MGU: museum of geography. Tours and exposition

MGU: museum of geography. Tours and exposition
MGU: museum of geography. Tours and exposition

Moscow State University is the owner of the Earth Science Museum. This is a unique cultural institution, one of the best in Russia. Moscow State University, the museum of geography in particular, has collected in its exhibition halls many scientific achievements of the planet. The exhibits contain the history of the development of all related sciences that create a holistic picture of the development of life on Earth.

Moscow State University Museum of Earth Science
Moscow State University Museum of Earth Science

Where is the Moscow State University Museum located?

The Earth Science Museum attracts visitors not only from those who are interested in geology. It is located on Sparrow Hills. One of the last floors of the museum is occupied by the Rotunda Hall, located on the 31st floor. The penultimate floor consists of expositions showing the development of our planet in the Universe. The windows offer a panorama of the capital, delighting with the beauty of buildings, parks and squares of Moscow.

Joint work of all Russian students

For many years, within the walls of the Museum of Agriculture, there were accumulations of exhibits collected by scientists, students and schoolchildren of the country. Hereexhibition stands with rare geological rocks, pieces of meteorites that fell on our planet at different times are kept. In the halls of the museum you can find petrified statues, boulders. The extensive information contained in the walls of the building tells visitors how our Earth developed, rocks and wildlife changed.

The Museum of Geography of Moscow State University always attracts guests and students of the capital. Tours are carried out in groups, sometimes you can arrange individual visits to exhibitions.

museum of geography of Moscow State University excursions
museum of geography of Moscow State University excursions

Museum exhibits

The most interesting achievements of the scientific community regarding the development of Earth science are shown in museum expositions. Any exhibit is connected in its content with the subsequent ones, the interconnection of the trends of developing geology is traced in everything. The composition of expositions about the earth's civilization and evolution includes several interesting sections based on certain scientific facts. They say:

  • about the structure of the Universe and our planet;
  • about the main elements that make up the bowels of the earth;
  • about the emergence of relief and changes in its structure;
  • about the formation of the oceans and seas of the planet;
  • about the origin of life on Earth;
  • about the formation of minerals and minerals;
  • about the formation of natural spheres of the planet;
  • about the features and patterns of the geographical regions of the country;
  • about the historical development and formation of Moscow State University.

Such excursions for schoolchildren are informative and instructive. Any geography teacher in Moscow thinksit is our duty to take students to an exhibition in this famous museum in the capital.

Interesting exhibition works about the sea, the Cenozoic era and the evolution of flora and fauna. And how rich are the expositions of the Russian plains, about the Ural lands, the endless Central Asian steppes and the Crimean expanses, how the Siberian taiga and tundra of the northern peoples attract!

excursions for schoolchildren
excursions for schoolchildren

Historical Development of the Museum

The museum of geography appeared within the walls of Moscow State University in 1955. A few years earlier, Academician N. Nesmeyanov addressed the country's leadership with a petition. He substantiated the expediency of opening a museum of geography. It was intended not only to collect unique exhibits representing the development of the planet, but also to hold scientific conferences, practical classes for university students and future applicants.

Debates, seminars, lectures held here were constantly marked by new scientific achievements and confirmed by exhibits. Herbariums of the plant world, rocks and samples of ores, various rare minerals and parts of meteorites that had ever fallen to Earth flocked here from all over the country and other European states. Other exhibits are also interesting: stuffed representatives of the animal world, rare insects and birds. Here, visitors will also see the lunar soil delivered to our planet.

Painting in the Museum

It is impossible not to note the presence of art paintings in the halls of the museum. All paintings reflect the landscape beauty of forests and fields, meadows and mountain ranges, waterfalls sparkling with theirnumerous waters, active volcanoes ejecting underground rocks. Moscow State University (museum of geography) is famous for these masterpieces.

review museum of geography msu
review museum of geography msu

All canvases are originals donated to the museum by their authors - Glebov, Meshkov, Gritsai and other landscape painters. A worthy place in the museum is occupied by sculptures, among which there are many busts of earth scientists. Among them are Anikushkin, Konenkov, Kerbel. In total, there are 80 busts of natural scientists in the halls, who over the years have made a huge contribution to the development of geography as a science.

The museum is always open for free visits to all who are interested in gaining knowledge about the structure of the Earth. To do this, just call and book a tour. You can leave a review after visiting. The Museum of Geography of Moscow State University is a special place that will help you see our planet from the inside.
