Who is a slave or a slave in ancient times? Everything is clear here - this is a simple person who did the hardest work just for food (sometimes a piece of bread and water). Slaves could be sold, beaten and even killed. After many years, the phenomenon of slavery practically disappeared. Is this really the case or is it just a reformatting? Let's try to figure it out: is the modern slave just an exaggerated expression or a real phenomenon?

State foundations
Government systems are mostly built on the rule of law and law. That is, the people in power have complete control over the lives of their subordinates. The modern slave is the foundation for maintaining the state, without which it will simply crumble. It's just that no one talks about it. Visual examples and evidence speak for themselves, you just need to find and understand them.
An ordinary person hardly evercan resist law enforcement agencies, courts, officials, not to mention the "top". All these institutions guarantee an imaginary security, for the sake of which a person must work and benefit the country for a certain reward, which is also one of the instruments of covert coercion. Seeking justice in such a society, wanting everyone to be equal, is useless. The only way out is to change yourself and your own consciousness.
Depreciation of labor and restriction of freedom
Modern slave does not need to know how much higher ranks, companies, corporations earn. At least that's what the leaders think. All sorts of commercial and confidential secrets are given as excuses. The wages of an ordinary person is a tiny part of the company's profits. In addition, various fines, fees, taxes and deductions fall on his neck. Often people give away half of their income, or even more. Many pensioners generally survive on a penny, living on bread and, at best, milk.
Another instrument of pressure is the restriction of freedom of thought and rights. In many countries this is all an illusion. Each state has its own foundations and principles that a law-abiding person must strictly observe. Otherwise, sanctions follow: fines, prison terms, correctional labor. Many do not agree with laws that really infringe on the rights of citizens, but they cannot do anything.

Matrix consciousness
The entire life path of a modern human slave is built almost according to patterns. Have you ever wondered why almost uniform standards have been adopted around the world, namely:
- First kindergarten, then school.
- After that - an institute or another educational institution, depending on the abilities and opportunities.
- The next step is to work for the owner or the state.
- When the resource is exhausted - welcome to retire if you managed to live up to it.
Such a system has been worked out for hundreds of years, has become familiar and quite effective. If you ask a simple question to an average person why he sends his children to primary and secondary educational institutions, few will give an intelligible and detailed answer.
Where does it all begin?
A person is born with a free mind, everything is interesting to him and he tries to get to know the features of the world around him as much as possible. At the age of three, the child begins to instill elements of a worked program, which are formed into certain patterns. This approach even received an interesting and beautiful term - the education system. At this stage, the formation of the psychology of slavery in the modern interpretation begins.

What is the curriculum?
In general educational institutions, only screened information is taught. The program at school is not only basic subjects, but also a carefully designed and prepared system that radically changes the child's psychology at a subconscious level.
One clear example in world history of the influence of education on the minds of millions of citizens is the gener althe dominance of Nazism in Germany in the 30-40s of the last century. The children were taught that the Germans are an exceptional, dominant nation that is able to rise above everyone and change the entire Planet. In this regard, millions of soldiers went to war, firmly believing in their superiority and greatness.
If a person begins to show his own individuality, expressing thoughts different from the majority, at least the person will be considered crazy. Moreover, if the habitual foundations are violated and other individuals are incited to this, a person is threatened with isolation from society. There are many such examples at all times, often they lead to armed confrontations and large-scale wars.

Financial shackles
Everyone works to make money. In this case, monetary units are used to measure the value of a particular product or service. In general, the psychology of a slave in the modern world is arranged in such a way that he must work to acquire something. According to statistics, about 70 percent of the budget of compatriots goes to food, paying for utilities and related services. Most people are dissatisfied with their salary, and rightly so, because it does not correspond to the real state of affairs. It turns out that many modern "slaves" in Russia work for more or less decent food and the opportunity for a short rest in relatively comfortable conditions between trips to the workplace.
The level of wages is not in vain adjusted by the state. The bar is brought out in such a way that a person has enoughfunds for a monthly existence, since the owner does not need a rich slave (so that he does not leave). As a result, financial, wage slavery is created.

