A woman in politics is not the norm, but rather the exception. It is necessary to have not just a strong character, but a character that can prove that in difficult situations and when making difficult decisions, he does not save. Deputy Galina Starovoitova possessed such a nature, whose biography is not a story about how a strong woman strove for power, but about how power itself came to her.
Birth of the Iron Lady
On the political sidelines, Starovoitova was called the iron lady for her fearlessness and uncompromising nature. She has been like this since birth. On May 17, 1946, the first child, a girl, was born in the young family of the Starovoitovs, Vasily and Rimma. These were the half-starved post-war years. Rimma weighed only 48 kilograms, and the baby was born weighing 4 kilograms 200 grams, surprising the entire Chelyabinsk maternity hospital. The girl announced her birth with a strong piercing cry. Even then, she loudly declared herself.
Loving parents named the baby Galya, which in Greek means"Calm and serene." But Galina Vasilievna Starovoitova was not like that by nature. Her biography is replete with stories that show a far from serene character. An indifferent attitude to what is happening and a bold statement of her positions distinguished little Galina from childhood.
You are wrong
Galochka later had a sister, Olga. She will take a prominent place in the biography of Galina Starovoitova. As children, they were not very friendly. The elder Galya, by virtue of her nature, surpassed the calm Olya. Then she will remember with a smile how Galina was constantly set as an example to her: she studies better, and writes essays only for fives - look at your sister and study. Olga then was angry, but after growing up, the rivalry ceased. Moreover, the sister becomes an assistant to the deputy Galina Starovoitova.

There was a history club at school. At one of the classes, a history teacher, having told about a historical event, summed up the philosophical basis. Galina Starovoitova, a 10th grade student, stood up and boldly declared that the teacher was mistaken, because Klyuchevsky explains the historical course of events differently. The teacher smiled condescendingly at the young impulse and, saying that she was wrong, ended the lesson. But Galya was not satisfied. She decided to bring proof.
I'll prove myself right
The Starovoitov family was already living in Leningrad then, and the girl went to the public library. It had departments with rare copies of scientific literature, which could only be entered with special passes. Of course, no passthere was no tenth grader. But not at all embarrassed, she turned to the librarian, competently arguing her request. The woman simply could not dismiss the arguments of the assertive girl and allowed her to go to the department.
Having found the necessary book and written out a quote from Klyuchevsky, Galina enlisted the friendship and support of the librarian. Now she could come and use rare specimens at any time. At the next lesson, Galina read out a quote, and the teacher admitted his mistake, and Galina offered to join the council of the circle.

This story clearly demonstrates the direction of Galina Starovoitova's personality: if you are right, prove your case, regardless of your status. And what is most interesting, she did it for the sake of truth, and not for some of her own benefit, and she was offered a post on the council of the circle. This is how she will go through life: each time, for the sake of truth, she will express her opinion, without looking back at the consequences. Everyone noted her fearlessness. Irina Khakamada, State Duma deputy, will say this about Galina Vasilievna:
She was a distant but courageous example for me. It is impossible for a woman in politics. Discrimination, constant humiliation, jokes, jokes, let's give the word to a woman. And if they go to the government, they review all the ministers, and when they find the worst, most unnecessary ministry, well, let's put a woman there for decency. And for which I respected Galina Vasilievna, she never de alt with purely women's politics, she demonstrated a tough position that a woman is just as professional, that she can be president,Minister of Defense, adviser on national policy, she spoke fearlessly in the Duma. In 1993, I just came there, I didn’t understand anything. And for me it was very important. When I saw her courage, something jumped in my heart, and I, as a younger brother, felt that I could repeat this. When there was an image of Gali, it was easier for me.
Profession that feeds
Vasily Stepanovich Starovoitov, Galya's father, was a design engineer and achieved a lot in this field. Out of good intentions, he sent his eldest daughter to study at the Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute: engineers are always needed, the profession will feed you. Studying at a technical university is not an easy task. There is a saying: "I passed the sopromat, you can get married." Galina studied for two years, passed the sopromat, and then decided: that's it, I can't, it's not for me.
The Department of Psychology was opened at the same institute, which produced its first enrollment. The competition for one place was furious: it was only ahead of the competition for theater institutes. Starovoitova passed the entrance exams with excellent marks and became a student of the Faculty of Psychology.
Private life
In the biography of Galina Starovoitova there were two husbands. She met her first husband, Mikhail Borshchevsky, while still a student at the Faculty of Psychology, and Mikhail also studied there. Common interests, outlooks on life, similarity of characters attracted young people to each other. They merried. Moreover, on April 29, 1968, there were two weddings in the Starovoitov family: both daughters, Galya and Olya, got married. A year later, both gave their husbands sons, the differenceonly 4 days. Galina Starovoitova named her son Plato, and her sister named Sergey.

