Prime Ministers of Russia: dark and light lists

Prime Ministers of Russia: dark and light lists
Prime Ministers of Russia: dark and light lists

The Russian Federation is a presidential republic. Almost all power is concentrated in the hands of the head of state. However, a lot also depends on the second person of the state - the Chairman of the Government of Russia. Although he is more often referred to in a foreign manner as the prime minister. Who was it in the new Russia? Let's list the prime ministers in order.

Prime Ministers of Russia since 1991. Yeltsin's list. (Chairmen of the Government of Russia)

Let's look at the prime ministers of Yeltsin's list in the table, their years of life, time in office and parties.

Name Years of life Time on duty Party
Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin (acting) 1.02.1931 - 23.04.2007 1991/1992 Unaffiliated
Yegor Timurovich Gaidar (acting) 19.03.1956 - 16.12.2009 1992 Unaffiliated
Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin 9.04.1938- 3.11.2010 1992/1998 "Our home is Russia"
Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko 26.07.1962 1998 "Union of Right Forces"
Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin (acting) see above 1998 see above
Evgeny Maksimovich Primakov 29.10.1929 - 26.06.2015 1998/1999 Unaffiliated
Sergey Vadimovich Stepashin 2.03.1952 1999 "Apple"
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin 7.10.1952 1999/2000 Unaffiliated

"Dark". Yeltsin's list

The prime minister in Russia is appointed by the country's president. It is not surprising, therefore, that he largely shares the views of his immediate superior on the life and development of the country. That is why the lists of prime ministers are significantly divided into two periods - Yeltsin's and Putin's.

Boris Yeltsin
Boris Yeltsin

"Perestroika" time of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin went down in history not only as a time of freedom, but also a period of "shock therapy", various conflicts and stressful situations. In general, the time of destruction. That's why we call it "dark". Most of the names on Yeltsin's list, alas, are associated with various failures, mistakes and upheavals.

The list of prime ministers of Russia is headed by Boris Yeltsin himself due to the absence of the institution of the headgovernment, who combined both the post of president and chairman of the government.

Yegor Gaidar
Yegor Gaidar

Yegor Gaidar went down in history as a democratizer of the economy, but at the same time with a naive belief in the beneficial role of the free market and participation in an ill-conceived (if not deliberately biased) scheme for the privatization of state property.

Viktor Chernomyrdin will be remembered for the proverb that enriched the Russian language "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always," which succinctly reflected the nature of the state's activities during the Yeltsin presidency. All the Chechen wars fell to the lot of Chernomyrdin, he personally participated in resolving the tragedy in Beslan. And in general, the most difficult years of post-Soviet Russia went to Viktor Stepanovich, however, despite the failures, he passed all the tests with honor, for which he received universal respect among the entire list of Russian prime ministers.

Viktor Chernomyrdin
Viktor Chernomyrdin

The name Sergei Kiriyenko is synonymous with the concept of "default of 1998". Although this "merit" is not his, but the previously ill-conceived financial policy of the government, including Chernomyrdin.

Yevgeny Primakov and Sergei Stepashin also failed to cope with the crisis in the economy and public life.

Finishing Yeltsin's list of prime ministers of Russia is the current President of Russia Vladimir Putin. In him, President No. 1 saw his successor.

Prime Ministers of Russia since 2000. Putin's List. (Chairmen of the Government of Russia)

The following list starts in 2000. This period is at leastinteresting.

Name Years of life Time on duty Party
Mikhail Mikhailovich Kasyanov 12/8/1957 2000/2004 Unaffiliated
Viktor Borisovich Khristenko (acting) 28.08.1957 2004 Unaffiliated
Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov 1.09.1950 2004/2007 Unaffiliated
Viktor Alekseevich Zubkov 15.09.1941 2008 "United Russia"
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin see above 2008/2012 see above
Viktor Alekseevich Zubkov (acting) see above 2012 see above
Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev 14.09.1965 since 2012 "United Russia"

"Light". Putin's List

With the coming to power of Vladimir Putin in Russia, if not another era, then another era - a bright one. Creation, stabilization, revival - to a large extent this was facilitated by the external economic situation associated with rising energy prices. But still, the list of Russian prime ministers turned out to be appropriate.

Even under the leadership of Mikhail Kasyanov, who looked like a "legacy" of the Yeltsin period, he managed to stabilize the financial situation, stop the collapse of industry and the crisis of the national identity of Russians. Flashed briefly VictorKhristenko did not leave a special mark, but Mikhail Fradkin gave rise to national projects as a phenomenon (although they were not actually implemented), plans were made for active implementation. Viktor Zubkov, who twice took up the post on an emergency basis, was like his namesake Khristenko.

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin

Then came the second "coming" of Putin. Vladimir Vladimirovich did not have the right to hold the post of president for three consecutive terms, and his talents were used in the role of Prime Minister. The time of its work is recent, therefore any of us can give it an assessment. But it is unlikely that she will be in dark colors.

Record holder Medvedev

But it's too early to pass a "verdict" on Dmitry Medvedev. Dmitry Anatolyevich, who recently survived another reappointment, this year broke Chernomyrdin's record for continuous tenure as prime minister. Do not count as a break one day (May 7) when Medvedev legally resigned his powers before the re-elected President Putin. Already on May 8, Medvedev returned to his duties, which he still performs.
