Political Doctor cannot be stupid. And if he says something, he necessarily pursues certain goals. The biography of Yakub Koreyba has been written since March 1985, it was then that the future scandalous but talented journalist was born, who is often discussed and who evokes all feelings, but not indifference.
He was born in the Polish town of Kielce. He studied first at school, then at a general education lyceum, after which he studied international relations at the University of Warsaw from 2003 to 2009.

A person works, receives a salary. He says terrible things to Russians about Russia on the air of the all-Russian most popular channel in prime time. Such people prefer not to start a family: the biography of Yakub Koreyba contains practically no facts about his mother and father, children, wife, relatives and friends. Or there is an option that Yakub carefully protects this side of his life from publicity. Perhaps the data is stored somewhere in the classified military archives. But it is almost impossible to find them in the public domain.
Polish journalist is today a frequent guest on Russian TV. In one of the interviews, he mentioned that his father was a very calm and intelligent person, however, if he saw that someone's behavior did not meet the intellectual and moral standards of society, he could express himself, but no more than "rebellious boor."
Koreiba-son is more daring in his expressions. He does not hesitate to use stronger words on the air.
If Yakub is afraid for the safety of his family, does not disclose the data, then he is doing the right thing, he is a smart person, do not doubt it! Read his phrases, listen to his words.
What does the biography of Yakub Koreiba tell us about education? He received his first diploma in Warsaw - at the university at the Faculty of International Relations, where he studied from 2003 to 2009. At the same time, he studied at the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".
From 2007 to 2008 Yakub studied in Lyon and then in St. Petersburg. In short, Koreyba was educated in Poland, Russia, Ukraine and France.
It is believed that Yakub went to study in Russia, and in France and Ukraine he did an internship. However, the fact remains that MGIMO RF has become his alma mater, both for a graduate student and a doctor of political sciences.
In 2012 he graduated frompostgraduate study at the most popular Russian university, in 2013 he defended his doctoral degree in political science there.

Opinion about Ukraine and Poland - countries should stick together
Yakub was recently still listed at MGIMO, being an adviser to the Center for Post-Soviet Studies at the university. What can a person teach who believes that Ukraine is a state that does not function today. It is drawn on the map, but does not work. Unreasonable Ukraine robbed Crimea for 25 years. Russia, having annexed this beautiful territory, could put forward its intention in an international referendum. Instead, the Russian Federation simply took and took Crimea away without asking anyone. Worthless, says Yakub.
Why do the gentry need Ukraine? Polish journalist Jakub Koreyba, whose biography is not very full of facts about personal security, knows how to protect his country. In his speeches, he admits that Poland is interested in Ukraine solely as a buffer state. And while the Ukrainians are at war with the Russians, they will not start a war with the Poles. A desperate patriot, ready to defend his country and justify it.

Ukrainians Yakub openly calls "Polish blacks". Ah, what racial superiority! Is there any reason to throw words like that? But he loves to argue. After all, it is in the discussion, in his opinion, that the truth is born.
He thinks it's not interesting when everyone agrees with each other. Koreyba says aloud that the more Russians and Ukrainians kill each other,the better for the Poles.
Yakuban theses
Journalist Yakub Koreiba, whose biography has nothing to do with the Soviet Union, declares live that the USSR was a nuclear power, like Russia now, (and even more powerful), and still collapsed. What does he know about the coolness of Russia in his 30s? Who initiated him into what? Where does this information come from?
He agreed to the fact that he was expelled from MGIMO, suspended from teaching at the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Russia.

The personal biography of Yakub Koreiba is a secret with seven seals. We know practically nothing about his private life, a smart person will not allow to interfere in his life. And the fact that Koreiba is smart is beyond doubt. Stupid people are not kept on TV. And they are not allowed to express anti-state reactionary statements on the territory of the state where these people live and throw accusations like a bone to a dog. It is not for nothing that people are told: read between the lines, be able to hear between the words, this will help you form the correct picture of the world. He says, it means he wants to cause a reaction, to convey something. Not afraid, so there are reasons.
Probably not fools are sitting at the top and everything is done for a reason. The message is this: Russians, people, come on, let's hate the Pole Yakub Koreiba, whose biography is replete with terrible statements about our country! Trolling for the naive works great. After all, if you think stereotypically, Poland evokes in Russia by no means friendly emotions in connection with the statementsmany Poles about our history, about the "true" instigators of the Second World War, about the role of Russia in this war, about fascism and so on. And it turns out that Yakub was appointed to echo this mood. They call him a neo-Nazi.
Master of scandal, political scientist and publicist
Jakub Koreyba's work biography began with Newsweek Polska magazine, he was already waving a saber there - due to a conflict with his superiors (Russian propaganda), he was fired from the publication with a bang. Here's a strange fact. Yakub spoke in our support?

. Kicked him out of Ukraine and forbade him to return.
Many believe that the expulsion of Yakub is connected with frank articles about Warsaw's participation in the conflict between Ukrainians and Yanukovych, about Poland's assistance to the Maidan in Ukraine.
Sharp and uncompromising in his statements, and probably a racist, Yakub Koreyba, whose biography and personal life are scarce in facts, returned back to MGIMO, he was allowed to engage in teaching. But soon after his speeches, he was "asked" from there - this was mentioned above.
Jakub is currently writing for the Polish website Sputnik, he is a frequent guest on various Russian TV and radio talk shows.

A little bit about personal life
There is information that Yakub had a Russian wife. How long the marriage lasted - no one knows, their union broke up. There is no information about the children of Yakub, nothing is known about the parents.
2018 and beyond - Yakuba Koreiba's opinions
Koreiba speaks excellent Russian. He embraces Zhirinovsky - there are no contradictions, they are in solidarity in their hatred of the Soviet Union. Yakub believes that today Poland has good relations with Russia, that there is no direct threat from Russia, but a constructive dialogue with Europe is needed. He emphasizes that Poland is a country that will simply disappear from the face of the Earth if Russia uses new weapons against the American missile defense systems located on its territory. He is calm, but says that there are politicians who are in favor of increasing the military budget of Poland (that's it!), for demanding more weapons from America and increasing the number of employees in the Polish army.

Jakub honestly said that these are all games. The leadership of Poland is playing the card of a military threat from Russia in order to receive money for military needs from the allies (USA). And Polish taxpayers' money earmarked for the construction of schools and hospitals will go to tanks.
Not Stupid
Yakub says on the air of the Russian channel that Russia has no future, because the Russians cling to the supposedly non-existent past. Koreiba confesses:
I haven't been punched in the face yet, and I can't drink vodka in English.
So his caricaturethe self-satisfied and narcissistic gentry is apparently still needed by someone.