The 20s of the last century were marked by a boom in many areas of American life, including cinema. This industry is rapidly developing, and from an inaccessible one, it gradually develops into mass entertainment and an independent art form. Hollywood becomes the center of the film industry, nurturing numerous movie stars. Heroes of screen images were created, taking into account the preferences of the viewer. In the sky of young art, the star of the unforgettable Gloria Swanson lit up brightly and for a long time.

Silent movie star
Full name is Gloria May Josephine Swenson. And today she is remembered as one of the most inimitable, magnificent stars of cinema during the apogee of the art of silent cinema. She belonged to the type of women who are called extravagant, extraordinary. In the photo, Gloria Swenson appears as a femme fatale, which is in fact. This is the first actressdemonstrated on the screen that a woman can afford to smoke, drink, openly and boldly flirt with men. She was a role model. Millions of fans wanted to be like her in the manner of dressing, combing their hair. Svenson had her own unique style.

Biography of the actress
Gloria Swenson was born on March 27, 1899 in Chicago, Illinois, to Joseph Swanson, a military man. Mother, Adelaide Klanossky, is a Polish immigrant.
Gloria got into the cinema absolutely by accident. After graduating from school, she began her career, mastering the work of a seller in a store. Having visited the Essanay film studio in Chicago as a sightseer, the girl asked to participate in the extras, and received a small role-episode in the film "Song of the Soul" (1914).
Triumphant success was not achieved, but the totality of available data for a career as a movie actress did their job, and the future Hollywood star received an offer to sign a contract for several films. Among them is Charlie Chaplin's painting "His New Work" (1915).

Professional activities of a silent film actress
In 1916, Gloria changed her place of residence, settled in California and worked for the famous director Mac Sennett, who was a co-owner and artistic director of the Keystone film studio. She successfully copes with the main roles in the films "The Pullman Bride" and "Her Decision, or Dangerous Girl".
Butmanaged to achieve perfection under the guidance of a talented creative director Cecil deMille. She brilliantly succeeded in the role of women, wise by life experience, strong-willed and strong. Despite her youth, she intuitively felt how to embody the images of secular lionesses, femme fatales on the screen. In 1919, these were roles in the films "Don't Change Your Husband", "For Joy and Sorrow". "Why change your wife" was released in 1920, "The Adventures of Anatole" in 1921.
I got Gloria in my paintings and Sam Wood for several roles. In 1922, in the film "Beyond the Cliffs", she played in tandem with the legend of silent films Rudolph Valentino.

The status of the brightest Hollywood star for Gloria was not enough, and she decides to found her own studio. It is on her film set that she is filmed in the film "Sadie Thompson" and the sound picture "Delinquent". Gloria Swenson is twice nominated for an Oscar. In her own film company, she played a major role in the film by Erich von Stroheim "Queen Kelly".
But, unfortunately, Hollywood legend Gloria Swanson suffered the fate of many famous silent film artists - with the advent of sound, the demand for the actress has significantly decreased. The peak of fame is left behind. The splendor of her appearance has not changed - after 30 she was dazzling. But with the onset of the Great Depression, the viewer's attitude changed. The luxurious life of idols evoked feelings that were just the oppositedelight. After "Queen Kelly" there were only six roles. Several films where the actress invested her money failed, thereby reducing her fortune.
In 1950, Gloria Swanson was invited by director Billy Wilder to play the main character in the film Sunset Boulevard. The story of silent film star Norma Desmond brought Swanson back to her former glory. This film has become one of the greatest creations of Hollywood and the best image created by the actress. She began to play on stage, starred in television series.
The actress's enthusiasm was boundless, her love of life was inexhaustible. The favorite of millions continued to amaze by creating charitable aid funds. Being a woman to the core, she became involved in the fashion industry and created a fashion house, releasing a clothing line under her own brand. She also got to such a popular activity as yoga. Greta Garbo, Ramon Navarro, and other acting celebrities worked next to her. The founder of the yoga school, Indra Devi, wrote the book "Yoga for Americans" and dedicated it to Gloria Swenson.

With the advent of television in the 40s, she became the host of one of the first talk shows.
Among other things, among the hobbies of this amazing woman, there was a place to promote vegetarianism. To this end, she visited the Soviet Union in 1968.
Gloria Swenson's personal life
The real Hollywood diva led a rich personal life filled with all sorts of gossip and rumors. The actress has been married seven times. At the time, this was rare. However,formal alliances with men did not last long and changed like in a kaleidoscope. The longest was the marriage with the Marquis Henri de Falaise. By falling in love with him, Gloria broke the tradition of aristocrats not to tie the knot with film actresses. At the same time, Joe Kennedy, a millionaire, father of the future US president, basked in the rays of her love and favor. The rapprochement took place when an excessive lover of women produced an actress. After parting with both her lover and her husband, Swenson plunged into business life.

All life is a game
The role in the drama "Airport 1975" (1975) was the last for Gloria Swanson.
But throughout her long, eventful life, she acted like she was on screen in the greatest movie ever. At the end of her life, the actress was carried away by a man much younger than herself, who promised her a triumph in Europe. But the admirer of her talent disappeared, leaving behind uncertainty and confusion in the affairs of an elderly woman. Gloria could not bear the blow and deceit, having died on April 4, 1983 in New York at the age of 84.

Filmography Featured
Gloria Swenson's filmography includes dozens of films, among which the most significant in her career are:
- "His new work" (1915).
- "Don't Change Your Husband" (1919).
- "The Adventures of Anatole" (1921).
- "Beyond the Rocks" (1922).
- "Sadie Thompson" (1928).
- "Delinquent" (1929).
- "Queen Kelly" (1929).
- "Sunset Boulevard" (1950).
- "Airport 1975" (1975)
Gloria Swenson was a wonderful silent film star. Books have been written and films made about the exceptional life of the great actress. The George Eastman Award "For outstanding contribution to the art of cinema" went only to her.