Chusovaya river: map, photo, fishing. History of the Chusovaya River

Chusovaya river: map, photo, fishing. History of the Chusovaya River
Chusovaya river: map, photo, fishing. History of the Chusovaya River

Chusovaya is recognized as the most picturesque river of the Middle Urals. It flows through the Ural Range, capturing the Perm and Sverdlovsk regions, and then flows into the river. Kama. There you can enjoy such beauties as giant coastal cliffs, mountain forests, serene stretches, rough rifts and all kinds of caves.

The words "chus" and "va" in the Komi-Permyak language mean "fast" and "water". The Chusovaya River (Perm Territory) crosses a series of mountain ranges that form the most beautiful coastal rock-stones, nicknamed "fighters". It is she who acts as the venue for the All-Russian tourist route. Therefore, all rocks have signs and kilometer signs.

Many of the stones can be written about separately. For example, such a rock as the “Arc Stone” is famous for the fact that the geologist Murchisson discovered the Permian period here, the duration of which is 40 million years. Once this place was the bottom of the sea, and later a swamp inhabited by animal lizards,as well as the ancestors of turtles.

History of the Chusovaya River

According to archaeologists, it was the banks of the Chusovaya River that were the habitat in the Urals of the ancient representatives of the human race. The first mention of it in the Russian chronicle dates back to 1396. In those days, its population was mainly Mansi tribes. The Chusovaya River sheltered the first Russian settlers in 1568. These were the so-called Nizhnechusovskie towns, and in 1579 their garrison, consisting of Cossacks, was headed by Ataman Ermak Timofeevich.

It is known that Yermak's campaign with his retinue to Siberia began from this place (September 1581). Up the river, the squad reached the river. Serebryanka and from its upper reaches fell into the basin of the river. Tagil. After the famous defeat of the Siberian Khan named Kuchum by Yermak's retinue, the Chusovaya River began to be actively settled by the Russian people.

Chusovaya river Perm region
Chusovaya river Perm region

However, the peak of the liveliness of its shores falls on the 18th century. The justification for this moment is the construction of large metallurgical plants in those days. The Chusovaya River acquired the status of the main transport artery. On it, metal products were rafted from the Urals to European Russia mainly on kolomka.

After 1878, its transport significance declined due to the construction of the first railway in the Urals, connecting Yekaterinburg with Perm via Nizhny Tagil.

history of the Chusovaya river
history of the Chusovaya river

A revolutionary aspect of the river's history

A large-scaleunrest of workers (XVIII century). The Revda uprising (1841) was one of the largest, more than one thousand registered and artisan peasants took part in it.

And in 1905, the Chusovoy metallurgists went on strike, which turned into an armed uprising. During the civil war, the Chusovaya River became famous for the fierce struggle that took place between the Red Army and the White Guards, as well as the interventionists. This event is commemorated by monuments to the red heroes who left on the banks of the river.

chusovaya river
chusovaya river

Map of the Chusovaya River

Its channel passes through the Perm and Sverdlovsk regions. This river has a length of 735 km. It acts as a left tributary of the river. Kama. Its beginning is noted in the region of the eastern cliff of the Middle Urals. Further, it flows in the direction of the northwest, including the western slope of the Ural Range.

It is known that in the upper reaches the river valley is very wide and swampy, and from the town of Revda (middle course) it is rather narrow and canyon-like. Then, below the town of Chusovoy, the river turns into a typical flat one. The construction of the Kamskaya HPP transformed the lower reaches of the river (approximately 125–150 km from the mouth) into a bay of the Kama Sea, which has lacustrine navigation conditions. The Chusovaya River, the map of which is shown below, is navigable both for small-draft vessels in the interval from the mouth up to the town of Chusovoy, and for large vessels with a significant carrying capacity - up to the location of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodki.

river chusovaya map
river chusovaya map

Chusovaya River Natural Park

It has a total area of 77,146 hectares and is represented bytwo sections - Visimsky and Chusovsky. The first is not far from the village of Visim, and the second is directly adjacent to the river. Chusovaya. On these sites you can see historical objects that are associated with such a surname as the Demidovs.

nature park Chusovaya river
nature park Chusovaya river

The Chusovaya River, the map of which is in the article, is unique in that it is the only river that crosses the central ridge of the famous Ural Range. On its banks there are monuments: nature (37 pieces), industrial heritage (10 pieces) and culture (4 pieces).

The Chusovaya River Park has a length of 148 km: from the Sofroninsky stone, which stands near the border of the Pervouralsk urban district, to the Samarinsky stone, located near the border with the Perm region. The park area is home to countless rare species of plants.

