Military ranks: list of ranks, conditions for obtaining and insignia

Military ranks: list of ranks, conditions for obtaining and insignia
Military ranks: list of ranks, conditions for obtaining and insignia

Military ranks determine what privileges and responsibilities a soldier will have. The higher the rank, the more power and responsibility. They are assigned separately to each person, depending on his education, the type of troops in which he serves, the time of service or special merits. In order to be able to understand what rank an employee has, just by looking at him, shoulder straps are used.

A bit of history

For the first time, military ranks appeared in Russia in the 16th century, but only in the archery army. This continued until the 17th century, when regiments of the new order appeared. In them, many ranks were similar to modern ones, especially among senior and senior officers (majors, colonels, generals).

After the formation of the Russian Empire, in January 1722, Peter I creates a table of ranks. Military ranks in it correlate with court and civil ranks, divided into 14 classes. Changes were sometimes made to the report card, but field marshal general always remained the highest rank in the ground forces, and inMarine - Admiral General.

Table of ranks
Table of ranks

Table existed before the October Revolution. But the titles were still used by the White Army during the Civil War of 1917-1922. In 1935, military ranks were reintroduced in the USSR. The titles were both new and pre-revolutionary. They reached their most modern look by 1984. And after the collapse of the Soviet Union, most of the CIS countries retained this rank system with minor changes.

Military ranks of Russia

In the Russian Federation, military and ship (naval) ranks are separated. Employees are classified as ships:

  • in the Russian Navy;
  • Coast Guard Border Service of the FSB
  • naval troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Servants are classified as military:

  • in the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • armed forces;
  • FSB;
  • FSO;
  • ground forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Foreign Intelligence Service;
  • other ground forces.

Now let's take a closer look at each land military rank. Ranks will go in order - from lowest to highest.


privates in the ranks
privates in the ranks

The lowest rank in military service. Assigned to all who begin military service. On shoulder straps there is nothing but golden letters. And there is nothing at all on field shoulder straps.

Privates are the basis of the army. They can be given orders by superiors in rank, and the rank and file are obliged to fulfill them in a timely manner.

The ship's rank of sailor corresponds to a private.

The position depends on the type of troops and the purpose of the unit. Privatecan be, for example, an ordinary shooter, driver, radio operator, scout, etc.


Corporal can be given to any private. They choose from the most responsible and distinguished soldiers. Usually they occupy the positions of senior drivers, senior shooters, etc. In the absence of other commanders, the corporal takes their place.

The corresponding ship rank is senior sailor.

Their epaulettes are almost the same as those of the privates. But one thin horizontal strip is added.

The army does not really like the rank of corporal. Most likely due to his posthumous appropriation during the war.

Junior sergeant

Lance Sergeant
Lance Sergeant

Usually this is the maximum rank a conscript can get. To be awarded, you must have good relations with superiors and outstanding leadership qualities. Sometimes awarded for outstanding merit as an encouragement. For example, for winning important competitions.

You can also get a junior sergeant by asking for a rank shortly before being transferred to the reserve. Usually no one minds as long as it serves well all year.

A contract employee can become a junior sergeant simply by completing special courses.

Junior sergeants are squad, combat vehicle or gun commanders. They must know the regulations perfectly, be able to command personnel and know everything about their subordinates. Their immediate superior is the platoon leader.

The corresponding ship rank is foreman of the 2nd article.

Shoulder straps - 2 horizontal stripes.


After the term of service was reduced to a year, it is almost impossible for conscripts to get the rank of sergeant. The only option is to get the rank of junior sergeant as soon as possible, and by the end of the service for outstanding service, perhaps they will give a sergeant.

Contractor can get a sergeant after 6 months of service in the rank of junior sergeant. But this does not mean that he is obliged to increase his rank in 6 months. Some serve as junior sergeants for several years.

A sergeant, like a junior sergeant, holds the position of commander of a squad, gun or combat vehicle.

The corresponding ship rank is foreman of the 1st article.

Shoulder straps are 3 horizontal stripes.

Senior Sergeant

To become a master sergeant, a member of the military must have served as a sergeant for at least 6 months.

Senior sergeant holds the position of deputy platoon commander. His duties include:

  • training of soldiers and sergeants of a platoon;
  • maintain discipline;
  • monitoring the cleanliness of the premises;
  • carrying out a morning inspection;
  • assigning soldiers to outfits;
  • report to the commander about misconduct, requests, merits and violations of subordinates.

The corresponding ship rank is Chief Petty Officer.

