Luke Youngblood is considered one of the most recognizable actors thanks to the very popular Harry Potter franchise. In this film, he played a rather memorable character and friend of Harry Potter - Lee Jordan. His character had a very bright character, combined with the character of the actor himself. That is why he was given this role with such extraordinary ease.

Films with Luke Youngblood
Luke's acting journey has not been as long as it may seem. He was lucky to capture his image and acting in the great film "Harry Potter". After that, one might say, he didn't really stand out anywhere.
Luke also appeared in such cinematic projects as "Classmates" and "Law Capital", playing in them not very significant roles. And if you ask at least one connoisseur of good and high-quality cinema about who Luke Youngblood is, he will either not even be able to remember this actor, or he will only remember the image of a small, loudly screaming and cheerful dark-skinned boy - a child who refereed Quidditch matches.

Luke Youngblood was born in 1989 (1986 according to some sources) and grew up in London. Until now, no one except his relatives knows anything about his family affairs. Not a single girl was seen with him. And do not think about his possible inclinations - that's all right. Luke Youngblood is known as a lone actor. He has already managed to earn on his own a fairly large fortune, estimated at half a million dollars. This made Luke Youngblood one of the top ten richest Hollywood actors.
Now the actor can be seen in some episodes of the series "Lie to me", as well as in the recently launched series "Galavant", characterized by its musicality and comedy.
So Lee Jordan (Luke's character in Harry Potter) has turned into a handsome, talented actor with incredible charisma.