In modern society, newfangled gadgets are rapidly replacing such an important component of the full-fledged comprehensive development of the individual as reading books. At best, the younger generation chooses electronic publications. But the studies and social surveys showed disappointing results - most school-age children are not at all interested in literary works. In the world of the 21st century, such a hobby as reading books is "unfashionable" and not in demand enough.
Literary critics, teachers and psychologists are trying to resolve the current situation. In particular, various actions are carried out - events aimed at attracting the attention of schoolchildren. "Children's Book Week" in the library has already become a traditional holiday. Its purpose is to promote reading among schoolchildren. How to organize such an event? We will share ideas and methodologicalrecommendations.

History of the holiday
In fact, the holiday dedicated to children's books has a long history. It was first organized in Russia on March 26, 1943 in the Hall of Columns of the House of the Unions. In difficult wartime, such an event became a real holiday for the guys. Children were able not only to listen to literary works, but also to get acquainted with their authors. Thus, the event was attended by such well-known children's writers as Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Lev Kassil, Agniya Barto and others. It was this first Book Day, organized to support the morale of the children of war, that became the beginning of a long tradition.
Purpose of the event
The main goal of such an event as "Children's and Youth's Book Week" is, of course, the promotion of reading among schoolchildren. But, in addition to this, the content of the holiday usually includes knowledge from different social spheres. In particular, often a literary event is timed to coincide with some important date in society, an anniversary. Therefore, the opening of children's book week should be carefully considered. The scenario of the event is compiled on the basis of topical social issues. For example, the theme of such a holiday may be associated with the anniversary of a modern writer or a scientific discovery.
Why are reading events held in the spring? "Children's Book Week" in the library is traditionally organized in late March or early April. And this is not surprising. After all, March 1st isInternational Children's Poetry Day, and April 2 is International Children's Book Day. In addition, April 2 is also the birthday of the outstanding children's storyteller - Hans Christian Andersen. Thus, the scenario of the children's book week in the children's library should contain multifaceted, voluminous information. It will not only make it possible to interest schoolchildren in reading, but will also become a reference point for enhancing their cognitive independent activity.

Preparatory work
What preparatory work is required to organize an event? "Children's Book Week" in the library is planned as part of the educational program. Both librarians, teachers, psychologists, and schoolchildren can participate in the organization of the holiday. Where to begin? First of all, you need to define the topic. Based on this, it is already possible to draw up an approximate plan for the holiday, to approve it. The script for a children's book week in a children's library should include various forms of activities, in particular exhibitions, meetings, literary quizzes and competitions, theatrical events, etc.
Having drawn up a plan, it is necessary to distribute the persons responsible for the implementation of its individual points. Then you need to think over the list of guests, as well as take care of the props and decoration of the event. Preparatory work is being carried out with schoolchildren at literature lessons and extracurricular activities - children recall previously studied literary works, prepare creative works.
How to come up with a name?
A plan for such an event should be drawn up in advance - at least a month before the expected day of its holding. What are some names for Children's Book Week? It should be based on the general theme of the event. So, if the main direction of the week is the popularization of modern children's literature, then you can come up with such names as: "The book is a gadget of the past in the new century" or "Modern writers are for children".

Sample plan
Having decided on the theme and name, it is necessary to start the daily development of events. Here is a sample schedule for a children's book week.
Days | Activity form | Age |
Day One |
1. Musical and literary holiday "Reading is fashionable!" 2. Theatrical interactive event "Virtual Journey to a Fairyland". |
8-11 grades 1-7 grades |
Day Two |
1. Library hour "Modern book production technologies". 2. Theatrical event "How is a book born?" |
5-9 grades 1-4 grades |
Day Three | 1. Meetings with contemporary children's writers (it is possible to organize such an event in the form of an online chat). | 1-11classes |
Day four |
1. Quiz based on the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. 2. Literary quest "Young detectives". |
1-5 grades 6-8 grades |
Day five |
1. Exhibition of books by contemporary children's authors "Amazing Journey". 2. Exhibition of creative works "Illustration for a favorite book". 3. Drawing contest "Magic Fairy Tale Hero". |
1-11 grades 5-8 grades 1-4 grades |
Day Six | Grand closing of children's book week. Awarding of winners of competitions and quizzes. Definition of "Reader of the Year". | 1-11 grades |
Opening of Book Week
A long-awaited event for both children and adults is the grand opening of "Children's Book Week". The scenario of such an event should be designed in such a way as to immediately win the attention of schoolchildren. Therefore, the organizer will need to show creativity and creativity at the stage of preparation for such a holiday. Modern children will be interested in interactive forms of the event, the use of lighting effects, animated game elements. You can pre-survey schoolchildren by identifying their favorite literary characters and artistic preferences. The data obtained is recommended to be used when writing a script.upcoming event. Of course, the logistical capabilities of the library should also be taken into account.
Ideas for the opening of the holiday
In our plan, we proposed to hold the opening of the "Book Week" separately for older and younger students. So, a musical and literary holiday for students in grades 8-11 "Reading is fashionable!" can be held in the form of a performance based on a modern children's work. Authors and creative teams may be invited to such an event if possible.
For students in grades 1-7, we offer a theatrical interactive game "Virtual Journey to a Fairyland". At such a holiday, thanks to the use of an interactive whiteboard and other means of information and communication technologies, schoolchildren get acquainted with the characters of modern children's literature. In addition, the scenario of the event should include active games with the audience. This need is caused by the psychological and physiological characteristics of younger students, namely the inability of children of this age to keep their attention for a long time on one type of activity.

