to be slandered, but are they themselves truthful companions of the human race who promote only the truth? Quotes say something completely different. And it is interesting to know the thoughts of great and worthy experts about lies and deceit.

quotes about cheating
quotes about cheating

Deception Quotes: Significance

The most honest, perhaps, in the whole world are just the same quotes exposing a lie. They beat wickedness with all their enthusiasm and show us - look how deeply confused and lied you are. And you can't argue with these arguments. Quotes about deception so accurately reflect the essence of human delusions, like no other phrases of wisdom. The most intelligent geniuses and rulers, scientists and philosophers uttered prophetic aphorisms in antiquity and still pursue injustice in society with such strong statements. And let's quickly read these magnificent passages.

Quotes about lies and deceit

We present the mostfamous sayings about lying:

  1. Only slaves can lie, but free individuals tell the truth. (Ch. Montaigne)
  2. Only a liar can commit a greater crime than a highway killer. (Martin Luther)
  3. Every man is born sincere and dies a liar. (L. Vauvenargues)
  4. I love it very much, knowing the truth when they lie to me. (A. Celentano)
  5. Each lie spawns the next. (Terentice)
  6. While the truth puts on its shoes, the lie will already run halfway around the world. (English proverb)
  7. If the truth has many facets, then the lie has many voices. (Winston Churchill)
  8. Truth and lies are usually judged by people who have never lied. (Mark Twain)
  9. He who knows the truth and is silent is a perjurer. (Confucius)
  10. You have to speak at the right time, otherwise the truth will become a lie. (Sergey Lukyanenko)
  11. Rumors are the front door for lies and the back door for truth. (B altasar Gracian y Morales)
  12. Stupid and cowardly people sow insidious lies in their havens. (Chesterfield Philip)
  13. Can a decent person lie and dodge? (Cicero)
  14. The biggest shame is to tell a lie, the falsity of which is revealed to people in advance. (Key-Kavus)
  15. As rust eats metal, and aphids crops, so lies spoil the soul. (A. P. Chekhov)
quotes about lies and deceit
quotes about lies and deceit

The following quotes about cheating are also known:

  1. Who once knows how to deceive, he will deceive many more times. (Lope de Vega)
  2. He who often lies creates the appearance in front of peoplehonesty. (Cicero)
  3. Iniquity is committed in two ways: either by violence or by deceit. (A. Dante)
  4. The biggest deceit is to betray the one you love. (Unknown author)
  5. It's easy to quietly deceive yourself, but it's hard to deceive another without being exposed. (F. La Rochefoucauld)
  6. No one cheats as often as the person himself. (B. Franklin)
  7. No need to talk about all your thoughts - it's stupid. But everything said must reflect your thoughts, otherwise it is a deception. (M. Montaigne)
  8. Pain compels even the innocent to deceive. (Publius)
  9. He who is accustomed to seeing white in black and black in white does not disdain any deceit. (Ovid)
  10. Don't even jokingly deceive and flatter. Let them think whatever they want about you, and you be yourself. (V. G. Belinsky)
  11. The talent to please is the talent to deceive. (L. de Vauvenargues)
  12. You have to lie to keep trust. (M. Shargan)
  13. Lies, direct or evasive, spoken or not, are still lies. (Ch. Dickens)
  14. Wives would be cheated less often if not for their curiosity. (I. Gerchikov)
  15. Often they are pushed to deception by the fact that they are afraid of deception, and suspicion gives the right to treachery. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger)
sheer deception
sheer deception

Judge not and you will not be judged

Revealing in quotes a complete deception of humanity, like a tumor on the body of a huge organism, we get rid of its effects and become cleaner. I recall an old folk proverb: "Do not judge, and you will not be judged." The same applies to lies: "Do not deceive, and they will not deceiveyou will." Everything should start with yourself. And let sincere and bright quotes about deceit help us in this.
