We discuss the age-old question: what cannot exist without what?

We discuss the age-old question: what cannot exist without what?
We discuss the age-old question: what cannot exist without what?

The Universe is one huge space in which galaxies, planets, stars, people and a lot of known and unknown things huddle. And everything is interconnected by invisible, but tangible threads of existence.

The planets, for example, depend on cosmic harmony, and life depends on the radiance of the Sun and a sufficient amount of oxygen. And if you ask any passer-by about what cannot exist without, familiar answers are already heard. But that a person cannot live without water and food, sunlight and air - this is already known to everyone. But if you dig deeper, then a whole system of inextricable relationships is revealed both between people and in society and nature.

And today we will delve into such an interesting topic and answer the eternal question: what cannot exist without what?

that without which it cannot exist
that without which it cannot exist

On existence in general

Existence itself says that there is a being, and it is controlled by someone or something. These may be vital needs, without which this creature cannotwill function. It will simply die. Therefore, what cannot exist without what was unraveled many millennia ago, starting with the Pithecanthropes. And in the modern world, this knowledge is taught in schools, and already every child understands the presence of complex relationships on Earth. Let us analyze in detail the existence of a person in different roles.

society without exist
society without exist

The existence of man in society

Naturally, in this age, a person cannot exist without society. And there are many reasons for this. More than eight billion people of different nationalities live on the globe, and they are all busy with joint concerns that surround them from all sides.

Society is family and friends, acquaintances and work colleagues, cultural events and sections, circles and unions. Any person involuntarily consists in this or that social movement. This is dictated by life itself. It will not work just like that to go into the shadows where there are thousands of the same highly developed individuals around. This, in essence, means to deprive yourself of everything. Therefore, people participate in work activities and various occupations. And here the following factors play a huge role:

  • Economic - making money and feeding your family.
  • Physiological - satisfaction of personal needs (food, love, sleep).
  • He alth - development and promotion of he alth.
  • Social - family, communication, leisure, entertainment.
  • Cultural - learning, intelligence development, activities.
  • Environmental - beautification of the environment.

Althoughsome individuals still try to retire in harmony with themselves and nature, leaving civilization and trying to earn their living in the taiga wilds. But this is a rarity, and loneliness as a way of existence is inferior today, many components in the development of such hermits are missing, therefore their life span is shorter.

system to exist without
system to exist without

The existence of man in the system

Living in a society, a person falls into one of the cells of the existing hierarchy, which is called a system. And, whether he wants it or not, he adapts to the laws in force in the country. Therefore, it is obvious that a person cannot exist without a system. The canons of power dictate the destination of the citizen in the state system. This includes major systems such as:

  • political;
  • economic;
  • financial;
  • informational;
  • education.

They all establish regulations under which the population must live and work.

man cannot exist without man
man cannot exist without man

Relationship between people and organizations

Turning around in the systemic state machine, a person finds himself in an organization in which he already finds his destiny. And here the idea is clearly traced that the subject cannot exist without organizations, whether it is a large-scale enterprise, small business activity or even a household. All this is the establishment of personal interests in order to earn money and further career advancement.

In differentorganizations employ from tens to thousands of people, and not only the means of enrichment, but also the social and psychological components are of particular importance here. This is communication between colleagues, joint gatherings and trips, recreation and solving problematic tasks at work and at home.

Relationships between people

And, of course, relations between people are of paramount importance in society. To say that a person cannot exist without a person is not enough, the most grandiose of all the laws of nature is at work here - the creation of married couples and the continuation of the family. A woman and a man cannot live without each other, as well as without food, water, air and solar heat.

Individual cases of residence refer to sick, infirm individuals who actually also need care. One way or another, the patient is not without other people to look after him.

In modern society, all this is especially noticeable - relationships are seething with raging passions. Love and resentment, collapsed hopes and the birth of a new family, the conception of a child and a round-the-world trip on a liner. So many people, so many emotions and pleasures, and all of them can be obtained only in a full-fledged world of human contact.

exist without organizations
exist without organizations

Everything in the universe is the links of one chain

When the human factor of existence becomes clearer, the picture of the general world order begins to emerge. And the most reliable answer to the question: what cannot exist without what, perhaps, is this. Everything in the Universe is the links of one chain, and not a single onecomponent cannot do without the other. The way it is. There will be no grains - wheat will not be born, there will be no animals - you will not get food, there will be no water - we will die of thirst. Soil for crops, rivers for irrigation, birds and animals participate in the food scheme. The day is for business and the night is for sleep. The sun to heat the planets, and those, in turn, to populate them with creatures. A person is for a person, someone who is nearby. And in this unity is the complete harmony of life on Earth.
