Old names: choose a beautiful name for the child. The meaning and origin of old Russian names

Old names: choose a beautiful name for the child. The meaning and origin of old Russian names
Old names: choose a beautiful name for the child. The meaning and origin of old Russian names

The question of how to name a child worries future parents long before the long-awaited baby appears. The choice is often not only the parents themselves. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, maybe even friends join. Everyone needs to express their point of view. Mom wants the child to bear the name of his beloved grandmother or grandfather, while dad insists that the name be beautiful, solid, such as that of famous people in cinema and sports. Grandmothers insist on holy Slavic names, grandfathers can offer something completely original or out of the ordinary. The list of names is just huge. Foreign names, names of celebrities are very popular, sometimes there are even nicknames of fictional characters in computer games. But no matter how sweet they are specifically for parents, you still need to follow some recommendations before naming your child for a long life.

A Few Must-Have Tips

  1. The name should not be too complex. It's not easy at all if itbe difficult to pronounce or too long. This is in the best interests of the child. Agree, it will cause a lot of difficulties in kindergarten and in elementary school if the child cannot introduce himself correctly …
  2. ancient names and their meanings
    ancient names and their meanings
  3. A few endearments and diminutives of the name are a good idea. The baby should have several options for the name. The first is the one by which he can be contacted officially (at school and with strangers), the second is for friends, the third is for parents.
  4. Pay attention to how the name will be combined with the patronymic. It is also important to look at the initials (they may not be quite beautiful, politically correct, aesthetic and cause a lot of inconvenience). For a boy, choose a name from which in the future you can form a beautiful middle name.
  5. Don't call your baby the most common name. Often occurring combinations cut the ear and do not give the personality a particularity, charm.
  6. Confusion can arise if the child will have a name like Zhenya, Sasha and the like. The gender of the child should be immediately visible, although this is not a mandatory item.
  7. It is bad luck to give a child the name of a dead relative. In many national traditions, this is considered a bad sign. A child can repeat the fate of this person.

History of Slavic names

Now old Slavic names are especially popular. However, many Russian names that everyone hears are by no means of Slavic origin. bignumber borrowed from Greek, Latin. Initially, Russian names were similar in meaning to any qualities and characteristics of a person (Birch, Cat, Lesser, Wolf). With the introduction of Christianity in Russia at the end of the first millennium, there was a gradual displacement of native Russian names. They were mixed with Byzantine church names. In addition to Byzantine, there were also Hebrew, Egyptian, ancient Roman, Syrian nicknames. All of them were not a simple set of letters, they denoted some specific qualities.

old names
old names

By the middle of the 19th century, all the names changed their appearance, transformed into the then Russian pronunciation. Thus, Jeremiah became Jeremy, and Diomede became Demid. In connection with the new ideology, at the beginning of the 20th century, names began to appear that reflected the time of industrialization: Diamara, Revmira. The names of characters from foreign novels were also borrowed: Arnold, Alfred, Rudolph, Lilia. In 1930-1950, there was a rapid return to real Russian names (Sergey, Maria, Vladimir, Ilya). The ancient names of the Russian people are popular not only in Russia. Many Russian names are carried by residents of Europe and Canada.

The name determines the fate of a person?

In Russia it was a custom to give a child two names. The first was intended for everyone around, the second was secret, only the closest people knew it. Thus, according to legend, protection was provided from the evil eye, evil thoughts and spirits. Evil forces did not know the name-key to the person (that is, his realchurch name), thus, could not harm in any way. Upon reaching adolescence, it was possible to judge the traits of a person's character. Then a name was given based on this list:

  1. Names of deities: Yarilo, Lada.
  2. Names of plants, animals: Wolf, Walnut, Eagle, Pike.
  3. Names from the category of personality traits: Stoyan, Brave.
  4. Two-part names: Peaceful, Dobrozhir, Dobrynya, Yaropolk.
old slavic names
old slavic names

What are the most popular Slavic old boy names?

