A relatively young republic in the very center of the Caucasus is distinguished by respect for its ancestry, ancestors, and history. The alphabetical list of Ingush surnames abounds with well-known clans in the republic belonging to respected teips. What was common in European countries during the Middle Ages is flourishing in Ingushetia today. A small republic in the vast Russian Federation has its own leadership in the country, which is also associated with belonging to one of the surnames. Why does the bloodline influence the life of this people so much?
Ingushetia and Ingush surnames
In 1992, Ingushetia officially became a republic of the Russian Federation, before that it was considered the territory of Chechnya. Now its close neighbors are Chechnya, North Ossetia, Georgia. Ingushetia is the smallest territory that has received the status of a republic in the Russian Federation. Since ancient times, this area is replete with beautiful views and towers. It is believed that the word "Ingush" means "builders of towers." And there are really a lot of ancient buildings and towers on the territory of a small republic. They amaze with their grandeur, as they were designed by architects at a time when computer graphics did not exist in the bud.
According to the geographical principle, the people are divided into teips. Those, in turn, consist of families with surnames transmitted through the paternal line. Teips have a patriarchal system, since the history of origin would quickly be lost on the maternal side. The history of the set of Ingush surnames goes deep into ancient times. Teips were fully formed in the 19th century. The clan or teip structure occupies an important place in the life of the people, which may seem unusual to an outsider. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the structure of teips.

Taips or teips (both pronunciations are correct) represent several clans connected by the territory of residence. In modern society, representatives of individual teips may not live nearby, but until the 19th century, settlement played a decisive role. The most significant societies are Galgaev, Tsorinsky, Dzheyrakh, Metskhal and Orstkhoevsky shakhar.
Shahar is a teip association, which included 3-10 surnames. For example, the Fappino society, which was formed later on the basis of these communities, consisted of 5 clans: the Tsurovs, the Lyanovs, the Borovs, the Arkhievs and the Khamatkhanovs.
All carriers of Ingush surnames in a certain teip, according to legend, come from one common ancestor, whose deeds can acquire semi-mythical details. Such associations could have their own cemeteries, temples, territory for dwellings, militarytowers. Interestingly, there is no concept of blood feud among members of one teip - only members of another association are allowed to take revenge.
The number of teips was not constant: their representatives died in wars, moved, were persecuted by more influential communities, new formations were formed from the old ones. For a long time, approximately 50 taips remained on the territory of Ingushetia.
In power
Although the concept of power remains relative, since the leaders of the republic are chosen by the Kremlin, nevertheless, with his decisions, the president can cause both discontent of the people and approval, which will consolidate his position. The list of Ingush shahars and teips is invariably headed by the two most famous in power - Tsara and Zyazikovs. Tzaroy has less influence than the clan of his rivals, but still remains representative. It consists of the Gaitievs, Tatievs, Tsaroevs, Mogushkovs, Myakievs. Timur Mogushkov, former Prime Minister, is now in charge of economic programs.
Teip Zyazikov has more opportunities. The Odievs, Ganizhevs, Ganievs, Aldievs, Barkhanoevs belong to it. After Ruslan Aushev, who stood at the origins of the creation of the republic, Murat Zyazikov was the main contender for the presidency. His candidacy was supported by the federal center, and the former FSB colonel quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a general. This is a normal practice, since a representative of an insufficiently high rank cannot be in power. Rashid Zyazikov, his brother, oversees the selection of all government personnel.
The influence of the Zyazikovs is not limited to this: Daud Zyazikov, also the president's brother, is responsible for emergency response and fire safety. Musa Keligov, during the election of Zyazikov as president, served as the security service of LUKOIL. He was an influential support for the rising clan, but after the conflict, relations became colder.

