Gun clip: what is it? Its purpose and device

Gun clip: what is it? Its purpose and device
Gun clip: what is it? Its purpose and device

Clip - an element that played an important role in the development of weapons. It is unlikely that it will be possible to find out the device of a pistol or machine gun without studying this element. Therefore, it is worth taking some of your time to read the information below, after which the reader will receive answers to all his questions.

Description and purpose

A cartridge clip is a device designed to combine several cartridges together. It helps to significantly speed up the process of loading various small arms and small-caliber guns.

The first clips were used in the last quarter of the 19th century to reload small arms. The fact is that rifles then had non-removable (permanent) magazines, and clips became the only way to quickly reload.

weapon clip
weapon clip

Over time, the weapons got better and new models began to be produced with light interchangeable magazines. Then it was decided to start releasing all clips of a standard form, which made it easier to reload any type of weapon. Reloading then took place through special guides in the receiver or through a special device,that came with the weapon. It is worth noting that the pistol clip was the last to appear.


To imagine what a clip is, first of all, you need to consider the design of the device.

The clip is a metal plate with flanges along the edges into which the edges of the lenses are inserted. As a rule, one device can contain from 5 to 10 cartridges.

On the receiver of the weapon there are special slots where the end of the clip is inserted. After that, the cartridges are sent to the store by pressing a finger, and the clip itself goes. There are also models of weapons (for example, the Mauser 98k rifle), where after closing the shutter, the clip is released by itself.

What is the difference between a magazine clip and a cartridge pack?

Many people do not fully understand what a clip is, and because of this they confuse it with a magazine or ammo pack.

A store is a container for cartridges with a feed mechanism (spring). They are detachable (automatic, pistol) and integral (carbines, rifles). It is in the magazine that the clip is inserted.

Shop and clip
Shop and clip

A cartridge pack is a device that combines several cartridges into one element, which is designed to speed up the loading of weapons. The difference from the clip is that the cartridge pack is fully inserted into the magazine. Some even call this device a kind of clip, as they are very similar in appearance and purpose.
