Nominal - which means what?

Nominal - which means what?
Nominal - which means what?

The Latin word nomina is translated as "names", "names". And when they try to separate things using their names, or they take designations as the basis for differences, and not some real properties, then we are talking about nominal differences.

There is another meaning, where nominal is a word that characterizes something by its superficial, limited meaning.

Wages and prices

If wages are taken simply as an amount in monetary terms, not taking into account inflation and average indicators (when the income of the bank director and the janitor are summed up and divided by 2), such values are called nominal.

You can say the same about the price. The word "nominal value" has the same meaning, by the way. These are the numbers that are indicated in any price list and call the face value of the goods.

Nominal price and salary
Nominal price and salary


Having de alt with the basic meanings of the word, let's turn to today's everyday definition of the term. There is a wholenominee service that solves a wide range of tasks:

  • There are some companies and document flow between them. The director is the same person, who, of course, cannot sign contracts with himself. A nominee director will help.
  • To raise the prestige of the company opens an account in a respectable bank in another country. But its representatives want to deal exclusively with their compatriot. A citizen of this country will act as a face value. The meaning of the word is the same as that of the concepts "dummy", "fictitious". But nevertheless, the "nominal value" does not carry a negative connotation.
  • Nominee director manages only formally. It is designed to maintain the anonymity of the one who truly runs the business. From encroachments on the property and money of the organization with such a denomination, any company reliably insures itself. At the same time, he himself may face criminal liability. The latter happens if the whole idea was to, say, tax evasion.
  • Less popular, but still in demand, performers of positions of nominee shareholder, nominee secretary.
Business has its own denominations
Business has its own denominations


The word "nominal" in the meaning of "so-called, fictitious" is also applied to such a concept as power. In this context, it acts solely "for show". The people are of little use to the nominal government, because its powers exist only for appearances, and real leadership is carried out from behind the scenes.

Not in the state, but on a smaller production scale with increasingThe professionalism of the leader noticeably expands the scope of his real power. Such a head is less and less satisfied with the rating, which does not allow him to fully influence the processes and key aspects for which he is responsible.

In Russian, there are also nominal
In Russian, there are also nominal

And even syntax

Yes, yes, and there is a face value here. This is an offer. Its characteristics are as follows: one-part, the role of the basis of the sentence is played by the subject (in this case, the noun in the nominative case).

For example:

  • Spring. Ringing drops from the roofs.
  • Golden autumn. Falling Leaves W altz.
  • The heat of summer. Stuff!

If a phenomenon exists right now, in the present, then it will be indicated just by the nominal sentence. Such a sentence cannot be used in the future tense, it is also excluded in the past. Neither the subjunctive nor the imperative mood is available to him. After all, both require verbs. There are no such words and meanings in the nominal sentence.

What does the nominal offer express With which particles Examples
Emotional evaluation What, well, like this, like this, etc.

What a surprise!

This is a meeting!

Specific indication Here, out Here is God, Out the threshold!

According to the purpose of the utterance, nominal sentences usually tell about something-then, but intonationally - they exclaim. Such sentences make the style of literary speech more concise and expressive, and give a special brightness and color to colloquial speech.
