Russian family names are the history of ethnography and life of our country. They are rooted in antiquity and carry certain information about phenomena, events, objects of a certain period.
Each of us, remembering his last name in childhood, repeats it as something given and significant. But few of us think about the origin of our family name. The article will discuss the family name Isakov, its history, meaning and origin.
Church version of the origin of the family name
The origin of the surname Isakov is connected with a proper name and belongs to the ancient form of native Russian surnames. This generic name is a monument of culture and history of the Russian language.
Most of the Russian surnames were formed from church Orthodox names, which were contained in the church calendar - Saints. Religious customs required that the child be named afterthe honor of a saint or historical figure revered by the church. So, after the spread of Christianity in Russia, names borrowed from the ancient Greek, Hebrew and Latin languages \u200b\u200bbegan to appear in the culture of the Slavs.
The origin of the surname Isakov is connected with the patronymic of the baptismal name Isaac. According to the Bible, Sarah, the wife of Abraham, in her old age received a prediction that they would have a son. Soon they really had a child, who was named Isaac, the name literally translates as "he laughs." In the original sense, God was not called by name, but only by the pronoun He, so it is likely that the name is translated as "Joy of God." The saints and spiritual patrons of the name are Isaac of Sinai and Isaac of Persia.

The name Isak among our Slavic ancestors was given to a long-awaited child. Superstitious parents believed that such a naming would avert trouble from the baby and avert all adversity, envious people and evil spirits would be afraid to do something bad to a child who had divine intercessors.
Probably, the descendants of Isaac first received the nickname of Isakov's children or Isakov's grandchildren, and then the name was registered as a generic hereditary name. It is believed that with this form of formation of a family name, patronage and protection of saints is reflected in the whole family.
Jewish and Oriental version
According to another theory of the origin of the name Isakov, she came to the Slavic peoples from Asia. Initially, she most likely sounded like Iskhakov, andsubsequently the letter x was omitted in colloquial speech. The simplified form of pronunciation was also fixed in writing.
The origin and history of the surname Isakov refers to Jewish patronymic surnames (according to some scholars), that is, to generic names that were formed from personal nouns. This name was the nickname of the father or grandfather and became dynastic and hereditary over time.

In different communities, the tradition of naming was different. But in all Jewish families, some names appeared constantly. These names include Yitzhak or Ishak. This is one of the most popular names of the Eastern and Western Jewish communities. This is a Tanakhic name, that is, in the Torah Yitzhak is the second of the three forefathers of the Jewish people. Abraham, Yitzhak's father, was about to sacrifice him to God, but the Almighty stopped him.
Noble family
Among the owners of this family name, the famous noble families of Isakov stand out:
- Isakov Fedor - in 1628 he was granted a fiefdom for military merit - his descendants were included in the 6th part of the genealogy book of the Moscow province.
- The second kind originates from Stepan Nezhdanov, son of Isaac. In 1654, his family was included in the 6th part of the genealogical book of the Kostroma province.

There are five more noble families that trace their history back to the 18th century.
What does the name Isakov mean: history
Intensive distribution of surnames onRussia began in the 15th century, and this phenomenon was associated with the strengthening of a new layer - the landowners. Most of the noble family names were possessive adjectives indicating the name of the progenitor or head of the clan.
After the abolition of serfdom, former serfs were required to acquire surnames. Many of them began to take the family names of their landowners or the names of the estates in which they lived.

Instead of a conclusion
The origin of the name Isakov goes back to the biblical name Isaac, which means "laughing". This is the name of the forefather of the Jewish people. Isaac is mentioned in the Old Testament (Torah). In Russia, they believed that if you name a child with a biblical name, then his life will be good, joyful and bright, since there is a strong connection between fate and the name of a person.