Brigadier generals: rank description, insignia

Brigadier generals: rank description, insignia
Brigadier generals: rank description, insignia

The rank of brigadier general (Bg) is now common in many countries. This is the lowest general rank, located between the colonel and the major general. The rank of equal importance in the military marines is commodore. In some states, this rank corresponded or corresponds to the rank of brigadier. Now in the Russian army there is no rank of BG. There is a brigade commander (brigade commander), who, as you might guess from the name, is in charge of a brigade - one of the army units.


For the first time, the rank of BG replaced the rank of Major General in the French Royal Army during and after the French Revolution (July 1789 - November 1799). It was also used by the French military during the reign of Napoleon. After the Bourbon Restoration in 1814, the French government restored the royal titles and abolished the rank of brigadier general. After the February Revolution of 1848, the rank of Major General was finally replaced by this more modern rank. Over time, the French rank system was transferred to other countries, many of which are still used today.

German and French military uniforms
German and French military uniforms

France now

Today, the rank of Bg is used in France, and the word "brigade" is not pronounced in official address - they say and write simply "general", as is the case with other general ranks in France. Currently, a brigadier general commands a brigade or tactical unit of equal importance. The brigade is the largest unit of the French armed forces in peacetime.

Brigadier general of France
Brigadier general of France

Russian Army units

To have an idea of what a brigade is, what it includes and what it depends on, you need to get a little familiar with the main units of the army.

Squad is the smallest tactical unit. Contains from 5 to 10 people. The squad leader (chest of drawers) is in command of the squad - junior sergeant or sergeant.

A platoon consists of 3-6 squads (15-60 people), a platoon commander can become a lieutenant to captain.

A company includes from 3 to 6 platoons, from 45 to 360 people. The company is commanded by a senior lieutenant or captain. (company).

Battalion is 3 or 4 companies. Includes headquarters and individual specialists (sniper, signalman, mechanic, etc.). Sometimes a mortar platoon, anti-aircraft and anti-tank troops are present. Includes from 145 to 500 people. The battalion commander or battalion commander is in charge of the battalion. This is usually an employee with the rank of lieutenant colonel, but captains and majors can also command.

The regiment contains from 3 to 6 battalions - from 500 to 2500 people. Includes headquarters, regimental artillery, air defense andanti-tank battery (PTB). A regiment is usually commanded by a colonel. Sometimes a lieutenant colonel may perform this duty.

The brigade consists of several battalions, sometimes the number reaches 2 or 3 regiments. The team consists of 1000 to 4000 people. This unit is commanded by a colonel (brigade commander). In the Russian army, he is not called a brigadier general, since this rank does not correspond to the current position of a brigade commander.

The division consists of several regiments, rear services and sometimes aviation troops. The division is commanded by a colonel or a major general. It houses from 500 to 22,000 people.

The corps includes several divisions. About 100,000 people. It is commanded by a major general.

Army consists of 2-10 divisions of different types of troops. Also includes the rear, various workshops, etc. Army strength - 200,000 - 1,000,000 or more.


In different countries earlier and to this day there are many positions similar to the rank of brigadier general. Brigadier, commodore, brigade commander are not the same in everything, but in many ways they are similar to the rank of Bg.

In the Russian Empire until 1796, the same rank was the rank of brigadier. It was established by Peter the Great in 1705, and canceled by Paul the First. It is believed that the tsar did not like how the writer D. I. Fonvizin spoke about the position of foreman in his comedy of the same name, which was published in 1786. A military man with the rank of brigadier in the Russian Empire commanded a brigade or several regiments, as he was higher than a colonel. In the civil service, the brigadier correspondedrank of state councillor. In modern times, the US and British armies also use the rank of brigadier. But this rank is not equal to the rank of major general, but on the contrary, it is one step below it.

In Germany of the Third Reich, the oberführer was similar to the rank of brigadier general. In 1935-1940, in the USSR, similar duties were performed by a brigade commander in the Red Army (Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army). In the NKVD and the NKGB (People's Commissariat of State Security) there was the rank of Major of State Security. After 1940, these titles were canceled.

Soldier in the uniform of a military general of Great Britain
Soldier in the uniform of a military general of Great Britain


Commodore is the rank of officers of the Navy of various countries. The commodore is above the rank of captain, but below the rank of rear admiral. Commodore shoulder straps existed in the US Navy until 1984. In 1984, the rank of rear admiral was split into senior and junior ranks, respectively, the rank of commodore was no longer needed by the armed forces of the United States.

The rank of commodore is used to designate officers with a flagship rank. The commodore usually commands a formation of ships. Until 1827, the rank of captain-commander was used in the fleet of the Russian Empire.

Military of Canada, the United States and France
Military of Canada, the United States and France

The rank of brigadier general in the armies of different countries

This title is available in the Argentine Army. The Argentine Air Force uses the rank of brigadier general. Unlike the position in the hierarchy of other states, in the Argentine Air Force this rank is the highest general rank, which is carried only by the chief of the general staff of the Air ForceArgentina.

In the army of Bangladesh until 2001 there was the rank of brigadier. After 2001, the rank of brigadier general was introduced. The rank of commodore now exists in the country's navy, and air commodore in the air force.

In the air and land forces of Spain, the rank of brigade general is the lowest general rank. The Spanish Navy has a similar rank of Rear Admiral.

Canada currently has a brigadier general position, although brigades are commanded by colonels.

Mexico uses two corresponding BG ranks: brigadier general (lower) and brigade general. It turns out that in the Mexican Armed Forces there are two ranks corresponding to the rank of Bg.

In the military forces of Germany, the rank of Bg appeared in 1982. Prior to that, in Germany, the rank of BG corresponded to the rank of major general.

Also, at present, ranks-analogues of BG officially exist in the Armed Forces of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Iran, Israel, Canada, China, Myanmar and many other countries.

Brigadier General of Iran
Brigadier General of Iran


Usually, Bg is a one-star general. In some countries, this title is given two stars. The brigadier general badge with two stars is worn by the military forces of countries such as Brazil, Mexico, France and others.
