Recently, more and more people are interested in social processes and politics in particular. At the same time, the importance of understanding what is happening and the need for a person to acquire their own beliefs and systemic views come to the fore. Based on these processes, the significance of the word "ideology" is constantly growing.
What is an ideology?
Ideology is a cumulative concept that includes a system of moral, legal, political, philosophical, aesthetic, and religious views that determine a person's attitude to the surrounding reality and ongoing processes. Simply put, it is a system of relationships between people (their groups or classes) with other people and the world around them.

Political ideology
Political ideology is a certain interpretation of political and historical events from the point of view of a particular political class (often an ideology is formed under the influence of the ruling political elite). It is represented by political theories, ideas,interests. Ideology has its own internal structure and is represented by the following components:
- theory of political processes;
- object of aspiration (idealization);
- symbols of a political idea;
- the concept of the development of society.
For example, ultra-conservative political views are a set of ideas aimed at preserving existing political symbols, ideas and aspirations with an unchanged concept of social development.
Modern political views are described below.
This political movement is based on maximum respect for the personality of a person. Any influence of the political regime on human rights and freedoms has been minimized. The main dogmas of the course of liberalism include the following.
1. The most important value is human life (at the same time, people are absolutely equal and have the same rights and obligations).
2. The presence of inalienable rights and freedoms (the right to freedom, private property and, of course, to life, which is always above the interests of the state).
3. Relations between a person and the state are contractual in nature. At the same time, the rule of law is respected.
4. Availability of free market relations with unlimited competition.

The concept of liberalism is identical to the concept of "freedom" (it is she who is the key to the progress and development of society). That is, ultra-conservative political views are the complete opposite.liberal ideals of social development.
Socialist Democracy
The main idea of the Social Democrats is solidarity and social justice. This movement has Marxist roots. Looking at this ideology through the prism of modern trends, we can conclude that the postulates of socialist theory are extremely similar to liberal ones. However, the emphasis is on supporting the vulnerable, economic equality and narrowing the gap between rich and poor by reforming capitalist society.

Under communism, the public interest is placed above the individual. At the same time, such basic values reign.
1. The supremacy of the public interest (lack of individualism).
2. The class principle of relationships in society (preference is given to the working class).
3. The Communist Party is the only ruling party under communism.
4. The principle of equality of results (not to be confused with equality of opportunity under liberalism). That is, the special skills and abilities of a person are practically not taken into account, there is no individual approach.

In countries where communism exists, political views are ultra-conservative. This means the unwillingness, and sometimes the impossibility, to develop and modernize both the economy and society as a whole.
Meaning creative nationalism, which promotesraising national consciousness. It is based on a comparison of the territory of the country with the population living on it with a certain nationality. Contributes to the cohesion of the population on a national basis, its geopolitical identification. Dangerous is the flow of this idea into an attacking form, when representatives of other nationalities are persecuted. However, these are already features of fascism and Nazism, which we will consider further.

Fascism and Nazism
Represents an extremely aggravated and militant form of nationalism. It is characterized by persecution on ethnic grounds, extremely harsh racism, the persecution of the opposition, the prevalence of state-monopoly methods under the guise of social demagogy.

A political trend that is characterized by the difficulty of making critical decisions, political stability, respect for private property and complete rejection of revolutionary change. The desire for sustainable development without fundamental changes is the main idea of politicians with conservative political preferences. Ultra-conservative views, in turn, compare even worse with various kinds of changes and transformations.

This course provides for the rejection of the state in any form. The development of society will take place at the expense of voluntary economic, spiritual and commercialrelationships between people.

Ultraconservative views
We have covered almost all the main political views of our time. It remains to figure out what ultraconservative views mean? What should be expected if the ruling stratum has ultra-conservative political views? This is a harbinger that virtually no reforms will succeed. The main idea of the development of society lies in the maintenance of old traditions and customs, as well as military power. An uncompromisingly negative attitude towards any kind of innovation prevails.