Three influential and fairly well-known Ingush surnames are arranged alphabetically in this order: Malsagovs, Tangievs, Uzhakhovs. This is the "white bone" in Ingushetia, its aristocracy. Each of the surnames comes from different teips, but what is interesting is that other surnames of their kind are not included in this narrow society of the elite. The aristocracy does not tolerate strangers in their possessions: those who do not have indigenous origin from these clans will not be able to be accepted into their circle.
Respect in the society of the Malsagovs and Uzhakhovs deserved the fact that in the Russian-Turkish war they led "wild divisions", having the rank of generals. Divisional units were mountain formations belonging to the Russian army and taking the side of Russia in the war. For their courage and exploits, the detachments covered themselves with glory, and the generals are still considered honorary representatives of families.
Male Ingush surnames, such as the Malsagovs, are ambitious. Not all of them hold top positions: Akhmed Malsagov headed the government, his relatives ran private businesses, and some could be considered rather poor representatives of society. Nevertheless, no one forgets his origin, is proud of it andunderstands that position in society is just a way to realize his ambitions.
Dear families
The main clan, which is known to almost everyone who has come across the Ingush and their history, is the Aushevs. The history of the origin of Ingush surnames sometimes goes back to their famous representatives in past centuries, but this clan became famous relatively recently thanks to Ruslan Aushev, the former president. Having served for a large number of years in the Soviet, and later in the Russian army, Ruslan Sultanovich most of all appreciated the personal qualities of his associates.
Aushev didn't really care which teip representative was aiming for this or that post. The main thing is that he loves Ingushetia and serves it for the good. For this reason, some ambitious politicians did not hold their positions for more than three months. For other respected families, topping the list of Ingush teips, it was important to have a sense of comradeship, namely, the ability to support one's relative.
One of these teips is the Evloevs, the most numerous and characterized by close ties. A special method of solving problems for the Evloevs is collective decision-making. Often the clan chose a more promising relative and gave him an excellent education. If the expectations were justified, the relatives chipped in and the position was bought. In the service of the state, such a representative of the teip should always remember the interests of his relatives and be indebted to death to those who elevated him.

Visiting clans
On the territoryMelkhi lives in Ingushetia - a teip that moved to the republic after the war. Prior to that, they lived on the lands that are now under the rule of Chechnya. Ethnically being Ingush, they lived outside the lands of their people for a long time. The clan is considered very numerous - about 20 thousand of its representatives live on the territory of Ingushetia. However, Melkhi is not a separate teip, formed on a geographical basis, as usual, but a collective name for settlers.
The list of Ingush taips who moved to the republic is supplemented by Batalkhadzhins. They are famous for their short temper and serious aggression. They include the following surnames: Izmailovs, Belkhoroevs, Alkharoevs. Inaccessible, they form their own little world in a small republic. Quite numerous teip is very purposeful. They will not stop at an almost unattainable goal, even if it costs someone's he alth and future.
The council of elders determines who the whole clan will vote for, what views to adhere to. If you need to achieve something (award for an anniversary, a new position), then different levers will be used: flattery, pressure, blackmail and more.
The role of teips in Ingushetia plays a very important role in society and is placed higher than even in Chechnya, where such a division is also common.

Shukri Dakhkilgov. "Origin of Ingush surnames"
In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the artificial resettlement of the Ingush began in those territories where the people adapted with difficulty. The history of many Ingush surnamesended sadly in these times: famine, mistreatment of the indigenous population with immigrants and oppression negatively affected not only physically, but also morally. The spiritual genocide of the people led to lack of education, an acute national question, and the loss of heritage. Why did the state need it? The imperial authorities feared an uprising by the impulsive people living in the highlands.
The well-known local historian Shukri Dakhkilgov wrote about this. His homeland is the village of Dolakovo in Nazran. In addition to writing, he is known for his conscientious performance of duties in the city executive committee, where he worked as its chairman for four years. But there was another side, where the local historian left a huge legacy: a writer, scientist, journalist, public figure. He did not dwell on already known information, but tried to get to the point.
The area of settlement, Ingush teips and surnames, the history of Ingushetia, the brotherhood of some communities - this is not all that interested Shukri. For years he collected information about his compatriots, drew attention to little-known aspects of history. The book "From the history of mountaineering" tells about the man who first conquered the peak of the Caucasus. In addition, “The Origin of Ingush Surnames”, “In Defense of Indisputable Truths”, “A Word about the Native Land” and other works are considered famous.

