The social experiment is increasingly being used in the world. And Russia is no exception in this regard. So what is an experiment? This word has Latin roots and in the semantic understanding means a test of something, another meaning is “test”. It is a process of exploration, only deeper, even more appropriate word "cognition". In a social experiment, both several people and an organization can take part. Conducting is possible with the participation of the whole society as a whole, or individual groups of people. The organizer himself can be directly involved or observe from the outside.

The social experiment has its own structure:
- researcher;
- theory or hypothesis to be tested;
- methods used;
- devices or any items (if necessary);
- object under study.
It also has two functions:
- preliminary test of a theory or hypothesis;
- obtaining new knowledge about the object to be studied.
From the above we see that the social experiment is impossible without the support of theory.

Herethere are recommendations, various methodological aids. Any experiment begins with a thought, that is, at the beginning there is a reflection and creation of it in the mind. Experiment is analysis and design.
The simplest example would be a study of a group of people under normal living conditions. Social engineering is a small scale experiment. In this topic, the works of the British philosopher K. Popier occupy a special place. Social reforms that affect political, economic life, cultural, should be attributed to the average scale of the social experiment. The scientific revolution, the social one, should be attributed to large-scale social experiments.
Complete change of life brings social revolution. That part of the population

A state that does not want to accept the new order simply perishes.
The scientific revolution is changing the strategy of research, helping to perceive the world in a different way. The responsibility of scientists to society is increasing, since their discoveries can lead to catastrophes and cataclysms. An experiment is something that can change the world.
Changing the pedagogical process under certain conditions is a pedagogical experiment. It is constructive. New forms of educational work are being created. A group of students, school, class participates. The scientific hypothesis is decisive. The conditions of the experiment determine the reliability of the results.
Depending on the purpose, pedagogical experiments are divided into types;
- ascertaining, which studiespedagogical phenomena that already exist;
- creative, formative, transformative - creates pedagogical phenomena of a new type;
- experiment clarifying, testing, after understanding the problem, it checks the hypothesis.
It also varies by location and can be laboratory or natural.
An experiment is, first of all, a study.