Automatic "Tiss": creation, device and application

Automatic "Tiss": creation, device and application
Automatic "Tiss": creation, device and application

The beginning of the 90s for Russia was a time of great growth in organized crime. The aggravated crime situation became the impetus for the creation of special rapid response units (KORD), designed to strengthen the existing police units (OMON).

yew machine
yew machine

Army small arms were intended for the new power formations, the use of which in urban conditions posed a threat to the lives of civilians. Weapons designers developed the OTs-11 “Tiss” submachine gun especially for police special operations.

tiss automatic
tiss automatic

Weapon Making

The standard model AKS-74 U is considered to be the sample on which the Tiss assault rifle was assembled. Designers worked on its creation: V. N. Telesh and Yu. V. Lebedev at TsKIB in Tula.

The work took three years. In 1993, the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were equipped with the first batch of newunified weapons. Despite high reviews from the security forces, the Tiss assault rifle was not taken into serial production by the Tula Arms Plant.

tiss automatic photo
tiss automatic photo

Trigger device

The “Tiss” automatic rifle allows firing both single and burst. The rate of fire reaches 800 rounds per minute. The USM design uses the energy of powder gases, which are removed during the shot through a special side hole in the barrel. The channel is locked with a rotary valve, which is fixed by two lugs. With the help of a flag translator of the fire mode, the function of a fuse is performed. This translator is located on the right side of the receiver. After it is turned on, the trigger is locked. The bolt carrier receives a stroke limit.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the unified model

  • The length of the machine with the butt open is 73 cm.
  • When the stock is folded - 49 cm.
automatic ots 11 tiss
automatic ots 11 tiss
  • The barrel is 20 cm long.
  • The weight of the assault rifle without ammunition is 2.5 kg.
  • The caliber used is 9 x 39 mm.
  • Ammunition SP.5 and SP.6 are intended for the assault rifle.
  • Assault rifle magazine capacity is 20 rounds.
  • The weapon has an effective range of 400 meters.

Production of receiver for OCC-11 “Tiss”

AKS-74 U assault rifle (design and method of manufacturing the model) was used by the developersto create a steel receiver when creating a unified model. In the production of receiver boxes for these assault rifles, a high-performance technique for stamping sheet steel is used. As a result, the designs of the boxes in both versions are the same.

The Tiss assault rifle and its prototype: what do they have in common?

  • When creating weapons for police special forces, the automatic reload mechanism was borrowed from the AKS-74U.
  • The presence of a folding frame stock and a pistol grip.

How do slot machines differ from each other?

The presence of open mechanical sights in the “Teess” model. The assault rifle (the photo below shows the design features) has improved aiming range and accuracy of fire compared to its prototype

disassembly of the machine
disassembly of the machine
  • More compact compared to the AKS-74U, carrying out combat power in a new modified automatic box-shaped detachable magazines. The weapon model "Teess" has a magazine capacity of twenty rounds.
  • Assault rifle for police special forces is designed to fire cartridges of caliber 9 x 39 mm SP.5 and SP.6. The ammunition used by the prototype is 5.45 x 39mm.

Strengths and weaknesses of the new cartridge

“Teess” was created specifically for military operations in urban environments. Quite often, police groups of capture had to carry out shooting indoors. As a result, when detaining criminals by victims of ricochetsbecame third parties.

The SP.5 and SP.6 used in this weapon do not ricochet as compared to the sharp-nosed AKS-74U ammunition, while maintaining their high stopping power. This increases the accuracy of hits. SP.5 cartridges, which are considered sniper cartridges, are especially accurate. SP.6 is armor-piercing. From a distance of 400 meters, they can penetrate a bulletproof vest that has a second class of protection.

The disadvantages of SP.5 and SP.6 are:

  • SP.5 has a low initial speed and a large mass, which is fraught with a reduction in the effective firing range. It is recommended to use this ammunition at a distance not exceeding 200 meters.
  • The SP.6 cartridge has a high cost. The idea to produce cheap versions of this ammunition under the designation PAB-9 (armor-piercing automatic cartridges) was unsuccessful.

Operating in every region, territory and republics under the leadership of the GUBOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, police capture groups widely use the new small arms OTs-11 "Tiss". Ammunition adapted to this unified AKS-74U model no longer gives ricochets and has excellent ballistic properties. This allows law enforcement officers to boldly use weapons against organized crime without putting the civilian population at risk.
