Inhabitants of high-rise buildings cannot imagine their yard without gatherings of old women at the entrance on a bench. Where do gossip and gossip come from? What about the hottest news? Everything that happens, they will be the first to know! Only they, in their own opinion, have the right to discuss each passing by and condemn for inappropriate behavior.

Sin or sickness?
There are several meanings associated with the word "condemn". This concept is found in spiritual practice, jurisprudence, as well as in colloquial speech in several versions.
First of all, it is worth considering the concept of condemnation from the point of view of the church. Condemnation is one of the grave sins, which includes slander, gossip towards a certain person, as well as lies and unfair accusations.
So that bad words do not return a hundredfold, the holy fathers urge parishioners not to judge people by gossip and rumors, and also not to slander themselves. After all, condemning is the lot of God, not mere mortals.
But as you know, few can easily keep other people's secrets or remain silent without expressing their opinion. This behavior cannot be called the norm; rather, it is still a disease. It is most often associated withthe desire to be in the spotlight, to become "the main" even for a short moment.
Reprimand or condemnation is part of the trendy talk shows popular on television. By "washing the bones" of stars, celebrities and politicians, average citizens show their dissatisfaction with their own lives and the fact that they have not been able to achieve certain goals.

The meaning of “condemn” is also used in a legal case. For judges and lawyers, "to condemn" is to sentence to punishment for a crime committed. The measure of punishment is determined by the judge or jury, focusing on the articles of the law.
But the moment when the court has convicted the accused and pronounces the verdict remains the main thing in any trial. After all, if the measure of punishment is chosen incorrectly or the facts provided by the defendant's lawyer, proving his innocence, are not taken into account, a person can receive a stigma for life.
Censure, condemnation is the greatest disease of modern society. People take pleasure in digging into the lives of others. Judging is the worst thing anyone can do without knowing the true facts about the situation.