A small child took a lot of time, it was impossible to study and take care of the baby at the same time, and Galina moves to the correspondence department, which she will graduate a year and a half earlier. Then, without delay, she will go to graduate school. She will be advised to write her dissertation not on a psychological topic, but on an ethnographic one. Having plunged into this topic, Galina will be so carried away by the issues of national self-determination of peoples that this will become her life's work.
Mysterious Caucasus
Galina Starovoitova worked for more than 10 years as a senior researcher in the department of Russian and Slavic ethnography of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera). During this period, she, together with a scientific expedition, will go to the Caucasus to study the phenomenon of longevity. Galina Vasilievna will consider this question from the point of view of psychology. Visiting Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh, she will feel that behind the beauty and serenity of nature, behind the benevolent and cordial welcome of the inhabitants of the villages, national enmity begins to rear its head, which will subsequently sweep away Soviet peace and stability.
In 1988, a mass pogrom of the Armenian population took place in the Azerbaijani city of Sumgayit. This event was preceded by a conflict about the ownership of Nagorno-Karabakh, which wanted to secede from the Azerbaijan SSR and join the Armenian SSR. In the Soviet Union, this was the first armed conflict based on nationality. Starovoitova Galina Vasilievna was very worried about people, many of whom she knew. She will write a letter to her friends - poetess Silva Kaputikyan and writer Zori Balanyan, where there will be words of support and admiration for the Armenian people. This letter will be printed in all newspapers in Armenia.
People will feel the author's sincerity and want to elect her as their MP. The Central Election Commission will not allow Starovoitova to participate in the elections, then the residents of this district will disrupt the vote. The authorities had to surrender under the pressure of the people, and Galina Starovoitova will represent Armenia at the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. Thanks to active participation in the people's misfortune, politics and power will come to Galina.
I am where the pain is
In 1989, Starovoitova and her family moved to Moscow. In 1990, she will be elected as a deputy of the RSFSR from Leningrad. She conducts her political activities very harshly, not recognizing halftones: either white or black. Political longevity is built on the ability to compromise, adapt to new political conditions and on a diplomatic approach. But this was not in the nature of Galina Starovoitova - she is straightforward, resolute and sharp. However, she responded to the requests of ordinary people with all her heart. When asked "Where can we find you?" she invariably replied, “I am where the pain is.”

As a Democrat of the first wave, she firmly believed that everything could be changed for the better, and saw reforms as a panacea. When she was told that politics is a dirty business, she did not agree with this. In her arguments, she emphasizedthat any business can be messed up, everything will depend on the person.
Therefore, she accepted with full responsibility the appointment in 1991 to the post of adviser to the president on national issues. A year later, she is suddenly dismissed from this position. But Galina Starovoitova will be proud that this year not a drop of blood will be shed in Russia on national soil.
The road will be mastered by the walking one
In 1996, the Central Election Commission registered an initiative group of voters who nominated Starovoitova for the presidency of the country. This was the first time that a woman was nominated for the post of head of state. St. Petersburg newspapers published a photo of Galina Starovoitova, an appeal by the initiative group to St. Petersburg residents to vote for her, and a signature sheet form. People cut out these signature sheets from newspapers and sent the completed ones to Starovoitova's headquarters. Thus, more than a million signatures required for registration were collected. But the Central Election Commission did not accept subscription lists from newspapers, and she could not go to the polls. Galina Starovoitova had no illusions about her victory in the elections. She just wanted to set a precedent, to pave the way for future women MPs who are discriminated against on the basis of gender every day.

