Natalia Grigoryevna Galkina - mother of Maxim Galkin: biography

Natalia Grigoryevna Galkina - mother of Maxim Galkin: biography
Natalia Grigoryevna Galkina - mother of Maxim Galkin: biography

Maxim Galkin has long been a popular artist and idol for many in our country. Facts about his life, moments from childhood, the history of his parents and, of course, his personal life regarding Alla Borisovna, Harry and Lisa, remain curious for a large army of fans and fuel an unabated interest in his person.

Due to the fact that he is currently most involved on television as a presenter, and now his main talent as a parodist and comedian is now showing only on social networks, his fans were simply forced to join the popular Instagram platform, so as not to miss a single post of Maxim.

The family in which the famous showman was brought up and grew up was involved in his popularity, charm and ability to be open. Personality is formed in childhood. It is generally accepted that behind every successful person there is a mother who has invested in a child something that he can later boast of. Because parenting storiesstars of show business are interesting to many readers, we decided in today's article to highlight all the known facts from the life of the mother of the parodist Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina, mentioning him along the way.

Maxim Galkin age
Maxim Galkin age

Roots of Maxim Galkin's mother

Starting the story about the Galkin family, it is worth noting right away the fact that the genealogical tree of their dynasty boasts an abundance of ranks and achievements in various fields: from science to public service.

Maxim Galkin's mother, Natalia Grigorievna Galkina, was born in Odessa in 1941. Here she grew up, absorbing all the flavor of Odessa humor, which, no doubt, was then passed on to her son. She devoted her whole life to science, having worked as a researcher at the prestigious Institute of Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

By the way, Natalya Grigorievna Galkina's maiden name is Pragina. The artist once mentioned in an interview that his mother's surname has Jewish roots. He said that his maternal ancestors lived in Prague.

Maxim's grandfather - Grigory Robertovich was a very brave, courageous and wise man. He went through the entire war and rose to the rank of colonel. He was even presented to receive the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, but due to his origin and nationality, the circumstances were not in his favor. Until the end of his days, Grigory Robertovich worked in the design bureau. Being a simple and open person, he was very conducive to people. Among his friends were officials and marshals of the Soviet Union. He left a mark in the soul of Maxim, because he was an example to follow: allfamily for advice, and a warm relationship with his wife served as an example of a real family for his grandson.

natalia grigorevna galkina
natalia grigorevna galkina

Family Life

The biography of Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina is inextricably linked with the life of her husband and their entire large family. She met her husband in the early 60s, and soon after they met they got married. In November 1964, their first child was born - Maxim's older brother - Dmitry. In the same year, Maxim Galkin's father entered the military academy, graduating in 1968. This helped him to significantly advance in the service, which, in fact, was what the father of the parodist was striving for. He rose to the position of chief of artillery and studied at the same time at the Military Academy of the General Staff. At this time, Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina was already working at a research institute. In addition, she defended her dissertation and became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Galkina Natalya Grigorievna mother Maxim Galkina
Galkina Natalya Grigorievna mother Maxim Galkina

Dream of a daughter

A woman always dreamed of a big family, and when Dmitry was already 12 years old, she seriously thought about the birth of her daughter. In 1976, the family began to prepare for replenishment. However, instead of the long-awaited girl, a boy was born. It happened in the city of Naro-Fominsk. By the way, his brother came up with the name. Many are interested in the age of Maxim Galkin in order to compare how old his mother and future wife Alla Pugacheva were when he was born. So, his mother is only 8 years older than Alla, who at the time of Maxim's birth had long been performing on stage andmanaged to participate in many all-Union competitions.

Son's early childhood abilities

The boy grew up cheerful and artistic. From an early age, he watched the popular program of that time "Around Laughter" and in every possible way parodied the artists. Relatives, friends and colleagues of his parents often became the objects of his jokes.

In the early 80s, the family of the now popular Channel One host temporarily moved to the GDR in the service of his father. The age of Maxim Galkin then reached the mark of 3 years, so there were no clear memories of that time in the artist's memory. The family spent only three years abroad in the town of Nora, after which the Galkins returned to their homeland in Odessa. We can say that the first intersection of the fates of Maxim and Alla Borisovna took place there. At one of the banquets, Natalya Grigorievna met the singer and said that five-year-old Maxim loves her very much and sings her songs.

It is worth saying that because of the career of father Maxim Galkin, the family was forced to often change their place of residence. In Odessa, the boy went to school, and finished it already in Moscow, where he was to stay for the rest of his life.

natalya grigorievna galkina biography
natalya grigorievna galkina biography

Maternal contribution to the formation of the character of the future artist

Maxim Galkin's family was far from show business and the stage, but did everything to make the boy become what he is now. The artist has repeatedly said that he owes a lot in his life to his parents.

Mother has always supported the boy's creative endeavors. Natalya Grigoryevna raised Maxim calm,a world-friendly, creative and versatile child.

He attended a fine arts studio, was fond of zoology, grew up in an atmosphere of love and care. Galkin has repeatedly noted that he spent a happy childhood.

Parents never put pressure on their sons and did not insist that they follow in the footsteps of their father and grandfather or continue the scientific achievements of their mother. Natalya Grigorievna Galkina skillfully combined family and work. Despite being constantly busy, she had enough time for her sons, who never complained about the lack of attention. By the way, the artist embodied all these lessons from childhood many years later, becoming the happy father of two wonderful children.

It is worth noting that Natalya Grigoryevna always supported Maxim's choice regarding his relationship with Alla Pugacheva. The mother of the parodist never had any doubts, reproaches about the difference in the age of the beloved couple of the Russian show business.

Natalya Grigorievna Galkina maiden name
Natalya Grigorievna Galkina maiden name

Bitter loss

The beginning of the new millennium was very difficult in the life of Maxim Galkin and his family. While the audience enjoyed the sparkling humor of the parodist, terrible events took place in his personal life. In 2002, after many years of struggling with a painful illness, the artist's father died. Foreign drugs and clinics were powerless in the face of a terrible diagnosis - cancer. It was a great loss for the artist, his mother and brother.

An insidious disease that claimed more than one life in the family

Maxim Galkin's father
Maxim Galkin's father

After the funeral of his father, the Galkin familyrallied even stronger than before. The sons supported their mother in everything and tried to spend all their free time with her. Due to stress or other reasons, doctors diagnosed Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina with an insidious disease, which most recently caused the death of her husband. Together with his brother, Maxim tried to help stop the development of the disease. They took the mother to the United States of America to see doctors in the best clinics. Rested all together in the mountains and resorts. In a word, the sons did everything in their power to help their beloved mother. For the last six months of her life, Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina underwent treatment in Israel, but, unfortunately, she could no longer count on a positive result.

Sad news

In the spring of 2004, the mass media became aware of the death of Maxim Galkin's mother. Natalya Grigoryevna outlived her husband by only two years, living to the age of 63. This news caught Maxim on tour. He dropped everything and flew straight from the concert to Israel. The funeral took place in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Galkin's parents are buried together.

We need to live in such a way that parents are not ashamed of us

Maxim Galkin's family
Maxim Galkin's family

Maxim's mother Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina has long been dead. According to the artist, he is still guided by her life principles. In any situation, her thoughts, support and advice are always with him, in his heart. The artist repeatedly repeated that he was trying to live in such a way that his parents would never be ashamed of him.

In general,Summing up all of the above, I would like to note that the life story of this woman - the mother of the artist Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina - is an ideal example of how you can combine professional activities, caring for your husband and raising children.
