Biography of Boris Polevoy, an outstanding journalist and prose writer

Biography of Boris Polevoy, an outstanding journalist and prose writer
Biography of Boris Polevoy, an outstanding journalist and prose writer

"A Russian man has always been a mystery to a foreigner" - a line from the story about the legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev, which was written by Russian journalist and prose writer Boris Polev in just 19 days. It was in those terrible days when he was present at the Nuremberg Trials. This is a story about the mysterious Russian soul, about the desire to live and survive in the most difficult conditions without losing strength of mind. About the ability to be friends and not betray, forgive with all your heart and resist the blows of fate. This is pain for millions of broken destinies, for our country, which was drawn into a bloody slaughter, but survived and won. Like any book about the war, this story did not leave contemporaries indifferent; a film was made based on it and an opera was staged. The story of a heroic man is one of the few that received a high post-war award - the Stalin Prize. But most importantly, the story of a pilot who was left without legs, his love of life and fortitude have become an example to follow for several generations.

Dream of becoming a journalist

Boris Kampov was born in Moscow in 1908. His parentsFrom childhood, they instilled in their son a love of reading. At home, the Kampovs had a luxurious library, where the best works of Russian and foreign classics were collected. Mom instilled good taste in Boris by reading the works of Gogol, Pushkin, Lermontov. Before the revolution, the family moved to Tver, where the boy entered school number 24. After receiving a seven-year education at school and studying at a technical school, he decides to become a technologist at the Proletarka factory.

Boris Polevoy full biography
Boris Polevoy full biography

But even at school, little Boris was interested in journalism. After all, he grew up in a noisy and crowded factory yard, and he always wanted to tell about the people around him, their characters and actions. I wanted to write about the emotions and feelings that overwhelmed the young man.

Nickname from editor

The biography of Boris Polevoy as a journalist began with a small note in the regional newspaper "Tverskaya Pravda". And for several years he wrote essays, articles, actively working as a correspondent. The pseudonym Polevoy appeared on the advice of the editor of this newspaper. The word campus is Latin for "field".

Boris Polevoy biography
Boris Polevoy biography

Journalism became the meaning of his life, he described the life of ordinary people with pleasure and creative greed, praised the workers, ridiculed the klutz and lazy people. His talent did not go unnoticed, and after the publication of the book "Memoirs of a lousy man" Maxim Gorky took him under his protection. This was the first significant event in the biography of Boris Polevoy. In 1928 he became a professional journalist and devoted his whole life to his work. And in 1931, the magazine "October" publishes the story "Hot Workshop", which brings him literary fame.

War and Pravda newspaper

The next milestone in the difficult biography of Boris Polevoy is the war. In 1941, he moved to live in Moscow and began working as a war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper. He writes essays, notes, stories about military operations, about the advance of our troops to the West. Many articles about ordinary people, about their courage and immense love of life. It was Boris Polevoy who proudly wrote about Matvey Kuzmin, who at the age of 83 repeated the feat of Ivan Susanin. At the front lines, he often talked a lot with soldiers and nurses, listened to their stories and wrote down in detail.

Boris Field journalist
Boris Field journalist

From these records interesting literary works and essays were born. As a journalist, Boris Polevoy was interested in the characters of people, the selflessness with which they fought against the enemy. In the war and post-war times, in addition to newspaper notes, such works as "Doctor Vera", "The Tale of a Real Man", the documentary book "In the end" about the Nuremberg trials come out from under the pen. This trial of the leaders of the Wehrmacht Boris Polevoy captured on the pages of the book, where he shared his impressions of the frightening truth about the Nazi criminals. All his books were very popular, they were read to holes, and "The Tale of the Presenthuman" has become compulsory in the school curriculum.

Dedication to one's profession

Wherever Boris Polevoy has been in all his professional career! He traveled the country from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka and wrote everywhere. No less famous are his books about Siberia, about how the country was rebuilt after the war. The novels "Gold" and "On the Bank of the River" are written about Soviet people who survived in the most difficult conditions of the taiga. In 1961, he became the editor-in-chief of Yunost, and for 20 years it was the most widely read magazine in the Soviet Union. Since 1946, he has been a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, since 1952 - vice-president of the European Society of Culture of the USSR, where he de alt with important issues in the education of youth.

Boris Field journalist photo
Boris Field journalist photo

In 1969, the biography of Boris Polevoy is replenished with another important event - he was elected chairman of the board of the Soviet Peace Fund. The creative activity of Boris Nikolayevich is a worthy role model. Every boy recognized the photo of journalist Boris Polevoy. His works are written in a light style, the characters are remembered for a long time, and they wanted to imitate. A complete biography of Boris Polevoy is a clear example of dedication to his profession, and wherever he was, journalism always came first. Boris Polevoy died in July 1981 in Moscow, where he was buried.