On the shoulder straps of the senior sergeant - one wide horizontal stripe. It is slightly smaller than the sergeant's three stripes.

Sergeant Major

Chief in uniform
Chief in uniform

Unlike the sergeant's epaulette, the foreman has one large vertical stripe.

The best senior sergeants who have served at least 6 months become petty officers.

The corresponding ship's rank is chief sergeant major.

He is the head of the sergeants and soldiers in his unit. Responsible for the safety of property, military service by subordinates and their observance of the charter.

Ensign and Senior Ensign

Ensign in uniform
Ensign in uniform

Starting with the ensign, stars are used instead of stripes on shoulder straps. The ensign has 2 stars, the senior warrant officer has 3.

Ensign becomes after graduating from a special school, bypassing the rank of sergeant. The training lasts about three years. If the military service was completed before - 6 months.

The positions they hold are often related to property: heads of warehouses, radio stations, etc. If there are not enough officers, they can perform their duties.

The corresponding ship ranks are midshipman and senior midshipman.

Since 2009, there has been a project under which, over time, ensigns will be replaced by sergeants.

Second Lieutenant

There is one vertical strip on shoulder straps, and on it is a small star.

The corresponding ship rank is junior lieutenant.

This is the first officer rank that exists in the modern army, but is not used.

Lieutenant and senior lieutenant

Senior Lieutenant
Senior Lieutenant

The rank of lieutenant is awarded to military personnel who graduated from a military school; or those who have a higher civil education and have passedadditional military training.

First lieutenant can be obtained by serving well for some time in the rank of lieutenant.

Lieutenants, like senior lieutenants, can hold various positions. But most often they are platoon commanders, deputy company commanders or assistant chiefs of staff.

The corresponding ship ranks are lieutenant and senior lieutenant.

The shoulder straps of a lieutenant - a vertical stripe and two small stars on the sides, a senior lieutenant has one star added to the stripe forming a triangle.


Intermediate rank between junior and senior officer. Another star is added to the shoulder straps, forming the shape of the Eiffel Tower.

The captain can hold different positions, depending on the military unit. Usually this is a company commander or the head of some service.

The corresponding ship rank is captain-lieutenant.

All junior officer military ranks are assigned in order. That is, there is no such captain who was not a lieutenant.


Major in uniform
Major in uniform

This title unlocks a group of senior officers. Becoming a major is much more difficult than becoming a first lieutenant and captain. A soldier must have an excellent reputation and good relations with superiors.

Usually holds the position of deputy battalion commander or training company commander.

The corresponding ship rank is captain 3rd rank.

Major's shoulder straps are two stripes, and between them is one big star.

Lieutenant Colonel

Often this is the last rank that can be obtained without studying at the military academy. But there are exceptions.

May be deputy regiment commander or battalion commander.

The corresponding ship rank is captain 2nd rank.

Shoulder straps - two stripes with two big stars.


Colonel in uniform
Colonel in uniform

Last senior officer rank. Now in Russia the rank of colonel is received by order of the Minister of Defense.

Positions held - commander of a military unit, deputy division commander.

The corresponding ship rank is captain 1st rank.

One star is added to shoulder straps, forming a triangle. Also, since 2005, colonels and generals have been wearing a special fur hat in winter - a papakha.

Major General

Major General
Major General

To get a general's rank, you need to graduate from the Academy of the General Staff.

Major General is usually the commander of a division (approximately 15,000 men).

The corresponding ship rank is Rear Admiral.

The senior officers have no stripes on their shoulder straps and a special relief is applied. Stars are no longer attached separately, but are embroidered directly on shoulder straps. The major general has one big star.

Lieutenant General

A lieutenant general can be a district commander or a deputy army commander. May also hold high positions in the Ministry of Defense.

Corresponding shiprank - vice admiral.

Shoulder straps - 2 large stars arranged vertically.

Colonel General

He can be the commander of a district, the commander-in-chief of a certain type of troops, or the commander of an army.

The corresponding ship rank is admiral.

Shoulder straps - 3 large fabric stars.

Army General

Army General
Army General

Currently the highest military rank in Russia.

General of the army can hold positions:

  • Minister of Defense or his deputy;
  • commander of the type of troops;
  • front commander;
  • Chief of the General Staff;
  • other high positions.

The corresponding ship rank is Fleet Admiral.

Shoulder straps - 1 huge star and emblem.


In 1993, the rank of Marshal of the Russian Federation was established. But it was assigned only to Igor Sergeyev in 1997. There are currently no servicemen in this rank.
