In the recent past, young people from high school were attracted by the creative work of artists and singers, but now talented youth are more realistic: in addition to the desire to express themselves, everyone wants to receive big money for the opportunity to become famous all over the world. A journalist is a speci alty for young and educated people who are able not only to correctly express their point of view, but also to attract viewers and readers to the problem. Journalism as a profession gives aspiring writers to show their abilities, to attract people to world problems, to give the people the information that they are interested in.

The work of a journalist includes several functional duties. First of all, a good specialist in a print or online publication should be able to find information. A professional will need a keen eye, as well as competent speech and intelligence. A good writer notices any, even the smallest details of an event, and makes a real sensation out of them. Resourcefulness and cunning will also come in handy at work. If, for example, you are writing about a restaurant, ask yourself what the reader is interested in. The appearance of the premises, the taste of the food and the level of service, or howfood is prepared, how qualified is the staff?
Journalism as a profession is very relevant in the modern world. Everyone wants to be in the center of events, to know everything and about everything. More than 100 Russian universities graduate specialists in this area every year, but, nevertheless, publications and TV channels are in great need of true professionals in their field with innovative thinking and great opportunities. As a rule, people who do not have higher education in this field work in the editorial offices, but, one way or another, they are much more experienced than those former students who studied carelessly in their time.

Speaking of the specifics, there are several major areas: sports journalism, political, international, economic, industry, etc. Professionals are required in all these areas.
A popular feature of the 21st century is Internet journalism. There are thousands of copywriters and freelancers registered online who are ready to work literally for pennies to make a name for themselves. Some bloggers maintain their sites for free, but over time, the masses will learn about them, and the authors will become famous. As a rule, bloggers write about what is relevant today. Some lead news feeds, others pay attention to certain specifics (fashion, for example). Every year it becomes more and more difficult to express yourself on the Internet and not get lost in the crowd of authors.

Journalism as a profession has its pros and cons. The big advantage is being active. You will constantlyto be on the move, meet famous people, travel and write about it. The disadvantages include irregular working hours and the fact that your salary depends solely on you. Forget about weekends and a stable vacation schedule. If you are working on news, get ready to travel not only to interesting, but also to dangerous places. Emergencies are also your path. Deadlines, rush jobs, layouts - all this will be in your life all the time. If you think that journalism as a profession suits you, get ready to fight for a place in the sun.