Among the concepts that define and classify the human community, ethnic differentiation seems to be the most important. We will talk about the definition of the concept of ethnos and how it should be understood in the context of various branches and theories of ethnology in this article.

First of all, let's deal with the formal definition. So, most often, regarding the concept of "ethnos", the definition sounds like "a stable human community that has developed in the course of history." This implies that this society should be united by certain common features, such as: culture, way of life, language, religion, self-consciousness, habitat, and the like. Thus, it is obvious that "people", "nation" and similar concepts and "ethnos" are similar. Therefore, their definitions correlate with each other, and the terms themselves are often used as synonyms. The word "ethnos" was introduced into scientific circulation in 1923 by S. M. Shirokogorov, a Russian emigrant.
Concepts and theories of ethnicity
A scientific discipline that studies the phenomenon we are considering,is called ethnology, and among its representatives there are different approaches and points of view on the concept of "ethnos". The definition of the Soviet school, for example, was built from the standpoint of so-called primordialism. But constructivism prevails in modern Russian science.

The theory of primordialism proposes to approach the concept of "ethnos" as an objective reality, which is external in relation to a person and is conditioned by a number of features independent of the individual. Thus, ethnicity cannot be changed or artificially generated. It is given from birth and is determined based on objective traits and characteristics.
Dualistic theory of ethnos
In the context of this theory, the concept of "ethnos" has its definition in two forms - narrow and extensive, which determines the duality of the concept. In a narrow sense, this term refers to groups of people who have a stable connection between generations, limited by a certain space and having a number of stable identifying features - cultural codes, language, religion, mental characteristics, consciousness of their community, and so on.
And in a broad sense, ethnos is proposed to be understood as the whole complex of social formations united by common state borders and economic and political systems. Thus, we see that in the first case, “people”, “nationality” and similar concepts and “ethnos” are similar, therefore their definitions are similar. And in the second case, all national correlates are erased, and oncivic identity comes to the fore.

Sociobiological theory
Another theory called sociobiological, the main emphasis in the definition of the concept of "ethnos" is on biological features that unite groups of people. Thus, a person's belonging to a particular ethnic group is given to him, like gender and other biological characteristics.
Passionary theory of ethnos
This theory is otherwise called Gumilyov's theory, after the name of its author. It assumes that an ethnos is a structural association of people formed on the basis of certain behavioral stereotypes. Ethnic consciousness, according to this hypothesis, is formed according to the principle of complementarity, which serves as the basis for building an ethnic tradition.
The concept of "ethnos", the definition of which is a subject of controversy and disagreement among ethnologists, from the point of view of constructivism is defined as an artificial formation and is considered as the result of purposeful human activity. In other words, this theory asserts that ethnicity is variable and does not fall within the circle of objectively given data, such as gender and nationality. One ethnic group differs from another in features, which, in the framework of this theory, are called ethnic markers. They are created on a different basis, for example, religion, language, appearance (in that part of it that can be changed).

This radical theory claims that ethnicity is formed by vested interests, called the ethnic elite, as a tool to achieve certain goals. But in itself, ethnicity, as a system of identity, she does not pay attention. Ethnicity, according to this hypothesis, is only a tool, and in everyday life it remains in a state of latency. Within the theory, there are two directions that differentiate the ethnos by the nature of its application - elitist and economic instrumentalism. The first one focuses on the role played by ethnic elites in awakening and maintaining a sense of ethnic identity and self-awareness within society. Economic instrumentalism, on the other hand, focuses on the economic condition of various groups. Among other things, he postulates economic inequality as the cause of conflicts between members of different ethnic groups.