The next trick is the promotion of the credit system. With its help, an ordinary person is forced to work. This is expressed in the creation of unbearable conditions for the repayment of the loan, and if interest is not paid, threats of imprisonment or the seizure of all existing property are used. For example, it takes at least 10 years for an ordinary individual to acquire the most basic housing. Therefore, many fall into a credit trap, from which it is quite difficult to get out. As a result, a person has nowhere to go, except to work hard for decades.
Other economic traps
The next stage in the formation of slaves in the modern world is to create artificial demand. Part of the population is provided with housing, makes good money or can live comfortably for other reasons. The question arises: how to make them work? It turns out that everything is pretty simple here. It is necessary to simply force a person to buy an unnecessary product. Often, unreasonably, people buy expensive cars, gadgets, all-inclusive tours. Trying to fit into the category of a successful person, they are able to work for a whole year to get something that they can really do without.
Inflation is also a good mechanism for creating modern financial slaves. The process involves price increases in the long run. For example, annual inflation of 10%indicates that the cost of basic goods and services has increased by the same position. It is worth noting that it is necessary to distinguish between real inflation and the official one. In the first case, the state is responsible for the process, indexing salaries and social benefits. In fact, it is 2-3 times higher and contributes to a decrease in real incomes. No one at the top of government fights inflation especially, since it is beneficial to the state.

Office plankton
Modern slaves of the system are ordinary people who work for the masters (large commercial enterprises, financial corporations, state apparatuses). At first glance, they are all citizens, they can live freely, limited only by the law. This seemingly decent life is just an illusion. Imaginary equality and freedom are just tinsel and deceit. The difference between a free person and a bonded person is real freedom of thought and action. In the modern world, there is practically no such possibility, and any manifestations are suppressed, often by drastic methods.
How to change the life of a modern slave?
What you shouldn't do is put on a superhero costume and prove to everyone that we are forced people. It is unlikely that anyone will take it seriously, much less follow you. In addition, such a position threatens with a fine or imprisonment. You don't have to stand out in front of other people. The main thing is that you yourself understand the essence and do something useful for yourself. Just change the way you see the world around you and live accordingly.
Below are a few moretips to help you change your slave nature:
- Expand your horizons by reading more books of philosophical content, get carried away with history, learn languages, learn about other cultures. All this will help to understand the strength and diversity of the world, which will subsequently allow you to open yourself from a new leaf, forcing the brain to rethink what is happening around.
- Absolutely refuse the slag infusion from television channels, radio broadcasts and media portals. There is little good there, and there is plenty of garbage. In a short time, it will become clear from the outside that the vast majority of the population thinks in a stereotyped way, repeating theses and information received from external sources.
- Radically reconsider your attitude to material values. It should be clearly understood why you need to work, since it is the profession or occupation that takes up most of life. Is it reasonable to spend hundreds of thousands on a new "adult" toy, or is it better to direct finances in another direction?
- Striving for financial independence by trying to ensure that dependence on outsiders tends to zero at every stage. This includes wages, various benefits, estimated pension accruals from the state. It is necessary to create alternative and passive sources of income that will ensure a comfortable existence. Your best bet is not to work at all.

Interesting tip
Try to make today's "God's servants" work for you, no matter how strange it sounds. Should be rememberedhistorical facts, when in ancient Rome slaves who heroically proved themselves in battles were given freedom and slaves in addition. The new owners rarely released their former brothers "by misfortune" into the wild. Most often they actively exploited their labor. Roughly speaking, the essence of modern slavery can be expressed in the following phrase: “if you don’t want to work yourself, make someone else do it.” Thus, the lives of millions depend on the benevolence and justice of the current "slave owners".