Gross harvest is Definition, products and features

Gross harvest is Definition, products and features
Gross harvest is Definition, products and features

For calculations and calculations in the agricultural industry, specialized vocabulary is used. Its meaning may sometimes be inaccessible to a person who does not operate in this sector and is not interested in it in any way. Particularly difficult to understand are the definitions associated with the calculation of volumes of manufactured products. For example, the term "gross harvest" requires some explanation. It seems simple at first glance, but in fact hides the difficulties of calculation and definition.

Deciphering the concept of "gross"

In itself, this word is ubiquitous in economic science and practice. It appears in such an important macroeconomic indicator as GDP (gross domestic product), GNP and GRP - its national and regional varieties. The word itself can be explained as a combination of something, the total amount, mass, volume. It can be an action performed by a group, by some multitude. For example, the total span of cranes, that is, the population of cranes. If you look at the list of synonyms for this concept, you can find the following words: massive, continuous, general, and others in the same vein.

In economics, this term is used to denote income from the sale of goods and services, to characterize the general collection of products, for example, the collection of vegetables or fruits. The concept of income should not be confused with the concept of profit, since the key feature of income is the absence of any deductions from the total amount when making calculations. If the term gross is used in conjunction with the concept of collection, then most often such a combination can be seen in the agricultural industry. In this case, the gross harvest is a characteristic, or rather a measure of the crop harvested at a time from the entire sown area.


Sometimes the term is used as an abbreviation for VSSK. This definition means the total volume of cultivated plants harvested from sown fields. Moreover, from crops, both basic and intermediate. It can be a calculation both for individual crops (for example, potatoes, wheat, rye, etc.), and for entire groups of crops (fodder, cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc.).

As for calculations nationwide, they are divided into two categories: the total for all categories of agricultural holdings and the separate one for the subjects involved in the cultivation of agricultural crops. Individual entities (farms, organizations) are ultimately calculated within the administrative districts of krais and oblasts. As for the measurement values, units of mass are used as them - fromkilograms to tons.

product mix
product mix

Gross harvest is a concept that can be expressed in different ways. It is also sometimes referred to as actual collection. Weighing is carried out both during the harvesting period and after all the sown has been collected from the fields. For quite a long period of time, the actual collection was characterized by bunker weight. Its distinguishing feature is the weighing of the harvested crop along with weeds, untreated earth, and undried moisture. Until 1990, bunker weight was the most important indicator of yield. After it is replaced by a weight indicator, which excludes the presence of moisture, earth, dirt and other elements that are not directly related to the product. Then this volume is on average 10% less than the initial collection.

Net harvest
Net harvest

Crop and gross harvest

In fact, this is the same concept, they are synonymous with each other. But only with some reservations. The fact is that in agriculture there are several types of crops. In addition to the above-mentioned actual, which will represent the gross harvest, there are three more types of crops:

Species. It, unlike the actual, represents the expected yield. Based on the data obtained during the analysis of the potential volume of the harvest, the collection tactics are built in the future and management decisions are made. As the main method of extracting information about the possible future level of production, the imposition of meters or simply determining by eye is used. To determine the visa yield, the condition of the seedlings is also important, theirdensity and appearance

Yield measurement
Yield measurement

Harvest in the bud. In fact, this is the same as the species crop. That is, it is measured and calculated using the same method. The only and key difference is that a standing crop is a crop already grown, but not yet received. Before gross harvest, this is the previous stage

Clean. This is the final stage of the harvest. After cleaning from any foreign objects, the proportion of seeds that is necessary for future crops is also subtracted from it. So, for example, if the bunker harvest of wheat amounted to 308 thousand tons, then the net harvest, taking into account the deduction of garbage, moisture and part of the seeds for further work, will be only 208 thousand tons



Productivity and gross harvest are interacting phenomena and concepts that complement each other. The first is an agricultural indicator, which indicates the average harvest of cultivated plants from a certain unit of area. It can be calculated from 1 m2, from 1 weave or from 1 hectare.

Each type of crop, from species to pure, you can choose your own yield. They are calculated differently for one particular culture (individual) and for a group of cultures (average). These individual and average indicators are extremely important in that they show the degree of efficiency in the use of agricultural land.

Yield and gross harvest
Yield and gross harvest

How to calculate the gross harvest?

Calculatethe actual harvest is very simple. To do this, you just need to multiply the area of \u200b\u200ball crops from which products are harvested by the yield. As part of the calculation of the gross harvest, there is a difficulty in determining the numerical indicator of yield. In this case, the average yield described above is needed.

You can find it using the following weighted arithmetic mean formula:

BC=S x U.

In it, the letter S is the area on which crops grow, and Y is the individual indicator of yield.

General conclusion

What does gross yield mean in economics? First of all, it is one of the fundamental concepts in agriculture. It denotes the total collection of products from the entire area of crops. Such concepts as "gross harvest" and "harvest" are synonymous with each other. Also in practice they are often referred to as the actual harvest. Its distinguishing feature is the calculation of the total volume of harvested products without deducting seeds for further sowing. If this deduction has been made, then the actual crop flows into its “pure” variety. Calculating the gross harvest is not difficult: you need to multiply the area under crops by the average yield.
