Mark Ifraimov is one of the country's leading coaches. His trainings help each student to find himself, to reveal the desires and goals of his soul, to realize himself in life.

The role of relationships in human life
Since a person is a social being, relationships in his life play a very important, if not the main, role. By the way a person relates to the world around him, his character, psychological attitude and self-esteem are determined. Any person is judged by relationships with relatives and friends, friends and colleagues. The relationship of man with nature and everything that surrounds him is assessed. An important role in our world is played by how everyone relates to their spiritual and intellectual development.
But the main thing on this list is the relationship with yourself. An adequate attitude leads a person to a state of goodness and happiness. And by and large, all people strive for this. But to get here, you need to go through a difficult path of work on yourself. Some more purposeful and holistic natures manage to make this breakthrough on their own. And somehelp is needed. This is what coach Mark Ifraimov offers to listeners who are trying to change their lives for the better.

Becoming a profession
A professional psychologist, Mark graduated from the Interdisciplinary Training and Research Center in 2012 with a degree in Practical Psychology.
Digging deeper into his work, studying the main problems of modern man, M. Ifraimov develops his own method of overcoming psychological difficulties that many people face.
Having created the ANO Educational Center "Enlightenment and Culture of the 21st Century" and being its director, Mark does not leave his practical activities. Working as a consultant and coach, he is in a creative search, developing new methods to solve the problems set by the conditions of modern life.
Seminars and trainings conducted by Mark Ifraimov are gaining more and more popularity. Books that reveal the methodology of working on oneself are in great demand among readers.

Main activities of Mark Ifraimov
Studying the nature of man, M. Ifraimov identified three main areas that play a major role in his development. They are decisive in working with clients.
The issue of femininity and masculinity was put in the first place. After all, a man and a woman, being completely different, cannot exist one without the other.
Thanks to an unusual approach toOn this issue, Mark Ifraimov explains who is a man and who is a woman, how to raise a son so that he grows up to be a real hero, and how to raise a daughter so that a mother and wife grow up, how to properly use gender differences to create a harmonious family.
In the material world, a lot of attention is paid to money. Their lack is familiar to everyone. But, according to Mark, this problem is out of his head. And it can be solved by applying a number of techniques that he introduces to listeners in his trainings.
Unfortunately, they don't teach you to set goals and achieve them in school. But qualified help on this issue can be obtained at the trainings of Mark Ifraimov.
In addition, practicing as a psychologist and therapist, he helps students to resolve issues of interpersonal relationships, helps to eliminate negative emotional mood, and participates in creating a desirable future for his wards.
Communication of Mark Ifraimov in social networks
Mark does some work on social media. You can contact him on Facebook, VK. Here he communicates with his subscribers online, explains what to do in this or that case, suggests what is being done wrong, and how to correct mistakes in the perception of himself and the world in order to remove all negativity from his life.
By going to the blog, you can get acquainted with a variety of materials posted by Mark Ifraimov. Reviews about them demonstrate the need of young people for such information. A lot of people are grateful for the training. They write that they look forward to every meeting with the coach. In theirreviews talk about a rich training program, when time flies by unnoticed, and fatigue is not noticed. In Mark's blog, on the "Reviews" page, you can read gratitude for the help of people who have already lost faith that their lives and fate can change. People have personally experienced the effectiveness of meditation and visualization techniques in trainings that helped them find a way out of life's difficulties.
And almost every review, and there are a lot of them, ends with a recommendation to attend trainings and seminars by Mark Ifraimov, since all those present receive many answers to the questions that life asks them
Interview with Mark Ifraimov on Tatyana Dzutseva's blog shows his knowledge of female psychology, his desire to help solve family problems and his ability to approach these issues in a non-standard way.

Women's issue in the work of Mark Ifraimov
At all trainings and seminars, online meetings, Mark has a lot of women. And this encourages him to constantly maintain the level of competence in women's issues.
An interesting point of view in relation to the weaker sex was expressed by Mark Ifraimov in his following words: “A woman is created to spin: either in the dance of prosperity, or in the funnel of suffering.” Based on this, he tries to give more information that will help the fairer sex to dance more after all.
Everyone knows that every family goes through a large number of so-called crises. According to Ifraimov's theory, each "dead end" (crisis) is a transition to a new level of development andexistence. And if it is overcome, then feelings flare up stronger and brighter. What should a woman do in a crisis situation? It also helps to answer this question. Preserving your femininity, not suppressing a man, giving him the opportunity to make decisions - only this, according to Mark Ifraimov, should be the position of a smart woman and a good wife.

Constellations as one of the types of psychological assistance used by Mark Ifraimov
Constellations are a form of psychological help pioneered by Bert Holliger. But having studied it thoroughly, Mark managed to introduce his own nuances. The differences lie in the fact that Mark Ifraimov made the arrangements individual. This way of working has become much easier to use. Now you do not need to assemble a group that will help in the work. And not everyone wants to open their soul in front of an entire audience.
In the case of an individual constellation, and this is precisely what innovation is, communication takes place between the coach and the client. Asking the necessary questions, Mark is able to hook a thread hidden somewhere deeply invisible and, pulling it, bring his ward to a normal state, remove fears, feelings that interfere with a person’s life, and make him full.
Trainings: an effective way of working
Mark Ifraimov considers training one of the most effective methods of work. Applying them, the master receives high results, developing in his listeners the abilities necessary to achieve success both in his personal life and in his profession.
Having passedtraining "Birth of a king and queen - gaining one's own Power!", listeners begin to feel like a king. Disappears self-doubt, codependency, which appeared in early childhood and interferes with normal life.
Very popular and effective trainings are “Code of life”, “Rejuvenation. Slimming. Liberation from self-sabotage”, “Femininity through the eyes of men. Irresistible male charisma through the eyes of women. They contribute to the psychological rebirth of a person, turn him into a leader, help to set goals correctly and achieve them, and contribute to the development of intuition.

Articles - an opportunity to get your point across
To convey to people the results of their research is one of the main aspirations that Mark Ifraimov has. The trainer's articles are very popular both among his students and among people who, having accidentally read one, are looking for more. An interesting and unusual point of view on the surrounding reality, which Mark conveys to his reader, makes you stop and think. After reading “Why do fat people carry a mother in themselves?”, “Stages of development and“codependency neurosis”or“Filled with emptiness”, you look at life in a completely different way. And the most determined, having become acquainted with the work of the coach, begin to use the proposed methods in their lives and get an excellent result.