Today, Russia's external debt to other countries is a "legacy" from the USSR. Of course, the former Union acted not only as a borrower, but also as a lender, however, due to the lack of a freely convertible currency that could be used to pay for the supplied goods and services, it was necessary to resort to borrowing from other countries.

The main difference between the debts of other countries to the Russian Federation is that our country presented loans in commodity form (weapons, fuel), but Russia's debt is expressed in dollar terms. The greatest increase in debt refers to the years of the crisis, when the country could not pay current debts, climbed into new ones and, plus, pen alty payments were charged on old ones. Over the past year, Russia's debt to other countries increased by 15.4% and amounted to $623.963 billion in monetary terms.
Most of the debt falls on the banking sector - 208.37 billion dollars. Why? The fact is that due to the recent crisis, which in one way or another affected our country, in 2012 the entire market grew at the expense of funds from the state, therefore, raising borrowed funds in this situation is a more correct solution. Moreover, the increased debt of Russia does not pose any threat to the economy.countries. So say the experts.
If we express Russia's debt to other countries in GDP, it turns out that the mark is at the level of 20%. If we compare it with the situation on the world stage, where in many European countries this mark has long crossed the level of 100%, then the Russian Federation in this case is in a favorable zone with no risk of an economic crisis. Analysts say that the only negative moment in the current situation is the growth of corporate debt, including the banking sector. But they immediately reassure: this means that this year we can definitely expect the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to tighten its banking policy to reduce risks.

Despite the growth of debt obligations to European countries, Russia over the past decade has made a huge number of "gifts" to other countries, writing off part of the debt to someone, and the entire amount to someone. Such extravagance caused and still causes a lot of controversy and discontent on the part of not only politicians, but also ordinary citizens of our country. Of course, on the one hand, this is a big step towards establishing strong trade and economic relations with countries based on trust and increasing the number of our allies. But on the other hand, in the entire history, no one has ever forgiven Russia for a cent, a penny, or a penny, even in those years when the country was “on its knees”. The only help is the issuance of the same loans for which you had to pay with interest!
But Russia's internal debt is impressive in its size - at the end of last year itamounted to 4.06 trillion rubles. And in the coming years, the Ministry of Finance will have to pay off these debts, about which a corresponding program has already been drawn up for the next 25 years. The share of the state of all this amount accounts for just the smallest part. Thus, the debt of the banking sector is more than 200 billion dollars, the debt of the business or "other sector" is 356 billion dollars.

But, as mentioned above, our debts are just flowers. For example, we can cite the size of the external debt of the United States - more than 10 trillion dollars! In America, in one day the amount of debt accumulates to 4 billion! Thus, the US debt to Russia is more than 60 billion dollars. And it is our country that is still unstable and undeveloped for everyone in the world…