Crocodiles have inhabited our planet for 250 million years. They survived dinosaurs and other ancient animals, as they managed to adapt to changes in living conditions. The evolution of these reptiles has led to the fact that they have become large amphibious predators. It scares and at the same time attracts the attention of a crocodile. Where the predator lives and what it eats, we will tell in this article.

Why crocodiles have been around for so long
All these many millions of years, crocodiles lived in the tropics and subtropics, settling in reservoirs with fresh water. Since the habitat has remained virtually unchanged for a long time, crocodiles have hardly changed since ancient times. After the huge dinosaurs and other prehistoric predators died out, the crocodiles had no dangerous enemies left, and they became the masters of their habitats. New warm-blooded predators such as lions, tigers, leopards, and so on had a different habitat and did notcould kill crocodiles. Well, those, in turn, being strongly tied to water bodies, were not able to expand their possessions.
The most terrible and deadly enemy for crocodiles has become a man. Reptiles were killed for two main reasons. The first is the fear of a predator chained in a strong shell with a huge toothy mouth. The second reason is mercantile. Crocodile skin has become a very valuable material for the manufacture of shoes, handbags and other leather products. Some peoples who eat meat and eggs of reptiles have contributed to the reduction of the crocodile population. Where do crocodiles live and what do they eat? This is the question all kids ask when they see this reptile for the first time.
Who are called crocodiles?
Currently, all crocodiles are grouped into three families:
- Real crocodiles.
- Alligators.
- Gharials.
Caimans are considered by zoologists as one of the species of the alligator family. In total, 23 species of crocodiles are known and described. Each of them has its own habitats and food system. The crocodile has long been interested in scientists - where it lives, how it reproduces and whether it poses a danger to humans. All these questions were asked regularly, and in order to get answers, one had to observe the animal for a long time.

Such different reptiles
Representatives of different families differ from each other primarily in the shape of the muzzle and teeth. In real crocodiles, the muzzle is narrow and elongated, the fourth tooth of the lower jaw is visible when the mouth is closed. Atalligators and caimans have a wide and oval head; when the mouth is closed, the teeth are not visible, as they are closed by the upper jaw. Gharials are distinguished by a very thin and elongated muzzle. There are other small differences, such as the length of the teeth, the shape and location of the scutes of the skin, and so on.
The body of crocodiles, alligators, caimans and gharials is far from perfect, like all amphibians and fish. He is not able to maintain the thermal regime of the body. All these reptiles can only live in hot climates and warm water. They maintain body heat balance by immersion in water or going ashore to bask in the sun. The s alt metabolism of these reptiles is very poorly developed, so they live in fresh waters. Only real crocodiles have s alt-exchange glands. The process of removing s alts through the lacrimal glands is called "crocodile tears".
Reproduction and nutrition
Crocodiles spend most of their time in the water, but they lay their eggs in a nest on the shore. Breathe atmospheric air through the nostrils. The powerful jaws of crocodiles are filled with large and sharp teeth, but the crocodile cannot chew food. He is able to drag a very large animal under water, drown him, and then tear off large pieces from the carcass and swallow them whole. Reptiles are very voracious, but they can go without food for a long time, as their vital processes are slowed down. Yet crocodiles are patient hunters and ruthless killers. They are able to patiently wait for prey for a long time, sneak up to it imperceptibly and silently, and then grab it and hold it with a swift throw.jaws until she dies. Crocodiles do not disdain carrion, for which they are sometimes called cleaners of reservoirs.
Where can you find crocodiles?
Features of behavior, nutrition and development of reptiles are determined by where the crocodile lives, in what zone it lives.
The combed crocodile is the only one of all species that can live in the s alt water of the seas and oceans. It is distributed over a vast territory - from the southern coast of Asia to the coast of Australia. It can be found off the coast of India, on the islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, in northern Australia. This largest crocodile reaches a length of 6 meters or more and weighs about 1 ton. It feeds on animals, fish, that is, any representatives of the animal world that will attract its attention. There are cases of attacks on white sharks, large animals, including horses, tigers and so on. Cases of combed crocodile attacks on people have been recorded. Now you know how this crocodile differs from the rest, where it lives and what it eats.

The Mississippi alligator lives in the southeastern United States. Especially a lot of these reptiles are found in the swamps of Florida. Lives only in fresh water. It feeds on all living creatures that live nearby. Snakes, turtles, fish, birds and small mammals are part of his diet. A hungry alligator can come close to people's homes and attack small dogs and small pets. The Mississippi alligator is capable of digging small ponds. On the banks of these ponds, females make nests and lay inthem eggs. In cool weather, alligators lose their activity and are half asleep. Males are larger than females and reach a length of up to 4-4.5 meters. People carefully walk around the places where crocodiles live.

In what country are these animals considered sacred? Previously, the inhabitants of Egypt treated these animals with trepidation. Today the situation has changed - predators are being avoided.
Angler Crocodile
Gharial lives only in the rivers of the Indian subcontinent. The only species that has survived to our time is called the Ghanaian gharial. There are no others. Gharials have an elongated muzzle, very long jaws with a large number of teeth. This allows them to hunt fish effectively. The length of the gharial reaches 4.5 meters, there are almost 100 teeth in the mouth. But despite its large size, it does not attack large animals and people, because, thanks to the device of the jaws, it is more of a fisherman than a hunter. Of all the reptiles of the order of crocodile gharials, they spend more time in the water than others, and sometimes even manage to grow shells. In addition to fish, it can also eat small animals and carrion.

This crocodile is not dangerous for humans. Where this animal lives, you can often find small villages there, people are not afraid of such a neighborhood.
All representatives of the crocodile family, having existed on Earth for millions of years, have found their niche in the animal kingdom. As predators, they perform their function as orderlies of reservoirs and coastal space. They areclean their territory from sick and weak animals, as well as from their decaying corpses. Crocodiles and alligators do not expand their possessions by capturing new territories and living spaces. Their fights with other predators are random and occur mainly at watering places. Victory or defeat in these battles does not mean a redistribution of territory. But the life and continued existence of crocodiles now depend only on man. They have no natural enemies in nature. People do not like to visit places where crocodiles live. The country of America is inhabited by these animals, many residents see these creatures as an object for profit. Their skin brings a good income. But those who are not connected with the crocodile profit try not to disturb this predator.