It is very difficult for a woman in politics. Galina Starovoitova fought all the time against male chauvinism in power. She was given very little time for performances, constant jokes and greasy jokes were commonplace. But she was not indebted either. She could answer in such a way that the opponent sometimes had nothingobject. They called her that - a general in a skirt. Starovoitova had to resort to trickery to get her ideas out: she passed some bills under false names, knowing that if her name was not there, it would definitely be accepted.
But once even she could not stand it. In 1998, rallies with the participation of Albert Makashov became more frequent in Moscow, who provoked interethnic strife with his statements. Galina Vasilievna very keenly perceived the division of people along ethnic lines. She was convinced: there are no bad or good nationalities, there are good and bad deeds of people, and nationality has nothing to do with it. Makashov was gaining strength, no measures had an effect on him. Starovoitova then came home to her parents and burst into childish tears:
Sometimes you want to quit a deputy mandate, because you can't do anything in such a Duma.
Strong and touching
Two iron ladies - this is how you can call the photo of Galina Starovoitova with Margaret Thatcher. It was made on August 19, 1991 at a meeting in London. Then a situation occurred that characterizes Galina Vasilievna not only as a tough politician, but simply as a touching woman.

Margaret Thatcher asked her for Boris Yeltsin's phone number, explaining that she urgently needed to contact him. Galina, having said that she had such a number, began to rummage in her bag. She never started notebooks, and phone numbers were written on slips of paper. The desired leaf did not want to be in any way. Feeling that pause toodragged on, she simply squatted down and dumped the contents of her bag onto the carpet. Such an act surprised the stiff British, and Starovoitova, having found in a pile of garbage, as one of the assistants to the English prime minister put it, a piece of paper with the number of the president, handed it to Thatcher.
I can't help it
The biography of Galina Starovoitova is the biography of a strong woman. Not every man can withstand the pace of her life. Therefore, having lived with her husband for 21 years, they part, and he and his son leave for England. There was a deep connection between father and son, so at the family council it was decided that it would be better if they left together. Due to the fact that she was immersed in work, Galina Starovoitova did not have more children. Plato was her only and beloved child, and she suffered separation from him for a long time.

In England, Plato finds himself: he does business, marries an Englishwoman, but divorces after 6 years. He left an illegitimate son in Russia. Galina Vasilievna loved her grandson Artem very much. But life is not empty. The deputy in the skirt had many suitors, but she did not trust them. “The devil knows: they like me or my position,” she said to confidants. But even the most impregnable fortresses once surrender. In 1996, at one of the scientific symposia, Starovoitova met Andrey Volkov, a professor at the Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics. He was not perfect: he was divorced twice, had three children, and many did not understand such an unexpected choice of an impregnable lady. And she simply answered that she was comfortable and calm with him. Officially theyformalized the relationship in May 1998. In January 1999, they wanted to get married, but did not have time.
Stab in the back
On November 20, 1998, Starovoitova was killed at the entrance to her house in St. Petersburg, and her assistant was seriously wounded. The version of a contract killing for political reasons will immediately be approved. The investigation will take a long time. Although there are both performers and a customer, it will be clear to everyone - this is a small fish. Nobody called the name of the real customer, although they suspected that the threads lead to the very top. Olga Starovoitova, who for all these years did not allow the case of the murder of her sister to die out, is also not completely satisfied with the current situation. But if, on principle, you go to the end, you can pay very dearly. The motive for the crime remained a mystery. As it turned out, this woman's strength surpassed many, so she had to be removed.

In memory of this strong woman, a monument was erected on her grave: a tricolor with broken edges behind the bars of the fence. He very symbolically conveys the mood of Galina Starovoitova: the desire to improve the life of the country and the fatal impotence to do this because of the powerful confrontation.