The smallest girl in the world is primordial dwarfism

The smallest girl in the world is primordial dwarfism
The smallest girl in the world is primordial dwarfism

The smallest girl in the world, Charlotte Garside, was born 6 years ago in England. Charlotte became famous because of her illness. When her mother, Emma Garside, was pregnant, doctors diagnosed the fetus with intrauterine dwarfism, and the girl was born with a weight of 800 grams and a height of 20 centimeters.

Charlotte Garside was so tiny she could fit in the palm of the doctor who delivered the baby. The girl appeared 4 weeks ahead of schedule, and the doctor was afraid that she would not live even two days after giving birth. But, contrary to the predictions of doctors, Charlotte survived, however, not without the help of an incubator for newborns, in which she was grown to full term.

The second prediction given by the doctors after discharge was that the smallest girl in the world would not live to be two years old. But Charlotte has already lived to the age of six, and today she goes to school with ordinary children.

the smallest girl in the world
the smallest girl in the world

Before Charlotte, it was believed that Yoti Amge is the smallest girl in the world(India, Nagpur). Yoti's height at fifteen was 58 cm, and she weighed 5 kg. With these data, Yoti got into the Guinness Book of Records. But now Yoti is over 20 years old, and her height has slightly crossed the mark of 60 centimeters.

Charlotte's height

Charlotte's height at the age of five was 60 centimeters, and her weight was 3.5 kg, so today it is believed that she holds the championship as the smallest girl in the world.

When the baby was brought home from the maternity hospital, the parents and sisters looked at the beautiful doll wrapped in diapers for a long time, and did not dare to pick it up. She seemed so small and fragile that her family were afraid to break her spine.

Charlotte's diagnosis

Charlotte was diagnosed with primordial dwarfism. What is it? Primordial dwarfism is not a genetically transmitted gene, but a genetic disorder during pregnancy. That is, Charlotte could have been born a completely he althy child, like all children. The cause of the genetic disorder in Charlotte's case is unknown. Emma Gardies and her husband are ordinary people who have never worked with poisons and chemicals and have not been in places of high radiation, they are not alcoholics or drug addicts, do not smoke cigarettes and lead a normal life.

charlotte garside
charlotte garside

It is known that the diagnosis of "primordial dwarfism" is a little, and there are no more than 100 cases in the world. Unlike many dwarfs, Charlotte develops proportionately in all parts of her body. It grows very slowly. Her waist does not have 35 centimeters. Looking at heryou can not guess that she is a dwarf, and think: "She is no more than two years old." With primordial dwarfism, a person grows to ninety centimeters, so Charlotte's height is predetermined.

world's smallest girl charlotte garside
world's smallest girl charlotte garside

What does the smallest girl in the world eat

Charlotte has a very small esophagus, so she cannot eat whole foods like he althy people. When the girl was still very tiny, she had to be constantly fed with milk formula through a connected tube, which was connected to a probe. As she grew older, Charlotte began to eat regular food, such as sandwiches, but due to a lack of nutrients and calories that are necessary for development and growth, she is still fed through a tube. The tube feeding procedure takes 5 hours a day. That is, Charlotte is connected to a special feeding machine every day. She often feels sick, so it is quite difficult to feed her fully so that the body receives the daily norm of nutrients.

smallest girl in the world india
smallest girl in the world india

What else does the smallest girl in the world suffer from

1. Charlotte is developmentally retarded and cannot yet fully speak, although she was sent to a regular school. Her communication is reduced to a few subtle words, sounds and gestures, which she learned thanks to her sisters. She understands what is said to her, and with the help of gestures shows the letters by which her relatives read the words. According to the school curriculum, Charlotte is already two years behind, but her parents do not want to send her to a specialschool for mentally retarded children. Her family believes that their daughter is more suitable for a school for ordinary children.

2. Charlotte is hyperactive and can't sit still. She twists and turns and, despite having trouble walking, constantly tries to get up and walk. Her hyperactivity causes certain difficulties for her parents and sisters. There is always a risk that Charlotte will fall and get a fracture, but relatives are already used to it and cope with the help of various walkers and other devices. She is also very often annoyed, and her family is always trying to please her.

3. Charlotte has poor eyesight, so she has to wear glasses with very thick lenses since childhood. Since her head is small, her parents put on elastic glasses for her.

4. Charlotte has liver problems and weak immunity.

Despite all her illnesses, Charlotte's parents are very happy that they have a dwarf child, and they say that without her, so small and cheerful, they can no longer imagine their life.
