On February 10, 2016, it was reported that the Poopo s alt lake, which once covered an area of 3,000 square kilometers, disappeared in Bolivia. Exactly the same s alty and drainless reservoir, which is under the threat of extinction, has Iran. Lake Urmia, compared to 1984, has decreased in size by 70%, and according to the latest data, by all 90%.
Once a huge s alt lake
Located in the northwest of Iran, Urmia was the largest lake in the Near and Middle East. Ostan is an administrative-territorial unit of Iran. Between East and West Azerbaijan is Lake Urmia. Initially, the reservoir occupied an area of up to 6000 square meters. km.

The lake has several names. The famous Arab geographer Istarhi (circa 850-934) designated it as the lake of heretics (Buhairat-ash-Shurat), in the collection of sacred texts "Avesta" it is found under the name Chechasht, which translates both as "radiant white" and as "deep lake with s alty waters." For centuries it was called the S alt Lake, and also Kabunat, Shakhi,Tala, Rezaye.
Some Options
The height above sea level at which Lake Urmia is located is 1275 meters. It had an elongated shape and stretched from north to south for a distance of up to 140 km, while the width varied from 40 to 55 km. But it used to be so, and now the lake is on the verge of extinction. Comparative satellite photographs are widely available showing how the reservoir was shallow from 1984 to 2014. And in ancient times, the maximum depth reached 16 meters.

Lake Urmia was not a small natural reservoir: the average in the best years was 5 meters. The area of land from which all the water flows into a particular body of water is called the catchment area. Previously, Lake Urmia had a catchment area, the territory of which was equal to 50 thousand square kilometers. The reservoir was replenished in the winter and spring months due to precipitation. The largest tributaries are considered in the south of the Jagatu and Tatavu, in the northeast - Aji-Chay. The main s alts that the pond is rich in are sodium and chlorine, as well as sulfates (s alts of sulfuric acid).
Initially, there were 102 islands on the lake, many of which were wintering grounds for migratory birds. Some of them were covered with pistachio forests. In the lower southern part of the lake there was a cluster of 50 small islands.

There are also inhabited islands on the lake, for example Islami, on the highest peak of which is the monastery of Hulagu-Khan (the tomb of the Mongol khans). to residentialalso include Kabudan and Espir, Ashk and Arezu, on which the Iranian yellow deer are bred. Kayun-Dagi Island is famous for its rare flora. In addition, besides goats, leopards live on it.
Flora and fauna
If there are inhabited islands on the lake, then there is communication between them. The reservoir is navigable year-round, as it does not freeze. Its banks are covered with s alt marshes, only at the mouths of the inflowing rivers there are swamps with thickets of common reed and rush (a large genus of flowering plants).
Lake Urmia (photo can be seen in the article) refers to the pink lakes of the earth. In this color, s alty lakes paint colonies of Artemia crustaceans, which are very numerous in hypersaline Urmia. At first, the concentration of s alt in the water of the lake was 350 grams per 1 liter of water, while 180 grams was always considered the norm for Urmia. In such a reservoir, of course, there are no fish. The animal world is represented by flamingos, pelicans and shelducks that nest on the lake.
Cities related to the lake
Due to the uniqueness of Urmia, a national park was created in 1967, which included most of the reservoir. Because of the extraordinary ecosystem, UNESCO recognized the reservoir as a repository of the biosphere. There are no settlements directly at the water's edge, on s alt marshes. They are in close proximity. So, for example, on the western coast there is a city of the same name, which is the administrative center of the West Azerbaijan stan. The capital of East Azerbaijan, the third largest city in Iran with a 4000-year history and one and a half million inhabitants is Tabriz. These are the mostlarge settlements in the vicinity of the lake, they are connected by a highway laid along a dam that divided the lake into two parts.
Causes of shallowing
There are more than 14 million people in all the surrounding areas, who need a lot of water.

This is one of the reasons for the shallowing of Urmia. The dam built in 2008, which connected East and West Azerbaijan, did not contribute to improving the ecology of the lake, as did the dams that blocked the flowing rivers. The current depth of Lake Urmia in some places is quite insignificant. The drought that began in 1998 also contributes to shallowing.
Early disaster
According to experts, in the event of the final disappearance of the lake, instead of it there will be more than 10 billion tons of s alt and not a single inhabitant, since they will all be forced to leave their native lands. The alarm raised by scientists around the world, who proved that in case of inaction, there will be swamps in the place of the lake already in 2018, was heard. Although back in 2011, activists who fought to save the lake were imprisoned. Why? Because the water taken from this reservoir is necessary for watering the fields. Thus, the government chose the lesser of two evils.
Rescue Plans
Work to save the reservoir began in 2012, when the consent of Armenia was received to transfer part of the waters of this republic to Urmia. In order for the Iranian reservoir not to disappear completely, remembering the sad fate of the Aral Sea, scientists from several countries have developed a strategy to save the lake. There are several plans, and most of them still provide for a reduction in the withdrawal of water from the lake and the rivers that feed it for agricultural purposes. But lately, great hopes have been pinned on the waters of the Caspian Sea.

If the project, which was worked on by 500 academicians and 50 experts from countries of all continents (these specialists already had sufficient experience gained in the development of the revival of the Aral Sea), is calculated correctly and will be implemented, a complete restoration of the volume of water in the lake can be expected by 2023.
Favorite lake
The local population is very fond of their pond. Firstly, the water in it is dense, warm and healing - it is very pleasant to swim in it. Secondly, the small s alt islands (Osman's Fist) that have taken an unusual shape are unique, the illumination of the coast is very peculiar due to the s alt scattering the sun's rays. Thanks to all this, the landscapes surrounding Lake Urmia are very beautiful and unique. The description with the photos above clearly demonstrate this severe and calm beauty. On the shore you can find a variety of crystals of various sizes and shapes - people come with their families to wander along the shore of their favorite reservoir.
Serious Approach
Of course, Lake Urmia is extremely alarming: standing in the middle of the white desert and corroded by s alt, useless longboats, abandoned houses on the coast that once was here, dried trees. That is why the scientists of the world are working to prevent another ecological catastrophe and return the vanishing beauty to the world. Iranian governmentTogether with the UN Development Program, they intend to invest 1.3 billion dollars in the resurrection of the lake. The money will be directed not only to the transfer of water from other sources (for example, the Araz River), but also to increase the efficiency of spending the liquid taken from the lake for agricultural needs. The package consists of 25 proposals, in which everything is painted down to the smallest detail.
Iran's bright landmark
I must say that even now, when this largest Iranian reservoir is in such a deplorable state, there are a lot of objects that deserve attention.

Lake Urmia is located near Ararat, in the south of the Armenian Highlands. You can get to it in the following way. There is an airport in Tabriz, excellent roads connect Urmia with other cities of Iran. From these two cities directly to the lake you can take a regular bus or use a taxi.