One of the previously presented photos, the Chusovaya River, which is shown in all colors, demonstrates the autumn landscape. It shows how formidable stones blend beautifully with the forest. River banks Chusovaya is densely covered mainly with spruce forests, the brown peaks of which give the mountains a unique severe grandeur.

The river in question is interesting not only for its landscapes, but also for numerous paleontological and archaeological finds. It is one of the most beautiful rivers in our country. This river is ideal for both rafting and ski trips along its frozen bed. After all, in winter you can contemplate even more incomparable landscapes that will not leave anyone indifferent, and you will definitely want to makephoto memory. The Chusovaya River will give aesthetic pleasure to connoisseurs of natural beauties.

She is also reflected in literature, appearing in such interesting works as:

  1. "Podlipovtsy" (F. Reshetnikov).
  2. "On the Chusovaya River", "Fighters" and "In the Stones" (D. Mamin - Siberian).
  3. "The Heart of Parma, or Cherdyn - the Princess of the Mountains" and "The Gold of Riot, or Down the Gorge River" (A. Ivanov).
  4. "Jolly soldier. (The soldier is getting married)” (V. Astafiev).
  5. The film "Gloomy River" (Yaropolk Lapshin), which was filmed in the village of Sloboda.
  6. Chusovaya river park
    Chusovaya river park

And the places here are fishy…

The greatest accumulation of fish occurs when the pond is drained, and all that remains are many minor lakes and puddles. Herons and gulls feast on the shallows, after which you can find piles of eaten freshwater bivalve toothless (clams). If you notice a heron, you can safely rush to its location, as there will definitely be fish that remained in the lakes.

Pike as the main catch in autumn on the Chusovaya River

Autumn fishing is very fruitful there. The Chusovaya River can offer, for example, in September, already significantly grown (30-40 cm) squint. The water in the river is quite turbid at this time, so it is not suitable for spinning, but in the lakes it is very bright. The difficulty of catching fish using traditional methods is justified here by the presence of numerous snags. And this is a real torment for the fishermen. After the next descent of water, the interlacing of the roots becomes visible, whichlike mangroves.

It is in these places that it is best to catch squints on a small wobbler that has a similar color to them. The bait floats mainly above the snags at a shallow depth (10-15 cm) and does not cling to anything. The bite goes on all the time. So, only from a small lake it turns out to catch up to 5-6 pikes. It happens that a large perch, which remained after the descent of water, pecks.

fishing Chusovaya river
fishing Chusovaya river

How to recognize fishing spots on the river

Proof of this is a large number of poaching nets deployed mainly on already dried roots. And a dozen more of these nets were thrown in a torn state on the shore.

A very swampy area will have to be overcome exclusively through the forest. Also, traces of poachers can be found on the edge near the forest: a hut and trees hung, as a rule, with jerseys. Then you have to walk several kilometers along the shore of a slightly lowered pond.

In these places, the depth is insignificant, but the wobbler practically does not scratch the bottom. Bites are a little worse here. Pecking mostly good perch and pike. The catch will have to be pulled out as quickly as possible due to the abundance of snags.

How to get from there to the nearest bus station

Returning home from these places is easy enough. To do this, it is necessary to cross the bridge over the river. Chusovaya and already from the village of Kurganova can be taken by bus for a very modest fee. The final destination will be the southern bus station.

What feeds this river

Water replenishment occurs mainly in three ways:

  • snowy (55%);
  • rain (29%);
  • underground (18%).

High water can be observed from the second half of April until mid-June. The water level in the river during the period of rain floods increases by 4-5 cm. However, this is not a constant practice, as a rule, in the summer, the river becomes shallow to a level not exceeding 10 cm.

Its bottom along its entire length is most often pebbly, rocky. The river freezes. Chusovaya, as a rule, by the end of October - beginning of December, and it opens in late April - early May. The lower reaches of the river have ice jams and ice jams, as a result of which there is a rise in its water level to the mark of 2.8 m.

It is known that the average water flow rate in it is 222 m3/sec. The river has a significant flow rate, which on average is eight km / h. The immobility of the ice cover on the river. Chusovaya is observed from the end of October to the beginning of May.

Who lives on the banks and in the underwater world of the river. Chusovaya

The animal world is very diverse there. On its banks you can meet such inhabitants as elk, bear, fox, wolf, lynx and hare. Fishing, as mentioned earlier, on the river is very excellent. This river is rich in gudgeon, and perch, and ruff, and roach, and pike, and ide, and chub, and bream.

Tributaries of the river. Chusovaya

There are more than 150 of them along the entire length of the river. Many of the tributaries are of very significant tourist interest. The main ones are Bolshaya Shaitanka and Shishim, Landmark Duck, Koiva, Lysva, Revda, Chataevskaya Shaitanka, Sulyom, Serebryanka, Usva andSylva.