Similar to Ossetian surnames
Two kindred peoples have enough coincidences in history and are related. Ossetian surnames of Ingush origin are found both interritories of Ingushetia and Ossetia. Here is a belief connected with this: there were three Kaloev brothers. After an armed skirmish, one of them killed a man. In order not to fall victim to blood feud, he fled to Ossetia, the second remained in Ingushetia, and the third moved to Digoria. From here came three surnames in different nations - each left offspring, which considered the country where they were born their home, at the same time bore the surname Kaloevs. In Ingushetia, even the family tower of this family has been preserved. She is called Keli.
However, this is not the only surname. So, the Khamatkhanovs are now considered one of the most respected and recognizable families. They have relatives in villages located on the Long Valley and Ezmi. In addition, there are bearers of other surnames, such as the Tsoraevs and the Durovs, who come from the Ingush Dorian society.
Why could such a mixture occur? It's simple: well-known good families that had an excellent reputation were looking for their own kind for an equal marriage. Sometimes the chosen one was in neighboring nations. In some cases, the heads of the teips yielded. Some family ties can be traced almost from the beginning of the genus.

The difference from the Chechens
The Ingush also have a lot in common with the Chechens. It is understandable - these are two peoples that have occurred due to the delimitation of one. However, over the years of different history, they have accumulated significant differences. First of all, the Caucasian war divided the two peoples on opposite sides of the conflict: the Chechens supported the ideas of muridism, militaryreligious movement, and the Ingush fought for the faith. The end of hostilities meant for the Ingush the settlement of their territories by strangers, which did not contribute to the preservation of the history of their people.
The collapse of the Soviet Union also did not lead to an increase in the number of coincidences between the two kindred peoples. The Ingush became part of Russia, while Chechnya fought for full independence. Now these are two subjects of the federation - the Republic of Ingushetia and Chechnya. In addition, the views of both peoples were influenced not only by the division of borders and the direction of politics, but also by religion. The Chechens adopted Sunni Islam a century earlier than the Ingush, and during the Caucasian War, worship took on fanatical overtones. Ingush surnames and teips have always been more relaxed about religion.
Traditions distinguish one people from another, but their features are influenced by religious views. Until recently, the Ingush still worshiped the cult of the family, a belief where the clan and its features are held in high esteem. Now they are very surprised that Chechens, for example, are able to serve soup to guests, and not a meat dish. Thanks to the centuries-old worship of the cult of the family, their marriages are stronger: the attitude of relatives to each other, the way of solving problems, receiving guests, new trends of old traditions.

Interesting facts
The set of Ingush surnames includes many surnames of Chechen or Ossetian origin. But if the Chechen teips have hundreds of surnames, then the Ingush have no more than a dozen of them. Close peoples differ in small details: at Ingush weddingsyou can see traditional dresses, and on Chechen ones - wedding dresses. Marriages within the teip are not welcome among the Ingush - it's good when the bride finds the groom outside of it. In this way, there are 700 thousand Ingush in the world, who are settled in addition to Ingushetia in the territories of Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Latvia, Jordan and Syria.
A few people have their secrets. So, in 2004, scientists discovered the tomb of Tamara, the Georgian queen. Tamara wanted her body not to fall into the hands of enemies, and therefore the tomb was hidden far in the mountains. Of course, there are no written sources - everything is shrouded in mystery and silence for many centuries. The cave was found by accident, and assumptions only remain so. Whether the tomb is royal is still unknown.
The list of Ingush surnames is very long - the Evloev family alone has 60 surnames. When meeting with a representative of this republic, it would be interesting to ask about their culture, values, preferences in everyday life and how they build relationships between people. Bright, emotional people are able to tell a lot, especially if you ask about their history. The study of Ingush surnames will not be in vain - this people will treat with special respect those who are interested in their family structure. And for the respect shown in this way, they will thank in full.