The United States of America is the 4th largest in the world in terms of area. Despite its young age (the state is only 242 years old), its infrastructure and economy are ranked 5th in the world! There are 16 largest cities in the USA that are distinguished by modern architecture: skyscrapers, parks and, of course, bridges. The state is rich in rivers and lakes, as well as straits, swamps and bays. Bridges in the United States are so diverse in design, height and length that, naturally, they are of interest to tourists. There are about 50 large and interesting bridges in the United States, in this article we will consider only the most famous of them.
The beauty of bridges
Of course, almost all bridges built in the modern and young state of the USA are beautiful in their own way. They are majestic and amaze with their dimensions. But when designing such unique structures, architects and designers took care not only of functionality and reliability, but also of beauty. One such bridge is the New River George in Virginia.

It was built in 1977, and today it is the third tallest bridge in the United States. This road bridge, about a kilometer long, is located near the town of Fayetteville, inAppalachian, in the national reserve. His appearance is truly mesmerizing. The rich nature of those places gives the impression that the New River George seems to be buried in greenery, while, depending on the time of year, this spectacle is always colorful in its own way.
Bridges extending into the distance
In the ranking of the longest bridges in the world, the Pontchartrain Lake Dam Bridge in South Louisiana is ranked 8th. Its length is 38.5 km.

The bridge is supported by about 9,000 concrete pillars. It consists of two lanes opened in 1956 and 1969. This bridge cost about $38 million to build. It is the longest bridge in the US.
Another record holder of the American state is the bridge-tunnel across the Chesapeake Strait, Virginia, which is 28.5 km long. It is also one of the longest bridges in the US.

Also worth mentioning is the San Mateo-Highward Bridge - the longest in San Francisco (11.3 km), which carries about 90 thousand cars daily!
Bird's eye view
Sunshine Skyway Bridge them. Bob Graham, built in 1954, is also one of the most expensive projects ($ 244 million). The height of the structure is 131 m. The bridge has survived a number of reconstructions and disasters. Today it is the most beautiful structure across Tampa Bay, the beauty of which can be appreciated in the evening and at night. The bridge is lit with bright lights that are reflected in the smooth surface of the bay, this is truly an amazing sight.

The most famous bridges in the US
When talking about bridges in America, everyone will remember two of them at once. This is the famous Brooklyn Bridge and the stunning U. S. Bridge in San Francisco! These two unique buildings, and today also architectural monuments, we often see in American films, on posters, screensavers and in advertising. What is special about them?
Brooklyn Bridge is America's oldest suspension bridge. It is almost 2 km long, the bridge looks heavy and weighty. It took 13 years to build and was completed in 1883. The bridge is a symbol of old New York, today it has undergone a number of reconstructions and has acquired modern additions, in particular, lighting. The bridge is both vehicular and pedestrian. It offers stunning views of the city of skyscrapers.

This bridge has been considered a US national treasure since 1964.
And, of course, the most famous bridge in the United States of America - the Golden Gate Bridge in California. The San Francisco Suspension Bridge opened in 1933.
Its length is 2737 km. The bridge acquired its memorable appearance due to the bright red-orange color, which is created annually by 38 painters. Due to the natural features of the Golden Gate Bay, the bridge can often be seen drowning in fog, this mystical sight fascinates and at the same time, unfortunately, attracts suicides. The bridge, in addition to its unique beauty, has found a rather sad reputation for itself, becoming a favorite place for people who decide to leave this world.forever.

Bridges in the USA are distinguished by their modernity and functionality, and the Golden Gate Bridge is also distinguished by its beauty, length and height, which is 227 m above sea level. This stunning bridge, which fits so well into the nature and infrastructure of California, is not in vain considered a symbol of the United States.
Other bridges
But in addition to the beauty of weighty structures, road and rail bridges in the United States are always surrounded by the stone jungle or the colorful nature of the country.
George Washington Bridge in New York across the Hudson River passes about 300 thousand cars daily. This beautiful metal bridge with arches has a special charm, it personifies America. During his short life, he also experienced several reconstructions, was expanded and strengthened.
The Navajo Bridge in Arizona across the Colorado River looks more like some otherworldly structure. This mythical atmosphere is given by the red desert panorama of the Grand Canyon. Two lonely bridges (old and new) over the abyss of the river, very succinctly fit into the landscapes of those places.
Bridges and politics
Today anyone can admire the most famous bridges of the whole world. On the Internet and on TV screens, we see the bewitching panoramas that open from these bridges. Bridges in the US, like in any other country, have their own outstanding views and interesting stories of creation.
Today the world is also discussing the construction of a huge bridge in Russia across the Kerch Strait to the Crimea. careless statement inthe US government - to blow up the Crimean bridge gave rise to many rumors and legends in this regard. However, only time will put everything in its place, and we will hope that a careless statement is just another inept provocation.