The development of civilization and the overall progress of mankind have always been inextricably linked with the transport industry. This is logical, because from the very beginning of history to this day, people needed the convenient movement of various goods, things and animals. But even in ancient times, people knew how to clearly organize their path. They had their destination in front of them and walked towards it in order.
Traffic Management Scheme
Let's turn to history. As you can see, the organization of traffic goes back far into the past. History says that the ancient leaders, waging war, acted in a very organized manner, setting a specific logical task for the army. They, together with the commander, thought out a strategy, namely, they decided how to break up the army, into how many detachments, how many people and where to send them. Such preparation was the key to a successful battle, because clear planning saved time and the strength of brave warriors. In addition, a carefully thought out route beforeprovided places where horses can stop for a full-fledged watering hole.

Even in the troops of the great king Darius and the commander Alexander the Great, there were people responsible for the order and organization of an orderly movement. Their duties included controlling the speed of movement of the army, so that at the right time it was possible to correct the order of movement, for example, by letting one of the necessary units go forward. History assures readers that road services have existed since the dawn of the civilized world.
Modern traffic organization
To get to your destination as safely as possible, today it is simply necessary to follow the rules of the road. They aim to improve quality, safety and speed. From time to time, the authorities make decisions to optimize traffic. This event includes a set of measures that are designed to maximize the improvement of the transport interchange system.

Today, a special training system has been developed for future drivers, which at its final stages includes an exam. Ideally, a driver who is deeply familiar with the organization of traffic on the roads gets the right. Practical training with an instructor prepares for unforeseen situations and various obstacles in real situations.
Traffic optimization
The traffic management scheme has improved significantly. To date, the authorities are actively working to maximize the improvement of transport interchanges in large cities. In some regions, a separate lane for public transport is practiced. This pilot project aims to reduce traffic congestion as much as possible and optimize traffic.

Road signs
To be frank, without them, no traffic organization would be possible. They play an important role. These are technical means of organizing traffic. Signs are graphic drawings that carry useful information regarding further travel on the roadway. Although the purpose of the signs in different countries is exactly the same, they themselves can differ significantly from each other depending on the area in which they are located.

Signs are very diverse. Their task is to warn, for example, of danger, a slippery road or the presence of deep holes. There are also prohibition signs. They are often red in color and make it clear that there is no way forward.
Information signs are rarely red. Usually they are dominated by blue or yellow. Thanks to them, you can orient yourself in relation to the further road. It is information signs that carry information about the imminent approach to a gas station, settlement or hostel.
It is noteworthy that not only the driver must know traffic signs. Pedestrians, thoughget a driver's license, they must be well acquainted with the meaning of certain graphic images on the road. This will increase safety and minimize the chance of a road accident or other accident. Traffic lights, like signs, differ from each other in the number of colors and their location. Two-color traffic lights with a painted "little man" are the simplest, but there are others at major traffic intersections. The meaning of their signals needs to be known to both drivers and pedestrians.
SDA in our time
In order, as they say today, to pass on the rights, it is required not only to undergo a full medical examination, but also to devote a lot of time to knowing how the traffic organization works.
No more Roman guards these days. In their place, police officers stand on the roads and control that the organization of traffic is respected. Non-compliance entails criminal or administrative liability. There are certain rules. The traffic organization (its rules) must be followed by every driver. This protects both themselves and pedestrians.