It was once very fashionable to have sunken cheeks and prominent cheekbones. But everything flows, everything changes in this world. Even more so in today's fashion world. Chubby cheeks are popular today. They give the face freshness and youth. With them, a girl or woman looks cute and flirtatious. What measures do the representatives of the weaker sex take to make their face meet modern beauty standards? After all, the owners of narrow cheeks have to resort to different methods of rounding them.
What to do?
If you really can’t resist the desire to change something in yourself and accept yourself as you are, you can always find ways to implement your plan with the least effort. The question of how to make cheeks plump is asked by more than one generation of princesses and queens. Even when it was not fashionable, many intuitively understood all the advantages of a roundcharming face.

There are a couple of effective methods that make the cheeks fuller without mechanical intervention. These are folk methods, but they work, if, of course, you put some effort into your desire. Only then will you become the owner of attractive round shapes.
How to make plump cheeks - exercises and more exercises
You should try yoga first. True, without spiritual practices. This is not always good, you can get lost in the wilds. Yoga should be used purely for the body and its healing. In principle, such exercises exist outside of yoga practices. But they really work wonders. The skin of the face will become radiant and plump due to the stimulation of blood circulation.

So, the first thing to do is to sit in a comfortable chair so that your back is at a right angle. Pull the shoulder blades down and completely relax the shoulders. It is necessary that this area relax as much as possible and become as if motionless.
Next, we stick out the chest a little forward. Getting Started:
- Mouth slightly open, as if speaking in a calm, measured tone. Now you need to lightly cover your teeth with your lips.
- The corners of the lips pull towards the molars, the chin moves forward, and the lips return to their original position.
- Now you need to sit for thirty seconds and feel a pleasant tension in the muscles of the face. After a while, we relax and take our starting position.
How to get plumper cheeks with minimal effort
You need to act carefully, pinching your cheekbones very lightly from top to bottom. Such manipulations do not make the cheeks full, they rather have a visual effect. After all, the blush gives them fullness and freshness.

The best option is emollient creams. They are designed specifically to moisturize, eliminate inflammation and damage. This face cream should be applied every time after a shower. Do not dry your face with a towel, let it dry on its own. The maximum effect is achieved at night. If you understand how to make your cheeks plump, and do everything right, then the result will not be long in coming. Remember! Of particular importance are manipulations before bedtime. They allow the skin to be fully saturated with moisture overnight.

Sugar Scrub
Sugar and shea butter have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. The first component acts as a mild exfoliant, eliminates dead cells. And the second - gives elasticity. As a result, we get a comprehensive care: cleansing + soft moisturizing. Here's what to do to get plump cheeks.

Apply apples
These fruits, which are present in the diet of every person, are a storehouse of nutrients and trace elements. The magic fruit contains vitamins A, B, and C. They prevent the formation of wrinkles, which means they make the skin beautiful and resistant to aging. Apple masks really workwonders! Here is the answer to the question of what to do to make your cheeks plump: apply apples! Collagen and elastin are abundant in Delicious, Granny Smith and Braeburn.
- Bring the pulp of an apple to a mushy state (with a pusher or immersion blender) and apply it in a circular motion to the cheek area. Remove residue after 15 minutes.
- Three pieces of apple, three pieces of carrot, half of lemon juice are mixed, the drink is drunk daily in the morning. What's the secret? Carrots contain potassium. It eliminates inflammatory processes, does not allow the skin to dry out. Carrots, like lemon, contain natural antioxidants and vitamins, so they act as a tonic.
Natural elastin on the windowsill and in the kitchen
Believe me, many women and even girls are worried about thin cheeks. How to make them plump without medical manipulation? The key to the answer lies in nature and its gifts. Aloe vera is famous for its medicinal properties. To achieve this goal, the juice is rubbed into the skin with even movements. The longer this process takes, the better. The optimal time is from half an hour to an hour.
There is an alternative - take it orally. But this is not for everyone. Folk methods say that you need to drink almost a glass every day. Who knows if it's worth the risk, what if it doesn't work out? The stomach, for example, will react differently, and other problems may arise. When caring for yourself, you must always remember - it's good that in moderation. Even if a girl is haunted by obsessive thoughts, how to make her cheeks plump at homeconditions, she needs to pull herself together, calm down and choose methods without risk, since the main thing is not to harm!

Extremes always lead to bad consequences. But in small doses, aloe juice even treats various inflammatory processes and increases the elastic properties of the skin. It is worth carefully studying this issue before proceeding with the use of it inside.
Get plump cheeks and not harm the body
For nutrition, moisturizing, soothing, maintaining the natural level of moisture, a pink-glycerin mixture is used. It mimics the action of antiseptic drugs.
Honey masks for external use are real magic. Firstly, honey moisturizes the skin, secondly, it prevents moisture loss, and thirdly, it forms a he althy shade and protects the cheeks from bacteria. Honey together with milk, kefir, cream has a better effect on the skin of the face.
Recipe for an exotic "potion": honey and papaya are combined in equal proportions and kept on the face for ten minutes. If you want something sweet, prepare yourself a tonic cocktail. To do this, mix a glass of milk, a spoonful of honey, butter, oats and grated hard cheese (2 tablespoons). After cooking, we eat. It is better to drink a glass of fresh orange juice, it is good if it is freshly squeezed. Although not required.
Milk soothes and normalizes the appearance of the skin. Oats prevent dryness. Orange juice from natural ingredients makes the face younger. Now you know how to plump up your cheeks.
Normal skin has natural fats at its disposal. If they are not enough, oils that contribute to saturation come to the rescue. The skin on the face will shine with a blush and visually appear rounder. Owners of skinny cheeks faced the problem of poor fat production. She decides. It is enough to adjust your diet and add more nuts and olive oil to your food, which is great for external use. It is rubbed into the cheeks with soft movements. It is desirable to do this after bath procedures and scrub application.
Coconut, almond and avocado oils are excellent remedies. They are amazingly nourishing for the skin. Therefore, their use will only benefit.
Useful tricks
- Say no to bad habits! Smoking, drinking alcohol adversely affect the beauty of women's cheeks. Under the influence of harmful substances, they lose elasticity, elasticity and become sensitive to external influences. All these factors make the cheeks skinny.
- Don't eat food with turmeric. Beauticians claim that it severely damages the skin.
- In the summer, it is advisable to cover your face with sunscreen. Because ultraviolet light makes the cheeks hard and tired.
- At the end of each day, just before going to bed, be sure to remove the remnants of makeup. This is done with the help of special liquids. Otherwise, the skin will deteriorate and look aged.

The physiology of the female body is a capricious thing. due to age and hormonalchanges occur in the appearance of a woman. The skin of the face is the first thing that affects everything. But if a person is aware, he is armed! Knowing how to get better in the face and how to make plump cheeks, a woman will be able to help herself and significantly slow down all the inevitable withering processes. The main thing is patience, a system and a reasonable approach. Of course, you want a quick result, but this is not always possible. Therefore, it is necessary to be diligent and constant in caring for yourself. Beauty takes effort!