A person is born with various inclinations and must work on himself all his life, absorbing the enduring values of the human spirit.
What qualities are needed to be human?
Ethical norms begin to be nurtured in us by our parents, but the continuation of their growth depends only on the individual. If a person does not pick up a single book, does not learn to think, limiting himself only to comics, American films and series for housewives, then no matter how financially successful he may be, it is impossible to consider him a person.
- Respect for others and your own life.
- Conscience.
- Truth and honesty.
- Law and respect for human rights.
- Love and attention to one's neighbor (kindness and condescension to a certain extent).
- Family clan.
- Debt.
- Hard work.
- Friendship.
These are enduring values that humanity has been developing for thousands of years.
What the best minds of mankind thought
A. P. Chekhov, in a letter to his brother Mikhail in 1886, gave a very clear and mild definition of a cultured person. Brother, gifted man,complained about how bad his life was. In his answer, sent in a jokingly serious form, A. Chekhov gave impetus to his brother's thoughts, directing them to enduring values.
As you know, A. Chekhov squeezed the slave out of himself drop by drop. So we also need to get rid of slavish feelings, without infringing on anyone's dignity. Then, and only then, will eternal values flow into our soul naturally, like breathing.

Our existence in society will be more harmonious. But we must work continuously on this, making strong-willed efforts hourly, around the clock. M. Gorky, F. Chaliapin - people who "made themselves".
What Mark Twain was thinking about
Isn't it strange that the well-known humorist Mark Twain could seriously talk about such a topic as enduring values? His life was complicated and lacked humor. Bitterly seeing people's shortcomings, he couldn't help thinking about ethics.

What Mark Twain considered important in life:
- Inner harmony.
- Don't worry about what people think if you're too old or too young.
- Humor solves many problems.
- Anger is a feeling that destroys a person.
- The world doesn't owe you anything. You have to create your own life.
- Do something new, but prepare to be misunderstood.
- Don't focus on problems, think about the good.
- To feel good, you need to help those who are having a hard time.
- Do whatwhat you want so that after years you don’t regret the lost opportunities.
And if you read I. Turgenev, L. Tolstoy, A. Pushkin, then everyone will know what universal human enduring spiritual values are.