Meetings with writers are an educational form of work for children. Despite the fact that it is not always possible to invite the authors of schoolchildren's favorite works, acquaintance with the work of local contemporary poets and prose writers will leave many positive impressions on children. Meetings can be organized in different formats. For example, to carry out such work in the form of an interview, in which the conversation between the presenter and the guest is conducted on pre-prepared questions. It is also possible to organize performances by writers, where authors can tell interesting stories about the creation of their works, share creative secrets, and answer questions that concern children.
Informative event for both schoolchildren and their parents is the exhibition dedicated to "Children's Book Week". Demonstrate not only the work of writers, but also the work of schoolchildren. So, we propose to hold a drawing competition "Magic fairy-tale hero" for younger students - children in grades 1-4 need to come up with and portray a new fairy-tale character. It will be interesting for older students to try themselves as an illustrator for their favorite literary work - everyone can complete such a task. Children's works are presented in the form of an exhibition "Illustration for a favorite book". It will be interesting to get acquainted with modern literary works not only for schoolchildren, but also for their parents. Therefore, the library can organize an exhibition of books by children's authors of our time called "Amazing Journey".

Competitions, quizzes, contests
Of course, children enjoy various competitive games. Therefore, "Children's Book Week" in the school library should be carried out using similar forms of work. In our plan, we proposed such competitive activities asa quiz on the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen for younger students and a literary quest "Young detectives" for grades 5-8.
Until now, in schools and libraries, popular forms of competitions are games: "Literary brain-ring", "KVN", "Field of miracles" or "What? Where? When?". But the fact is that among modern schoolchildren, such entertainment is not considered popular, they are a relic of the past. Therefore, they have little interest in participating in such competitions. The organizer of the "book week" should not only have an idea of the current trends in youth culture, but also have creative thinking and creativity. So, literary competitions can be held in the form of quests, puzzle games, detective stories, etc.
How are such events organized? "Children's Book Week" in the library involves the creation of a certain atmosphere, which, in turn, depends on the purpose of the holiday. So, if the main theme of the event is modern children's literature, then you can decorate the library hall with images of the heroes of popular books. An interesting idea would be figures from balloons. You can also offer all guests individual characteristic elements of the costumes of modern heroes of children's works.

Working with the family
When preparing for such a holiday as the "Week of Children's and Youth Books", you should also consider working with the parents of schoolchildren. Family values arean important component of the formation of children's interest in reading. Work with students' parents can be carried out in the form of a round table called "Family Reading Day", a conversation "The value of the book for the comprehensive development of the child's personality." Joint readings, seminars and other forms of educational work are also organized, where parents of schoolchildren can get answers to questions about why children need reading, how to get kids interested in literature, and also get a list of recommended publications for a child of a particular age category.
Closing "Book Week"
The correct summing up of the work done is important. The final celebration of the Children's Book Week will increase the efficiency of the previous events. In addition to the performances of creative teams and guests of the holiday, the script should include the awarding of winners of competitions, quizzes, contests. In addition, the definition of "Reader of the Year", as experience shows, is also an effective form of increasing the motivation of students to read.

Thus, holding "Children's Book Week" in the library is a traditional annual event held in most educational institutions, the purpose of which is to increase children's interest in reading books. This problem is relevant in modern society. Therefore, the organizers of the event should approach the preparation for the holiday responsibly, having carried out a qualitypreliminary work.