All responsible parents want the best for their children. Moms and dads study various methods of development and upbringing, but when it becomes necessary for adults to go to work, most kids end up in municipal kindergartens. Someone scolds state institutions of preschool education for outdated principles of education, while someone rejoices at the long-awaited place for a child. As they say, there is not much to choose from, but somewhere to arrange a baby for the time of work of the parents is a must. In fact, there is a choice, just not everyone knows about such a phenomenon as a Waldorf kindergarten.
A new look at familiar things

Rudolf Steiner is considered the founder of anthroposophy - a science and philosophy that involves the introduction of some new principles into the upbringing of children and the life of people in general. In 1919, the first school was opened, using new principles for teaching and educating students. This educational institution was located in the city of Waldorf (Germany). After 6 years, a follower of R. Steiner openedthe first Waldorf kindergarten, named after the location of the first school despite its location in Stuttgart. Today, more than 2,500 educational and medical institutions are successfully operating around the world using the pedagogical principles of this technique. In Russia, they started talking about Waldorf pedagogy only in the 80s of the last century. Today in our country there are 25 schools and about 70 groups in kindergartens and other educational associations.

What is the difference between a Waldorf kindergarten and any other? The concept of pedagogy has a number of special principles. The first and most important of them is that every child is an individual and has the right to education and upbringing. In their work, teachers should use an individual approach, based on the characteristics of each child, his age, interests and needs. Waldorf kindergarten is a place where learning is based on the example of the teacher and imitation of him. At school, the authority of the teacher is also important, but from the middle of the general education program, personal responsibility and independence of the student come to the fore. During the education and upbringing of the child, significant emphasis is placed on the comprehensive development of the personality, strengthening the body shell and maintaining he alth.
Unusual Kindergarten
There is no rush in the Waldorf educational institution that many of us are accustomed to. In the morning, parents bring the child to kindergarten - and immediately the teacher comes out to meet the baby, ready to hug him and take him to the group. The main pastime of children in such an institution is free games. At the same time, there are practically no prohibitions, each child can show his imagination and skills using all available toys and improvised items. Of course, if someone decides to do something unsafe and unacceptable, the caregiver will immediately help the baby switch to another type of activity. But all this will happen without strict prohibitions. The word "no" for children does not exist in principle in Waldorf pedagogy. Pupils are allowed to behave "like adults" and participate in the life of the group. In such kindergartens, children prepare salads themselves (using real sharp knives), take part in cleaning, make complex crafts - even the youngest ones sew and make electric garlands with their own hands.
Waldorf pedagogy in detail

The simpler the toys, the more active the fantasy works. It is difficult to disagree with this statement. Games with dolls and constructors include any kindergarten program. Waldorf Kindergarten is a place where children will be offered multi-colored scraps, rag dolls with barely outlined faces, wooden blocks. All toys are made from natural materials. Traditional developmental activities are also held in such preschool institutions - modeling, drawing, paper modeling.
Are there followers of R. Steiner in Moscow today?

To date, about 15 preschool educational institutions have been registered in the Russian capitalinstitutions and individual groups positioned as Waldorf. It is noteworthy that we are talking mainly about private and home kindergartens. But if you wish, you can also find a municipal institution of preschool education that uses these principles of education. How to get into the Waldorf kindergarten? Moscow is a large city, but theoretically a resident of any district can find an institution of preschool education of the type of interest within transport accessibility from home. Such kindergartens are available in many districts of the city. You can get to a municipal institution in the order of the general queue, to a commercial one - on a paid basis.
Waldorf kindergarten: parent reviews

Despite the novelty of these principles of education for our country, among Russians there are already quite a few admirers of the teachings of R. Steiner. Waldorf gardens compare favorably with traditional Russian gardens. In them, according to parents, an informal, family atmosphere reigns. It is customary to pick up children no later than 17.00, while educators emphasize the importance of the family in education and position themselves as adult friends of pupils, and not mentors. As for education and development, the greatest attention is paid not to cramming numbers and letters, but to aesthetic education. Many parents who have chosen this development option for their kids are glad that there are enough preschool institutions of this type in Moscow today. And it doesn’t matter which Waldorf kindergarten you choose - “The Grain Way”, “The Sun in a Basket” or DC No. 740. Alreadyafter a few weeks of visiting, it will be possible to evaluate the benefits and quality of education and training in a particular group and decide whether this technique is right for your family.