MPC of oil products in soil. Ecology and safety

MPC of oil products in soil. Ecology and safety
MPC of oil products in soil. Ecology and safety

Currently, industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities are of particular importance. The problem of the environment has not only natural scientific, but also social significance. Let us analyze in more detail the MPC of oil products in the soil. Find out the main sources of pollution.

industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities
industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities

The importance of soils

Let's start with the fact that it is soils that absorb chemical and biological pollutants and act as a natural adsorbent. The spill of oil and oil products leads to the fact that toxic organic compounds enter the soil. This causes serious disruption of the mechanisms of functioning of the biosphere and ecosystems, and negatively affects the he alth of the population.

Worrying trends

At present, in many regions of our country, the levels of soil pollution with oil products significantly exceed the permitted levels. As a result, metabolic processes in living organisms are disturbed,there is a serious threat to the life of the population.

department of ecology
department of ecology

Sources of pollution

Currently, there are three classes of substances that are soil pollutants:

  • biological;
  • chemical;
  • radioactive.

MPC of oil products in the soil are regulated by hygienic requirements. In particular, the content of chemicals is determined by GN The principle by which the content of chemical compounds in the soil is determined is based on the fact that only in exceptional situations, harmful substances from the soil enter the human body directly.

Most of this happens through contact with the soil of water, air, and also through food chains.

MPC of oil products in soil is determined taking into account stability, background concentration, toxicity. The standards are created for those substances that can move into groundwater or atmospheric air, reducing the quality of agricultural products, lowering yields. MPCs for oil products in soil are specified in GOST "Soils".

Hydrocarbon-contaminated soil is not suitable for planting various crops.

soil pollution with oil
soil pollution with oil


The Department of Ecology monitors the activities of large industrial enterprises, which are the main sources of oil residues entering the soil and wastewater. Soil that contains a surface oil film (no more than 5 mm) must be treated with a sorbent to neutralizeorganic hydrocarbons with properties of carcinogens.

If the industrial safety rules of hazardous production facilities are violated, this causes a serious tragedy.

To eliminate the consequences, a sorbent is used, which consists of a mixture of lignin and bird droppings. As composting continues for 10-15 days, the soil environment becomes neutral (about 6, 9).

In the process of composting, microbiological activity increases, the amount of compost substance in the sorbent increases.

The content of phenols is reduced several times. Oil that has entered the soil is absorbed into the sorbent and decomposes in about 1.5-2.5 months.

After composting lignin and manure, a substrate is formed that is enriched with organic and mineral compounds.

To speed up the process of destruction of oil and oil products, a variety of microbiological preparations are used. After adding microorganisms capable of decomposing oil to this mixture, the sorbent decomposes the oil. Note that 1 gram of such a sorbent is able to absorb five times the amount of oil products from the soil, the action lasts for two months.

Such a technique allows solving the problem of removing oil and oil products from the soil, helps to return contaminated areas to agricultural plantings.

spill of oil and oil products
spill of oil and oil products

Second option for soil treatment

Cleaning of soil contaminated with oil products in machine-building, hydrolysis, pulp and paperindustry, involves the use of hydrolytic lignin. A mixture of lignin and activated carbon enters the contaminated area.

First, the mixture enters the sedimentation tanks of the first stage, then suspended solids are released, at the third stage, the soil is biologically cleaned. Settling tanks of the second stage are necessary for the separation of activated sludge, as well as for sorption post-treatment of the soil. The technological scheme of this purification method assumes the presence of primary settling tanks, two-stage biological treatment, and adsorption post-treatment on lignin. The choice of lignin contributes to a significant simplification of biological treatment, accelerating the removal of oil products from soils.

Department of Ecology is concerned about the state of soils near oil refineries.

how to protect the soil from oil
how to protect the soil from oil


Anthropogenic impact on the soil contributes to the formation of numerous biogeochemical technogenic provinces. The systematic ingress of various types of organic hydrocarbons contained in oil into the soil leads to significant changes in the microbiological, physical, chemical properties of the soil, and causes a restructuring of the soil profile.

Benzopyrene, obtained by burning petroleum products, oil, fuel, is of particular danger to human he alth. It is contained in large quantities in the emissions of oil and chemical plants, road transport, heating system facilities.

There are certain requirements for the maximum content of this organiccompounds, its MPC is 0.02 mg per 1 kg of soil. At present, a greater amount of soil pollution with various oil products is observed mostly in those areas where oil production is carried out, and a large oil refinery operates.

In emergency situations at oil production sites, on oil pipelines, environmentalists note large-scale changes in natural complexes, which causes significant difficulties in soil reclamation.

Soil pollution with various organic toxic products has a negative impact on their agricultural value, causing numerous diseases among the local population.
