Individuals and legal entities as small businesses

Individuals and legal entities as small businesses
Individuals and legal entities as small businesses

Small business entities, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, must be included in the unified state register, only then they acquire this status. They can be both legal entities and individuals.

small businesses
small businesses

The organization and legal aspects of these forms of activity are regulated by law. Individuals include their own finances in circulation. When they combine their capitals, formalize, they acquire the status of a legal entity. Commercial organizations acting as small businesses are characterized by the following features:

- company name;

- entry into the unified list of legal entities;

- legal address;

- own balance;

- bank account and seal;

- a license that allows you to engage in the type of activity you are interested in.

Register of small businesses

register of small businesses
register of small businesses

Thisthe list includes all organizations and individuals who voluntarily passed the test for compliance with certain criteria. If the company is in the register of SMEs, this makes it possible to enjoy the benefits envisaged throughout the year. In this case, you will not need to confirm your status every time. To be included in this list, certain conditions must be met.

1. Fill out an application with a request to enter the registry.

2. Prepare all documents.

3. Submit them to the State Budget Institution of your city.

Private person as a small business entity

small business entity
small business entity

They can be any citizen of the Russian Federation, capable of work. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the readiness to be responsible for one's actions, to fulfill one's duties comes at the time of adulthood. It is forbidden by law to be an entrepreneur, to have organizations owned by those persons who currently hold public office. In order for a citizen, that is, an individual, to become an individual entrepreneur by law, he must register in this status and, after going through certain procedures, receive a confirming certificate. To carry out his activities, he can open an account with an organization that issues loans. To do this, he needs to collect all the documents and submit them to the bank without fail.

Commercial organizations acting as small businesses

They are legal entities. Their main goal and motiveactivity is the systematic extraction of profit. This fully corresponds to the definition of the concept of "entrepreneurship". An organization can receive a stable profit from the sale of goods and services, the use of its own property. Legal entities are registered in the form of production cooperatives, as well as unitary enterprises (both municipal and state). But the main commercial organizations acting as small businesses are communities and business partnerships. They function in many economic sectors. Of the total number of all existing commercial organizations, societies and partnerships make up half.