Ancient names of boys is a fairly popular topic for discussion in RuNet in 2013 and early 2014. According to average estimates for the cities of Russia, such names as Stepan, Bogdan and Makar are rapidly gaining popularity among the old Russian names. In addition, the old names got into this top: Elisha, Miroslav, Gordey, Nazar, Rodion, Tikhon. The most unusual name for boys is Diamond.

What is the name of the boy?

If you want to bring characteristic features to the nature of your child, then check out the list of the most popular Slavic names. Perhaps this information will be the most important for you to choose the name of the child. Old boy names and their meanings:

  • great glory - Borislav;
  • divine world - Bogumir;
  • cute - Budimil;
  • friend of glory - Bratislava;
  • old boy names
    old boy names
  • furious - Beloyar;
  • ruling the world - Vlastimir;
  • glorified - Vseslav;
  • glorifying -Vyacheslav;
  • thinking - Daromysl;
  • giving good - Daromir;
  • giving peace - Damir;
  • clear sky - Yeseny;
  • gold glory - Zlatoslav;
  • together with fame - Izheslav;
  • beautiful world - Krasomir;
  • in the rays of glory - Lucheslav;
  • glorifying love - Lyuboslav;
  • loving world - Lubomir;
  • glorious - Miloslav;
  • going ahead of glory - Pervoslav;
  • rejoicing - Radimir;
  • lit with light - Svetozar;
  • quiet glory - Tikhoslav;
  • appeasement - Died;
  • color of the world - Tsvetomir;
  • shining with glory - Yaroslav.

What are the most popular Slavic names for girls?

As you know, statistics knows everything. So, she identified the most popular Slavic ancient female names of 2013. They became such ancient nicknames as Alena, Darina, Dana, Nadezhda, Rostislav, Snezhana, Yaromila. Girls are much more often called by old Slavic names than boys.

old russian names
old russian names

What is the name of the girl?

And now check out the list of the most popular Slavic female names. Ancient names and their meanings:

  • given by God - Bogdana;
  • happy - Blessed;
  • praising - Wanda;
  • owning fame - Vladislav;
  • current - Dobrodeya;
  • given by God - Darina;
  • peaceful - Ladomira;
  • beauty - Krasomira;
  • radiant - Luchesara;
  • cute - Militsa;
  • forest - Olesya;
  • glorious -Rostislav;
  • snowy - Snezhana;
  • young - Yaromila.

Slavic old Russian names for a child by season

The character can be affected not only by the date of birth, but also by the corresponding season. Astrologers assure that it is possible to correct the fate and character traits with the help of the correct name. Ancient Russian names are endowed with thousands of years of knowledge of their ancestors, they have a special semantic load.

old female names
old female names

Serious and talented autumn children do not need to choose a special name. They can choose both soft and hard names.

Winter children are intolerant, quick-tempered, they have a certain amount of selfishness. Light names are preferred, soft and gentle. Old-fashioned names with a soft base can balance character traits.

Spring children have a sharp mind, they are self-critical and fickle. They often have a great sense of humor. You should opt for hard-sounding names.

Summer kids are easily influenced, trusting and easy going. Therefore, it is better to stop your choice also on solid names.

The meaning of the name according to the Orthodox calendar

When choosing an old Russian name for a child, you should pay attention to traditions. And Orthodox principles say that you need to name a newborn in honor of a saint. Whose memory is celebrated on the day of naming (most often it is the eighth day after birth) - this is how the baby is called. Keep in mind that the days of memory of saints are celebrated according to the old style. Therefore, to determine the correct date, it is necessaryadd the number 13 to the main date. The calendar for celebrating the name days of Orthodox saints and all the old names can now be viewed in the Saints, learned from confessors and in any other sources.

ancient names of the Russian people
ancient names of the Russian people

It is not at all necessary that the name for the child be exotic or rare. You can not choose old names. Sympathy plays a decisive role. For the final choice, make a list of the best names, consult with relatives and friends, find out their opinion. Based on all this, choose exactly what you like.
