What should I do if I get up? Let's find the answer to an intriguing question

What should I do if I get up? Let's find the answer to an intriguing question
What should I do if I get up? Let's find the answer to an intriguing question
what to do if i got up
what to do if i got up

Men of different ages sometimes experience the problem of unintentional erections. In such a situation, the only question they ask themselves is: “What should I do if I got up?” The problem is not so big if it happened at home, alone. In this case, you just need to wait and the member will go down. For example, a morning erection is completely normal. It occurs because the enlarged bladder interferes with the outflow of blood.

But what if the guy got up in a public place? Many representatives of the stronger sex joke about this topic something like this: “What are you going through? Straighten your back, and walk with your head held high!” Of course, there is some truth in this: they say that everything that is natural is not ugly. Especially in our country, where a high percentage of men suffer from impotence due to tobacco and alcohol addiction.

Most often the question is: “What should I do if I got up?” - teenagers ask themselves. For them, this is really a problem, since an erection can occur several times a day. In this case, you may be advised to wear underwear.tighter, this will help to visually hide the fact that the member has risen. Or wear shirts, the length of which will cover the zipper on the pants.

got up member
got up member

"What should I do if I got up in a public place?" - this is a question many guys ask themselves. In this situation, there are two options. The first is to retire, for example in the bathroom, and wait until the member drops. If you do not have time for this, there is a way to speed up the process. To do this, moisten the head with cold water. If possible, use an ice cube. You can also apply a wet cold towel to the lower abdomen. The effect is not long in coming, it will take no more than 5 minutes, and you can continue to go about your business.

The second way is fine if you have a good sense of humor. Turn the situation into a joke, start a conversation on another topic, the sediment of awkwardness, of course, will remain, but everything will brighten up a little with laughter. We are all human, so nothing human is alien to us! Moreover, you should not worry if this happened in a circle of men, each of them most likely has a couple of funny stories about getting into a situation similar to yours.

the guy got up
the guy got up

If you are in a public place, walking somewhere, or riding the subway, you can try to hide your erection by putting your hands in your pockets.

Many guys are interested in the question: "What should I do if I got up for no reason, and does not fall for a couple of hours?" Let's try to find the answer. This situation is very dangerous for men's he alth. Most likely, prolonged swelling of the penis indicates such a disease,like priapism. This is a pathology in which there is a painful erection, without sexual arousal. One of the symptoms is that the penis fills unevenly with blood, as a result of which the head remains soft, and it bends towards the abdomen. The causes of such a disease may be injuries of the genital organ or alcohol and drug abuse.

Complications can be very serious, from impotence to gangrene. Usually, if a man realized in time that this was not a simple erection and immediately went to the doctor, they perform surgery or puncture under local anesthesia.
